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  • edited August 23
    +1 @PRESSmUP

    I’m never opposed to reaping short term profits, especially in a volatile and risky area like EM. Glad this worked out for you.
  • edited August 23
    No moves. Just a serious case of whiplash. NSRGY lost over 5.5% yesterday down to $99.50 only to rise 6% today (as of 11:00 AM) to $105.50. My DCA cost was around $103. Nuts is all I can say.
  • Hi guys,

    Did some selling yesterday. Got rid of two (2) dogs: CIPMX and FSMEX. Both have done poorly for quite some time. Also sold IEO. I think I buy it back cheaper later on, so took the profit. Also sold FSELX I bought on August 7th for a nice 20% profit.

    Raising cash for September and October.

    God bless
    the Pudd
  • Added to current position in RCTIX and began a toe hold in WCPNX.
  • During today's washout I added small amounts to XLG & FTEC. I also made small purchases of GQEPX and FXAIX at pricing to be determined.
  • Bought a position in PRPFX …. Thanks for the great analysis here on that fund
  • In the IRA: Cut the mmk in half, doubled the stake in XONE for higher rates.

    In the taxable: Pushed a few kopeks into SMH and XMHQ.
  • Increased position in CPIEX
  • edited September 5
    I believe I’m done on this thread. Friday I consolidated down from 10 positions (10% each) to 8 positions (12.5% each). One of the 8 positions is cash - but largely kept in short term bond funds. The 2 positions dumped were the long-short fund NLSAX and a 3-stock collection that totaled 10%. While FLO has climbed a little this week, both NSRGY and RIO have gotten hit since I sold. RIO in particular looks to be down 6 or 7% over the past couple days Whew! Made a little playing - but not worth the time, attention, aggravation individual stocks require. I’ll leave that game for some of a different temperment.
  • bot tcaf on last dip
  • edited September 6
    In the taxable: Tacked on a few more shares of SMH, so I have about doubled my holding--which isn't saying much. If it drops below the price I paid in February I'll buy more.

    I'm not feeling the need to buy anything else at the moment.

    In the IRA: Nothing shaking but the leaves on the trees. I have enough equity to suit me. I'm watching bonds, and staying on the short end of duration for now. Am I missing out? Maybe. Positions in FSUTX, GLIFX, and IYK have been keeping me cool during the long Arizona summer.
  • edited September 6
    "Positions in FSUTX, GLIFX, and IYK have been keeping me cool during the long Arizona summer."

    Don't know if you're in the Phoenix area, but Phoenix experienced 100 consecutive days
    with temperatures over 100 degrees as of several days ago.
    This shattered the previous record of 76 consecutive days set in 1993.
    Stay cool!
  • "Positions in FSUTX, GLIFX, and IYK have been keeping me cool during the long Arizona summer."

    Don't know if you're in the Phoenix area, but Phoenix experienced 100 consecutive days
    with temperatures over 100 degrees as of several days ago.
    This shattered the previous record of 76 consecutive days set in 1993.
    Stay cool!

    I'm in the East Valley, where Satan buys his hinges.
  • Talk about "hot money!"
  • Old_Joe said:

    Talk about "hot money!"

    Think twice about picking up that stray penny on the sidewalk.
  • Couldn’t help myself. Added some VTI to the IRA.
  • edited September 11
    In the IRA: I asked myself why I owned IHDG. Self had no good answer. Self remembered @Devo's article on foreign funds from a few months back. Self sold IHDG. I am still 8% foreign equity. Some of that is a diminishing holding in GGSYX that has been on life support for a while now.

    I moved to decrease my cash/mmk position. I tacked on to WSHNX, WCPNX, THOPX, and USTB. I opened a new position in CBLDX to replace IHDG.

    In the Taxable: Tacked on to XMHQ, PFF, CSGZX, and FSCSX.
  • Hi guys,

    Opened a new position in Man U yesterday at $15.50. So will see how it goes.

    God bless
    the Pudd
  • Sold SR/A (now callable) a few cents under par. The cap gains received are a years' worth of dividends and I can move the money into other opportunities.
  • New purchase of ADVNX, another big slug of 6 month tbills and adding a little more PHEFX as well as small initial purchase of ARBOX....
  • Been adding to home builder stocks, DHI (DR Horton) and PHM (Pultegroup). Still pretty small positions overall but I want to play the trend. My biggest holding in that arena is BLDR (Builders Firstsource) which I've bought and sold a few times over the years. Also been moving more MM cash to existing bond funds, CSOAX (Credit Suisse strategic income) and IGIB (iShares 5-10 Year Investment Grade Corporate Bond)... FWIW.
  • BF, I never owned a convertible fund - I do not think I understand how they might react to different market situations. Why are you drawn to it?
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