Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
As I am getting close to retirement next year, I will complete conversion of DSEEX to PHSKX & VLAAX (reason - DSEEX March 2020 performance, too volatile).
They are serving need of the people to socialize and NOT the will of the politicians. They will become more powerful standalone. They are not tied to physical links like phone company. This is my take on this. Politicians like DT will exploit 3 chan…
I get my electricity - 100% Wind - a small contribution to the planet, will buy EV when practical.
R - no global warning, I get my flowers a bit early - fine, summers are hot - who care - I have central AC, keeps me cool always.
I get my subsidized …
I was waiting for this. Republican Supreme Court Judges are going to invalidate the election in battleship states & Trump will be declared the Winner. We also have electoral college people voting for Trump even if Trump lost the state. So, keep …
Leave the cultist X and back to the topic. What do you think will happen if JY is not confirmed by Republican Senate (I am assuming they will win a seat in GA - all election people are being threatened by the cultists and some will buckle, DT is pre…
Going to ride the wave - Trump will be the ultimate winner - from Stop the count to count every vote to litigations in courts and count-recount etc. the Republican controlled State legislatures will decide on the future President - Tramp now but Tru…
I really feel sorry for ICE Car manufacturers. They all have PLANS but no real products. I would have loved Toyota Rav4 Prime with 100 miles pure electric - but T is only planning to release 5000 for all USA with 42 miles pure electric - from a comp…
U.S. Wind and Solar Installations-Trend May Not Last-I doubt that. Trillion $ companies are trying to become carbon neutral in 15-20 years. They don't rely on subsidies. Electric cars for the masses (Million Mile Battery) & new kid on the block …
Liar-in-Chief Hosted by mighty FOX, who else?
Cultist will never see this way.
FOX - "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it."
Obama couldn't stop Russians meddling (same on him) but now we have friendly Govt for them to operate freely.
Democrats are stupid. Trump gives so much pointers to them to act on but they are just sitting on behind. If Obama has said what Trump has…
Harris may not be even born American as our Supreme leader President Trump said in an interview on Fox network . I don't know if that is a precondition for VP, I know it is for the President. She may be disqualified before the debate with VP Pence.
It's not about jobs coming back but leaving permanently as we speak. Companies like Vanguard & TVA (high profile) are moving the IT jobs to India. It's not that they can't afford IT jobs done by American workers but greed supreme.Those jobs are …
As longs as we have back stop from the FEDs, we are fine. If market goes down by 2-4% in a day or two, they will be touting the initiative they are taking (unlimited QE) and the market will go up. I don't know what it will take the 'experts' like Ja…
Stimulus will be there in some form or fashion so riskier investments are new normal. Central Banks will be there to back stop any decline so fear not and march ahead.
Having reached 10% allocation in both BIAWX & VWIAX, I am starting a new pair - VLAAX (50-70% Allocation) & PHSKX (mid cap growth) - using funds from VMVFX sale & selling now USMV for the same reason.
My reply is satirical and full on contradictions. It is based on the fact that there is NO outrage with so many people dying so how does this matter. White race supporters of DT (GOP doesn't count, they don't speak against him even if he is plain wr…
May be it is fake news - All told, the U.S. government has committed more than $6 trillion to arrest the economic downturn from the pandemic (2.35T spending signed by DT and about 4T by Feds).
We are already spending TRILLIONS directly, the money we don't have. Don't add value of loss of life, old people would have died anyway even with normal flu - sh*t happens. Lost productivity - you can see in negative GDP (healthcare will be positive…
I am sure US does the same - mostly very open on terrorists who harms us directly or indirectly but I am sure there are many secret ones. Nothing is fair in this spying game.
Chop-Chop-Chop Millionaires got Stimulus - no body complains. Pub's complaining minimum wage workers with no Health Insurance not making LIVING WAGE not going to work. Economy needs to be OPENED so those lowly workers can go to work, damn the virus.…
Remember - once you die you don't need insurance. Obamacare is too expensive. I will be paying 11,000 US$ for Cobra coverage for my wife on high deductible insurance plan once I leave my cozy company plan. God Bless America.
We will still win. Majority of the states are controlled by Republicans and they will be conducting the elections and you know who they will favor. Remember 14 hour wait in Georgia for casting votes in primaries there, not the norm but who knows - s…
Take profits but don't fight the FED-biggest manipulator of the stock market, Congress/Senate - stimulus, Republicans - tax break for the rich, US bank regulators - easing Volcker's rule etc. etc. etc.
No recession, FED will be there before you know it. This market recovery from March is not from fundamentals but FED pumping liquidity & TRILLIONS of borrowed money as stimulus.
Elon Musk was proactive and set up the GIGA FACTORY first & now working on TERA FACTORY. Are others working on it? Demand/Interest for/in EV is high but due to battery production limitations, it is not working for any other company. We HEAR so m…
Republican people have lost their soul to hatred and racism.
Evangelicals believe Trump is messenger of GOD.
Democratic party has been without any credible leader for quite some time (Sorry state of affair).