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  • edited 9:06AM
    Sold all the CEFs purchased in the first couple weeks of ‘25. The last one acquired, RLTY (bought 1/10), did best. All bounced after rates on the 10-year reversed trend earlier this week. Pocketed a 4-5% gain on the CEF collection (including 2 pending distributions). Rolled entire amount into RAPAX - a real assets fund (45% real estate) late yesterday. Equity exposure should end up north of 45% after dust settles. With the earlier mentioned dive into GAA yesterday I’m not planning any more excursions for a while. I think ‘25 will be a harder year to make money. Preservation paramount.
  • In the IRA: Seemed like a good day to sell micro positions in ICLN and GGSYX for micro losses. I just don't see any reason to expect a turn around any time soon given their global exposure.

    I continue to hold GRID and its micro gains. Given its foreign exposure, we shall see how it does in the threatened tariff environment. I also hold it in my taxable, and will continue to hold it there since I feel no need to "simplify" it.

    Actual MM cash was at 8%, and most of that has gone into FLOT. There is still a little bit of cash for opportunistic buying should Mr. Market take a flash stumble. I am not predicting such an event or I would have left more in cash.
  • edited 11:57AM
    Mona said:

    @Observant1, which portfolio manager at BISAX used to work for David Samra at ARTKX?

    Hi Mona,

    I was referring to ARDBX portfolio managers but should have been clearer.
    My post was updated to improve clarity.
  • Took some extra cash and put it in FLOT after reading about it on here. Not much more than MM but as I tell my kids. It's just a couple clicks. I finally got my daughter to move money from a bank to VG MM after telling her the interest rate difference was ~$2/month compared to ~$80/month. Rates matter.
  • gman57 said:

    Took some extra cash and put it in FLOT after reading about it on here. Not much more than MM but as I tell my kids. It's just a couple clicks. I finally got my daughter to move money from a bank to VG MM after telling her the interest rate difference was ~$2/month compared to ~$80/month. Rates matter.

    I've got that t-shirt :)
  • Resting 500s starter position in AMLP filled this afternoon. Happy to add more as appropriate.
  • rforno said:

    Resting 500s starter position in AMLP filled this afternoon. Happy to add more as appropriate.

    That fund and related holdings have had a nice run over the last 4 years. Quite the chart. I've got to think the trend is your friend absent a black swan event which would crater demand for energy from those sources.

  • PRESSmUP said:

    rforno said:

    Resting 500s starter position in AMLP filled this afternoon. Happy to add more as appropriate.

    That fund and related holdings have had a nice run over the last 4 years. Quite the chart. I've got to think the trend is your friend absent a black swan event which would crater demand for energy from those sources.

    I don't see pipelines being a problem anytime soon, trend notwithstanding .. especially those with an emphasis on natgas. I hold large multidecade quantities already in a few names.

    I sold my Canadian pipelines earlier this week on tariff concerns, but would love to buy 'em back sometime.

  • Is ALMP the Alerian MLP ETF, or something else?
  • @Old_Joe:

    AMLP - Alerian MLP
    ALMP - A plumbing business
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