Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Yup. That's where I go when I need a medallion signature or something notarized.
Not a single neighborhood financial institution, brokerage or bank, has a notary anymore (I checked a month ago).
Maybe because some kid is doing it at the local FED…
What a generous outpouring. Thank you, everyone. I'm not suggesting to end the thread, I'm just grateful. Tell ya what. If I ever move my investments to a brokerage it'll be to Fidelity.
@hank: yes a bumpy transition is exactly what I anticipate should I take the plunge. Bumpy would be welcome compared to a catastrophic transition.
No, I'm not buying a bicycle. it would get stolen anyway.
@Ben, I do believe your mind was already made when you posted. Stick with what you already think is best. But, over the years, there have been 10x the positive posts about brokerages such as Fidelity and Schwab then negative. I wouldn't dwell on the…
Ben: "My experience with (with Vanguard Brokerage) was different."
Maybe that's where the problem is: the brokerage you've been with. After many bad experiences with Vanguard from top to bottom, I left a dozen years ago for Fidelity and have not re…
One comment you made though has me baffled:
1) That's good if the agents are able to follow instructions and move the money from the MM sweep account into a new investment vehicle at the right time. But that does not always happen.
There is no i…
Some brokerage advantages in my mind are :
1) Money Market sweep accounts
2) Consolidation of investments (and Tax reporting) at 1 location.
Thank you for your reply.
1) That's good if the agents are able to follow instructions and move the …
Thanks, David. That not only clears up what I didn't understand today but also why I was unsure who owned and managed the Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund 20+ years ago.
I am surprise-a-fied.
Lot's of different opinions on that. Trump has been known to use "big league" in written material, but evidently not "bigly" (which is, actually, in the dictionary as an accepted word).
The problem with rebalancing via selling (in a non-IRA investment portfolio) is capital gains tax and possible fees if using a brokerage. Rebalancing via buying (without any selling) requires available money. Some planning, arithmetic and guessi…
Oh! Good idea. Now I understand.
I have never seen a junk mail filter that was 100% accurate. Every junk mail box I've seen gets an item of legitimate email, even important email, sent to it from time to time. This week any email from a friend in M…
I have never seen a junk mail filter that was 100% accurate. Every junk mail box I've seen gets an item of legitimate email, even important email, sent to it from time to time. This week any email from a friend in Milwaukee or from one Massachussett…
Capital loss can be used to reduce taxable income. It does not directly reduce the tax owed on a specific source of income. After offsetting capital gains leftover capital loss can be used to reduce overall taxable income. So it indirectly reduces …
Thanks. Yes a CG of 5.44 plus a few holdings that went down a bit in value would account for an apparent one-day loss of nearly 7%. Because my M* portfolio didn't show that more shares were bought with the CG it appeared like a substantial loss. Bu…
I have not seen anyone post on this forum anything that could be called "far left". Far Left is Stalin. Far Left is Mao.
Nah old Joe. Do respect your comments but disagree. I've read many many left comments on the financial boards here I feel …
I'm glad I couldn't figure out how bitcoin or any other form of crypto was valued, other than it was worth what anyone says it was at any point in time. Thus I opted to take the path going around that cesspool.
I couldn't have said it better myself…
Above each vertical column is a heading. The leftmost column is headed "name". Click on "name" and the names should arrange themselves alphabetically. Clicking on other headings will arrange the name numerically according to the heading.
In my opinion Jaron Lanier's cognitive abilities are somewhere between outstanding and astounding. Over the past 2 decades his ability to understand public sentiment and to envision the likelihood of the social and political outcomes of a manipula…
I'll do what I've always done. I'll send in a paper and ink return.
In light of the software makers fail to protect the customer’s private information, what will you do next year when filing your tax return in order to protect your privacy?
@newgirl: If I understand your question correctly you are contemplating selling shares of *one* mutual fund. If you set up your cost basis method as average cost basis you will not be identifying specific shares to sell, but just the number of share…
I am very sure that only short term loss can offset short term gain. Same goes for long term gain and loss.
The long term capital gains tax rate is 0%, 15% or 20% on most assets held for longer than a year. Short term capital gains taxes on asset…
Sven, why preferably long term? I know typical capital gains are long term but I think the IRS lets us use remaining short terms capital losses to offset long term capital gains on schedule D once the short term losses have offset short term capital…
I have had a modest investment in both Rondure funds since their inception. I've enjoyed reading Laura Geritz's commentaries and have understood them. This new one is causing my eyes to glaze over. I would have preferred plain English. The second pa…
Some stores are going Cash Only to mitigate robbery.
I don't understand.
Neither do I. Robbers prefer cash, real cash, dollar bills. No paper trail, no internet trail, just plain ol' spending money.
The customers can pay cash by several ways:
1. A bank check (merchants often need driver license plate number and another piece of ID). Last time I did that was over 20 years ago.
2. a debit card. Often the gas station charges $0.35 per purchase…
@Crash: noises don't entirely vanish but they are greatly subdued. The "ESB's" you mention are heard at a modest volume. Announcements from the cockpit are reduced from THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN to a volume where I know he is talking but I can't be sure …
I have a set of Bose noise-cancelling headphones. I don't use any app. I just use the phones. Simple. They work well. Very good for air travel. Not that I recommend air travel these days. Covid is raging and passengers pretend it isn't. But why wo…
How 'bout that! It worked.
I don't have a NY Times subscription myself.
I can usually read NY Times articles using the following process.
Google the exact title - "A Lost Manuscript Shows the Fire Barack Obama Couldn’t Reveal on the Campaign Trail" …
Was the word "this" highlighted in the second sentence?
Edit/Add: There was an embedded link associated with "this". The link was removed and then added to "Link".
I think it was not highlighted. Or I didn't notice. The new link works but th…