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2025 Trump Executive Orders



  • Well, Part "A" has already been accomplished, and Part "B" is underway.
  • edited January 24
    Old_Joe said:

    Well, Part "A" has already been accomplished, and Part "B" is underway.

    We will have to ORGANIZE and MOBILIZE in order to resist the onslaught. I recall the hippie days. The resistance to the Establishment was huge. Sometimes organized, as in protest marches, etc. But the very AIR was filled with the taste of resistance. We were gonna change the world. Gradually, the movement died. Like all movements, I suppose. I see that some doink in the House has submitted a Bill to allow Trump a third Term. We are so far off the rails!

    Tighten the border? OK, but not with stormtrooper tactics. Anyone who knows history should be terrified right now. But the average Joe is clueless. And Average "Joe" is convinced that he doesn't NEED to learn about anything else. Bowing at the Altar of Ignorance.

    And standing there, as big as life, and smiling with his eyes;
    says Joe, "what they can never kill," went on to ORGANIZE.

    "Joe Hill." Joan Baez. Dear, dear Joan.

    And as for "Average Joe:"
    Bob Dylan: "License To Kill."
    Now he worships at an altar by a stagnant pool;
    And when he sees his reflection, he’s fulfilled
  • edited January 24

    I will NEVER forgive and forget a president that scorns America's veterans while at the same time pardoning, praising and excusing nazi's and insurrectionists.
  • @Crash- Sir: Speaking as an older average "Joe" I take extreme exception to your slanderous and unwarranted remarks.:(
  • edited January 24
    "Tighten the border? OK, but not with stormtrooper tactics. Anyone who knows history should be terrified right now."

    Exactly: Here are excerpts from a current Off-Topic discussion:
    A major step in the disintegration of the United States is going to be the political takeover of the military, who will become the Nazi SS political police of the Federal government. We have already seen the first move here: the removal of the commandant of the US Coast Guard. The Coast Guard has quickly fallen in line- they now refer to the "Gulf of America". That didn't take long, did it?

    And so it begins-

    The Pentagon is rushing to cobble together options for an operation that President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency. These additional service members and capabilities, if all approved, would vastly expand the military’s footprint from Texas to California, where roughly 2,500 troops are positioned to assist U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the detection and apprehension of migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally.

    The effort underway now could include well over 10,000 soldiers and Marines, defense officials said.

    The Army is considering deploying the headquarters of the 10th Mountain Division, which is commanded by a two-star general, officials said. The infantry unit is based at Fort Drum in northern New York — not far from the Canadian border — and is available if needed, officials said.

    Discussions also have included sending a brigade of infantry soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division in North Carolina and a mechanized unit with Stryker combat vehicles from the 4th Infantry Division in Colorado. Each brigade has more than 3,000 soldiers, but it’s not clear whether all of them would deploy.

    The above is excerpted from a current report in The Washington Post.
  • Old_Joe said:

    @Crash- Sir: Speaking as an older average "Joe" I take extreme exception to your slanderous and unwarranted remarks.:(

    OJ, then you clearly misundertook me. My remarks were pointing to the Orange Kool-Aid Winos. No logic, no learning, no Critical Thinking, no astuteness. The lovely people to whom Churchill referred in his "5-minute conversation" remark.
  • Ah.... then you must have meant "average Crashes"

    (I was just pushing your buttons, you know.)
  • Old_Joe said:

    Ah.... then you must have meant "average Crashes
    (I was just pushing your buttons, you know.)

    Okey doke.:)

  • edited January 24
    Hondo: Why don't you folks give Trump a little time?

    FD: on this board? The guys here are so extreme. If Trump says air is good for you, the Dems may stop breathing. Biden was the worst president in decades, and they can't admit it. They will never post that Trump did or will do anything better. TDS

    BTW, any time someone mentions Hitler or Nazis, they lose the debate, IMO. Using shocking words doesn't make the case better. Every little thing makes the Dems publish bombastic statements. Unless you experience the Holocaust, I suggest you educate yourself.
  • About Biden and his record, and about extremism, you fully do not know what you are talking about, and as I said before, I am really, really surprised to see this from you
  • edited January 24
    Crash said:

    So give him some time
    Yes, he's transparent. I am fixed upon the news. I think we can admit some level of decline with Joe. I certainly did not like all of Joe's policies. I find almost all of Trump's policies distasteful. He doesn't hide anything. For me, it will ever remain a point of consternation that the country elected a pervert felon. The entire environment has been infected. This is not the country it once was. This is not the USA which defeated the Nazis. These days, I'm reading in horror about Brown Shirt Hitlerian ICE tactics. (See what was done in Newark?) The Third Reich was built because people chose to ignore too much awful junk. "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." (Churchill.) More and more, voters refuse to think, or just don't care about the obvious evil. It disgusts me. I don't agree with every word from the Bishop at the National Cathedral the other day, either. But she's on target.

