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  • bee
    bee Mona
    Hi Mona,

    Regarding a recent post. Not sure it’s a good idea to put exact dollar amounts on websites like these. Use percentage if necessary.
    May 2024
  • What is your name at BB?
    September 2023
  • Hi Mona,

    My Grandfather was a farmer and rancher. He used futures to sell cattle and crops before they were ready in order to lock in a guaranteed price. This is easy to understand.
    These funds like VCMDX, IVOL, COM, DRSK, and SWAN use treasuries to collateralize derivatives. Owning commodity funds is risky, but so are high market valuations, and inflation.

    Morningstar does show that the 30 day Sec Yield is -1.91%, but the twelve month trailing yield is 0.43%. I only have 3% of my portfolio in VCMDX. I have another 4% in FSRRX and 1% split between COM and EAPCX.

    Funds that did relatively well during the 2020 crash are COM, FSRRX, DBA, VCMDX, and EAPCX. I look for funds that have not risen to the extremes of the S&P500 and have good momentum. Small allocations to gold such as IAU or GLD may also add protection. I think it wise to be diversified.

    Best Wishes in your search!
    May 2021
  • johnN
    It will be very interesting to see data /demographics of those getting infected in your areas
    March 2020
  • johnN
    Hi Mona
    You are exactly right
    Patients with immuno compromised states may do get pneumonia or flu viral infections during late spring or summer, or fall. We dont know the exact reasons. Dr Fauci today states that the are getting increased numbers in africa because they are heading toward winter conditions. I hope their public health/states are properly repaired otherwise many will suffer/deceased from these illness. My family member works in Er and they do see flu/viral infections in elderly or HIV patients/tobacco smokers all season around ...usually they don't see many young kiddos with flu symptoms in spring summer or fall.

    The best treatment maybe prevention, developement of therapeutic vaccines, good proper antivirals and antibiotics
    medications and early detection/early social distancing.

    March 2020
  • BobC
    For us, MAPIX fits the bill, since most of the fund's holdings are companies that directly or indirectly do business with China. Only about 35% is Hong Kong/China stocks. The rest are Japan at 30% and other regional economies. It gives us China exposure without being overly committed. At least it works for us, and the dividend is an additional risk tamper.
    February 2016