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  • johnN
    Hi sir

    If you want look at my trades
    Follow me at twitter

    February 2023
  • johnN
    Thx sir

    Maybe take a long swimming laps in the back pool

    Been buying couple aggressive stocks..too busy w work did not watch them few hrs
    After lunch they Plunges -20%

    Gotta hit that sale button fasr
    July 2021
  • johnN
    Hi Sir maybe in 4-10 yrs but not end of this yr IMHO. May reach 70s--30s
    March 2021
  • johnN
    Hi sir got this from journalwatch
    /The pandemic's future: Researchers with the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) used data from influenza pandemics to predict the future course of the COVID-19 outbreak. They estimate that the outbreak will likely last 18 to 24 months, and 60%–70% of the population may need to be immune for the pandemic to end. They offer three potential scenarios for future waves of the outbreak and advise leaders to prepare for the worst-case scenario — that is, the current wave is followed by a larger wave in the fall or winter of 2020, with at least one smaller wave in 2021/

    We maybe in for the long hall
    May 2020
  • johnN
    Thx sir
    February 2020
  • johnN
    Hi sir don't step on Ted shoes lol
    September 2018
  • johnN
    Yes sir... 401k mostly indexes bonds 80%stocks20%bonds. Private portfolios usually bought individual bonds. Sometimes preferred stocks or stable income stocks. I just hate to pay all those funds fee and at end performance worst than indexes
    May 2018
  • Hi Mark,

    I'm building a portion of my portfolio with individual stocks to generate income. It's hard finding any good deals in this market. I've found two that I thought I'd share:

    UMPQ ( regional bank in Oregon, WA, and Idaho ) that yields 3.7%. I'm waiting for a pullback before buying. Hoping to start position around 16 per share

    SNY ( you probable know about this one )

    Take care
    March 2017