    Oh well. I had a very nice long reply typed up for you, but decided to delete it. What good would it do. There is no way I would make you see the light about the Democrat party. Besides, this is suppose to be an investment forum, not about politics. I'm out of here and hope the guy running this forum will delete this whole thread.
  • @FD1K - who said "BTW, any time someone mentions Hitler or Nazis, they lose the debate, IMO." Apparently you haven't been paying attention. His tactics are right out of the Hitler/nazi playbook. Spend a little time educating yourself instead. One does not need to experience the Holocaust personally to know that it was wrong ethically and morally by anyway one choses to measure it. My grandparents lived it, my father fought against it, I don't need your silly opinion.
  • edited January 24
    Mark said:

    K - who said "BTW, any time someone mentions Hitler or Nazis, they lose the debate, IMO." Apparently you haven't been paying attention. His tactics are right out of the Hitler/nazi playbook. Spend a little time educating yourself instead. One does not need to experience the Holocaust personally to know that it was wrong ethically and morally by anyway one choses to measure it. My grandparents lived it, my father fought against it, I don't need your silly opinion.

    I said in my last post that I was through with this thread, but Mark punched my button.

    So, I might mention that the Democrat tactics are right out of the Communist playbook.
    First keep the opponent off the ballot. That didn't work so__
    Put the opponent in jail. That didn't work so --
    Kill the opponent. That didn't work either so --
    He got elected. So what next?
    Oh, I know..Lets call him a Nazis. That will work.

    There are many of us who's father fought against the Nazis and I am old enough to remember World War II, so I don't need your silly opinion either.

    Thank goodness enough of the American people were smart enough to elect Trump instead of a Marxist. Yes, her father teaches Marxism at Stanford and he surely raised her as a Marxist. I might add that her running mate spends so much time in China that he may be a Communist. Obama's grandfather raised him and he was a self proclaimed Communist, so one could expect that Barrack was raised Communist. Don't forget Bernie Sanders, he is a self proclaimed Socialist.

    I believe that the Democrat leadership is trying to lead America to Communism. Not the rank and file Dems but the leadership. The rank and file don't even know they are being lead in that direction.

    So all of you liberals should get off your high horse. You lost the election.

    Thats all.
  • edited January 24
    Thanks for the view from the 1950s, Senator McCarthy.
  • @FD1000

    Trump received 77,301,997 votes
    Harris received 75,017,626 votes

    Yes, there are a whole bunch of very concerned people, including countless Republicans, and growing by the day.
  • edited January 25
  • edited January 24
    So, I might mention that the Democrat tactics are right out of the Communist playbook.
    First keep the opponent off the ballot. That didn't work so__
    Put the opponent in jail. That didn't work so --
    Kill the opponent. That didn't work either so --
    He got elected. So what next?
    Oh, I know..Lets call him a Nazis. That will work

    It's the "Grand Old Party" which resisted at first, but then succumbed to Orange's amoral and unethical assault on the Constitution, which he's sworn to uphold, twice. Didn't take him long to forsake it. Trump is a convicted felon. If not for the election win, there would be further convictions, and REAL sentences. Falsifying business records to cut down on insurance expense. Sexual abuse, then libeling his victim. Stealing classified documents. Paying hush-money to cover up infidelity during the campaign. Urging the insurrectionists to attack the Capitol during the Electoral count. Election interference in Georgia.

    No one is unhappy the would-be assassin is dead. Murder is always wrong. He was elected because American voters are as dumb as rocks. But "we get the leaders we deserve." ---Bill Maher.
  • As our new dictator demands we blindly follow him down this dark road, we should really "give him a chance"? Maybe some of you have been fooled by this man, but many of us who see though the charade.

    He cares not about America nor the poor, nor anybody else - but about DONALD. It's not America first - it's DONALD first. Donald's crypto, Donalds own publicly traded stock, Donald should get a 3rd term. Show your love for Donald. Make Donald rich. Kiss the rings.

    In Isaiah 53, a chapter in the Hebrew Bible, a virtuous servant is murdered but does not protest: "Like a sheep being led to the slaughter or a lamb that is silent before her shearers, he did not open his mouth" (Isaiah 53:7).

    We will not follow a psychopath and we certainly will not go down quietly. Pity those who can't see through the con and spout terms like "TDS" on his behalf.

