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  • Thanks. I appreciate your help with a Link. I'm interested as M* Christine Benz mentioned it recently for retirees, RMD, and Income streams...
    April 2024
  • johnN
    Hi sir..welcome.

    ..this board is very civilized so far... you can post anything related to Investments: eft Mutual funds 401k cd saving acct questions cef etc.. as long a sx the contents are not way out there and not politically maybe accepted...welcome to post any Investments article you find...

    Probably best to email catch22 old-Joe crash old_skeet they have many more muni and fixed income ideas more than I do

    Deems like they really like FLAAX and Aznax lots recently
    January 2020
  • Level5 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    January 2016