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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • Hi guys,

    Some old news.....last week added to PGTAX and HTECX. Not giving up on tech. If it just market performs, it will be good. Also added to VLIFX and VMACX. With fall coming and Christmas along with more rate cuts, I'm bullish. Will see how smaller things do.

    Yesterday opened positions in RSP for Mrs. Pudd. Hope the 497 start to work more as time goes on. We'll see. Also opened a position for my IRA: COWZ. Smaller stuff as I have enough S&P.

    Looking to sell MANU. Bought September 11th.....on the 13th they announced a $400 million addition to the company float. Not saying when, but later. So, I think I'm going to sell. Owned it for 9 days----made 5%----call it a win and leave.

    God bless
    the Pudd
  • Adding to smaller cap funds, consumer staples ETF, utility ETF, and VCIT, Vanguard Intermediate term corporate bond index. Will not reinvest T bills and CDs as they mature.
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