    If the USA was circling the drain under Biden, it's now taking the express (flush) train down past the sewer below.... and straight to Hell. Expected this sh*t in a 3rd world country, but not here. Not like this.

    The Democrats blew it this election, and the cost on this one will be tremendous. This country is screwed.
  • Bingo. Well put.
  • Mona said:


    Trump received 77,301,997 votes
    Harris received 75,017,626 votes

    Yes, there are a whole bunch of very concerned people, including countless Republicans, and growing by the day.

    +1. And it might be worth mentioning here that essentially all of the House Jan 6 committee's witnesses were Republicans.

  • FOTUS just sacked over a dozen agency inspector generals (ie, the independent watchdogs) in a shocking late-night Friday massacre.....including some that HE appointed the last time.

    So yeah, I do think the next 4 years are going to be as bad as people are thinking it will be...
  • @JD_co. You say “The Democrats blew it this election. “. I say the 77,301,997 Americans who voted for him blew it. My mail man or the dog catcher who patrols our neighborhood would be less destructive to democracy, the general health and well being of Americans and the future of our country than the abomination they voted for. And they will being paying for it shortly.
  • FD1000, your ignorance is astounding. Orange turd sent a bunch of knuckle dragging, white trash to congress to stop the election certification. If you read all the internal emails and listen to testimony of insiders the plan was to cause as much confusion as possible. Lawsuits, storming the capital, lies, lies and more lies. The hope was the Supreme Court would take one of the 60 lawsuits that dipshit Giuliani filed and ultimately send the issue to congress where each state would have one vote. So popular vote and electoral college votes would be out the window. Well that means Trump tried to take my vote away and that pisses me off. People fought and died so I have the right to vote and decide who my leaders will be and that fraud of a human being is such a bitch that he couldn’t take losing a fair and free election. Let’s remember ZERO evidence has ever been offered up to prove election was stolen. Maybe you just roll over a let people take your rights away, but I don’t. Grow a pair.
  • Anyone who supports Trump has to answer a simple question for me. How could he pardon people convicted by honest juries of seditious conspiracy to overthrow the US government only a few minutes after taking an oath to “preserve, protect and defend “ the Constitution?

    This nation used to be a nation of laws, not men. That meant that the law applied to everyone equally. But now we are a nation of “you can do anything as long as POTUS will pardon you”.

    He fired Federal Inspector Generals whose only job is to audit expenditures and procedures to ensure federal agencies are following the law.

    He has suspended peer review committees at the NIH, so research grants to fight cancer will not be funded. He froze all hiring for at least 90 days in all federal agencies. Well if your dad needs a critical operation in a VA hospital but the surgeon was supposed to start Monday, good luck, bro.

    If your grandmother is in a nursing home, how long do you think it will take for the staff to respond if all the menial workers, many illegal immigrants, are not there?

    Folks here who are trying to defend the “shock and awe” need to look in detail at the practical, very adverse consequences of what this MAGA crew is doing.

    Do you really think this will be good for the US economy and the stock market?
  • edited January 25
    sma3 said:

    Anyone who supports Trump has to answer a simple question for me. How could he pardon people convicted by honest juries of seditious conspiracy to overthrow the US government only a few minutes after taking an oath to “preserve, protect and defend “ the Constitution?

    Don't hold your breath for an answer here. These Trump supporters are not capable of an intelligent dialogue; only throwing out pot shots. Right FD1000?
  • sma3 said:

    Anyone who supports Trump has to answer a simple question for me. How could he pardon people convicted by honest juries of seditious conspiracy to overthrow the US government only a few minutes after taking an oath to “preserve, protect and defend “ the Constitution?

    This nation used to be a nation of laws, not men. That meant that the law applied to everyone equally. But now we are a nation of “you can do anything as long as POTUS will pardon you”.

    There's a lot that Trump has done, is doing, will do that is unconstitutional. Revoking birthright citizenship by fiat is a simple example. And many acts are unconscionable, such as failing to show "mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now." Verily, he acts to create that fear.

    But ... the pardons were within the scope of the law, utilizing executive power granted by the Constitution itself. Perhaps the last vestige of absolute power in the Constitution, but there nevertheless. Rail against the pardons for pragmatic reasons, for reasons of principle, but not on legal grounds.

    About that oath - is swearing without touching the Bible like crossing your fingers?:-)
  • @msf - You don't understand. The Bible is the "hand" of God. It rests on a bigger Bible. God thinks one hand is on the Bible and one in the air. This is how someone declares themselves God.... Make sense now?
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