Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Coming this late in the year it's not much benefit to those who receive RMD-s monthly.
I think that's what the "eligible for rollover" provision fixes. Anybody who took RMDs out before the bill passed can redeposit the amount they took out without …
Giggle. I read the title given to this new thread and thought it meant that someone or a group of someones--- known or unknown--- had bought monstrously gigantic amounts of Treasuries.
That's what I thought it meant, too.
I see how the origina…
Giggle. I read the title given to this new thread and thought it meant that someone or a group of someones--- known or unknown--- had bought monstrously gigantic amounts of Treasuries.
That's what I thought it meant, too.
I can only think of a handful of funds perhaps worth buying directly, and even those I question if it's worth the trouble and the security risks.
I get the part about security risks. "Not worth the trouble" is puzzling. What trouble? Investing dir…
Sorry. Wasn’t following the thread as carefully as should have. Your original question is perfectly clear. Mixaposition in my head.
No problem at all. :-)
As of this morning our Vanguard problems are solved. Not just one, but *three* intelligent, on-point, competent customer service folks were in succession over 3 days able to complete the transition to the Vanguard brokerage platform. Short version: …
Most of my holdings are with the fund families/transfer agent. For example, a newly opened/closed fund may be restricted with a brokerage, but not with the family that opened/closed the fund.
Yes, that's another good reason. Over the years I was abl…
I'm curious regarding investors who buy directly from fund families in 2022 like this one: How much does security concern you? How do you feel about sharing your social security number and birth date with yet another financial institution and entrus…
Sounds like @Ben is frustrated at FPA . I’m a bit confused because he appears to be dealing with one particular fund house here and perhaps looking to move to a different one.
I was frustrated at Vanguard, not at FPA. I have had no dealings with…
Not sure what FPA customer service you are seeking that their online site cannot provide?
Websites do not always work. There are so many instances where interaction with a human being is necessary. For instance, through no fault of my own I have b…
After today's conversations with Vanguard CSR-s I will likely remain with Vanguard. But I'm still curious about FPA. I still would like to know more about their customer service. Of course if there are no problems an investor has no need of customer…
Yes! And to my amazement I had positive interactions this morning with *two* Vanguard "CSR's and only a 4 minute wait for call back. It would be a relief if this is the new standard at Vanguard because I have no dissatisfaction with the fund manag…
Taking a wild guess : yes the return on a single dollar will be more on a low fee passive fund than on a active fund. But if the active fund nets 10% return in a year that its passive near-equivalent nets 5%, you're gonna make more money with the in…
...Contact FINRA. Smart choice. I must keep that in mind.
I did it once before with good results. FINRA acted swiftly and decisively. After a year of giving us the runaround suddenly Vanguard found a way to make amends.
Update: I phoned the Vanguard IRA dept Monday morning. A recording said they are too busy talking to other dissatisfied investors (not in those words of course) and if we leave a phone number they will call back within 19 to 29 minutes. 26 hours lat…
What bothers me is not a malfunctioning website. This can happen from time to time. What bothers me is the threat-loaded demand for compliance for which we must use broken tools. When I phone VG on Monday I will propose they keep the account un-tran…
Thank you. It's helpful to know that it works for some. I'll phone Vanguard again next week and be a "squeaky wheel". Our family has also avoided making the transition because competence at the Vanguard brokerage is often lacking. But now that we at…
About paying equal amounts quarterly vs one lump sum: In retirement my dad paid estimated taxes in a lump sum before the due date of the *first* quarter. The IRS was not made to wait until the end of the year and they never made a fuss.
I am not a tax professional. What follows is simply my experience: The fourth estimated tax payment for 2022 is due Jan 15th 2023. So you can be quite precise about what you owe by then. But... the IRS says they will not punish a tax payer who pays …
@Mona, as far as I can tell, so far, M* Investor Portfolios does everything M* Legacy Portfolio Manager does. It has more features but has not lost old features. BUT one must first convert each watchlist to a portfolio. It then migrates as a Portfol…
Thanks, @Ben, for those illuminating instructions. They were so good my conversions worked on the first try. Can't say it was something I would have discovered on my own. I did not look at M* linked instructions.
Good news. Thanks for letting me kno…
Update: Pigs Fly! I received a polite, sincere, and intelligent phone call from a Morningstar representative this afternoon, apologizing for the vague instructions for migration of portfolios and watchlists and for sending me an email message addre…
@sma3: I was as frustrated as you yesterday and at least as annoyed with Morningstar and even more so when they replied insipidly to my email messages. BUT... everything that was in my "legacy" portfolios (which it turns out were actually watchlists…
@msf: Yes, for years I entered shares owned to the mutual funds I entered in what I thought was portfolios but were actually watchlists. And it functioned perfectly well. But I found a button that allowed me to instantly convert "legacy" watchlists…
Can anyone here please explain how to convert a "legacy" watchlist to a portfolio? Morningstar is doing a good job of hiding that information. Thanks in advance.
A FEW MINUTES LATER: never mind, I figured it out.
OK, I worked it out. Apparently what I have been calling "portfolios" M* has been calling "watchlists". There is an option to migrate watchlists and that was quick and easy to use. But now M* has sent me a message about new terms. The email began l…
I also logged out and logged in again. That didn't help.
@yogubearbull. I did click Launch Investor. My portfolios are nowhere to be seen. I click on the Portfolios option on the Investor page and my only option is to create new ones. If I create a…
@yogubearbull. I did click Launch Investor. My portfolios are nowhere to be seen. I click on the Portfolios option on the Investor page and my only option is to create new ones. If I create a new one using the name I have already given to a Legacy …
The situation is currently worse than described in this thread. Morningstar is telling me my "Legacy" Portfolios have been migrated (by them) to Investor. And maybe they have but not anywhere where I can actually see them. I have sent an email to M*…
Whatever seems too good to be true has proved to be just that, at least in my life. I'm looking for the flaw here. So far the only flaw I see is that the composite rate ( [fixed rate + (2 x semiannual inflation rate + fixed rate x semiannual inflati…
So will I. Yes, transparent, informative, and friendly. Also I will no longer misread their name as "Zoo" or "Zero".
I will be sorry though see the brand Zeo go, as it dates back about as long as MFO. The shop was always transparent, informative, …
Why "Stalingrad" (now called "Volgograd")? And why would that deter Putin from further aggression? He has no regard for human life and this includes Russian lives. Volgograd has a population of about 1 million. I see nothing to suggest that the lo…
The poll problem is not Devesh's. I screwed something up in the setup but can't figure out what, and Chip is in Chicago on conference. My current plan is to wait for her return and, if we can fix the error, I will resend the link to the poll by mas…
It's back to $0 again. I wonder if it's a certain time of the day when they're settling accounts. Weird.
I think that must be right. I found it a zero in the late afternoon and 2 hours later it was back to $10.3 Million.