Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
This has happened to me twice in the past. A week later I got a letter in the post from SS saying they had miscalculated my last few months of payments and I should be expecting some payments to appear in my bank account. In other words the money…
In normal times I would be inclined to agree with the complaint. I have suggested in the past that political posts be moved to Off-Topic. But we are not living in normal times. Our government is in free-fall. The future of our way of life, indeed th…
Thanks for taking the time to reply, MSF. I should have been clearer. When I say had a capital loss from sold assets I meant that lines 15 and lines 16 are both losses on my schedule D for 2024. That is less than zero.
That's why I am asking. I k…
There is some opaque talk about the freeze not being rescinded, but rather the memo about the freeze is rescinded. I have no idea what that means. I am not sure the White House staff knows either.
We also have experienced ridiculous "delays" and a number of checks "lost" in the mail. Those checks were hand-mailed at the local post office. Today my wife went to that local post office to mail some checks and found it closed, no notice in window…
Me too. Got a cheap flip phone. It makes and receives phone calls.
So glad that we don't have a "smart"phone. Can't scan anything. Don't want to scan anything.
Update: I found I was able to see the data in Legacy by leaving the blank page by clicking "Help". Then I clicked the Go Back arrow in the web browser (Safari) and everything was there.
I wondered if I could repeat the small miracle. I closed the…
Same here. Blank page for Legacy. The new flavor lists categories but no specific funds.
9:11 p.m. EST Saturday, still an empty page when trying to look at Legacy. The new flavor does respond. Still stinky poopy.
I received the notice about new fees in the post today. The $100 fee for closing an account is particularly puzzling. If someone has a non-Roth IRA when they reach a certain age they are required by law to take annual distributions. That's the R in …
@Devo: thank you for taking the time and effort. My puzzlement and question was about one single sentence, not the context in which it appeared. I am a bit literal minded and a former English major oh so many decades ago. We agree that "an investo…
Apologies @Ben.
It should have been, "An investor is long a stock at whatever price they buy the stock."
The a was misplaced.
Thanks! Did I understand the meaning of the sentence?
Some of the jargon in the monthly commentaries is hard to understand but if I go slowly I can often work it out. But this sentence in the April Options article left me bewildered. "An investor is a long stock at whatever price they buy the stock."
I got "Account Suspended" early this morning. I eventually found a way around this nonsense by entering spaces between Mutual and Fund and Observer in the address bar.
I got "Account Suspended" early this morning. I eventually found a way around this nonsense by entering spaces between Mutual and Fund and Observer in the address bar.
I think Lenin and Stalin and Mao would be there. Poo Chin might be in the upper right quadrant. As for me, I landed in the lower left quadrant but not in the middle. I'm a bit to left of center of that square and a bit above center as well, due to …
I scrolled down and found it. I see where I am on the graph but what do the numbers mean? Minus x point y z? What the heck is that?
I "took" the test but when I click to see the result I am taken back to the intro page. Hmmm....
Whoops. That was my typo that I should have caught. Thanks for catching it.
@Ben- that's actually Shift+Command+4 for that sort of thing. I use that all the time.
@Crash- you know that we are in close agreement on the really important stuff, but so…
And if you don't want all of your screen to be seen you can do shift plus command plus 3 all at once. You can then, using the cursor, trace the part of the screen you wish to be included in the screen shot. but yes Old Joe's whole screen capture i…
Portfolio X-ray is still working for me. The screener was a different tool. I remember it being rather clumsy. Or maybe I used it clumsily.
Morningstar/MORN IPO was in 2005; +47.6% annualized growth since inception. Founder/Chairman Joseph Mansueto…
I just put the $ from credit union CDs that matured in November and December into 12 month CDs at 5.25%. The CD returns will balance any possible losses in the bond and stock markets.
@BaluBalu: good question/several answers. In my case, I'm a do-it-yourself kind of person. I don't try to do my own plumbing repairs. I'm gonna get it wrong. But once I make an investment decision, if I encounter a problem I'd rather try to fix it …
@EvanDGI: thank you for your speedy response and for addressing my concerns. I well understand that changes in a website portal or host or other changes can lead to unexpected missing elements. It has happened to me with a website whose business I w…
Thanks for your reply, Ben. DGI's apparent nonchalance about fixing the poorly constructed areas of their website made me wonder if they'd be equally careless with my bank info so I've chosen the Check Option instead.
@Ben: they were slow dealing …
Meanwhile the instructions for how to log in to new website that were sent to direct investors turned out to not work. Fortunately an able patient Grandeur Peak assistant on the phone walked me through the process.
Perhaps my memory of what was notarized at the local UPS stores near me is flawed. I'm pretty sure I got two medallion signature guarantees at one of them.
I can say one thing for sure: maybe 12 years ago local banks stopped being a sure bet for me…