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Too cynical for me, and not in accord with my (long) experience in business or finance. Wondering if you know many fund managers; I do a few. All my questions are serious, although you may be one who simply enjoys or automatically leans toward impugning; interesting you take an assertion being challenged as being combatted. Whatever. You wrote what you wrote. I called you on it. That's all.


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  • I have run the numbers of the cumulative effects of inflation the last 4 years also
    October 2024
    • davidrmoran
      and? I mean, post substantiation of what you asserted.

      >> yeh -that REALLY keeps up with inflation doesnt it??? Good God

      Would be helpful. Unless you just want to perpetrate the gov is fraud thing or whatever it is.

      I mean, do whatever it is should be done publicly, not here with me.
  • Hello David, I bought TCAF at Fidelity. Thanks.
    June 2023
  • johnN
    hi sir sorry others do the same to me all the time..thx so much..
    May 2020
  • johnN
    Hi sir sorry...did not see article you posted from yesterday...want me take it down?
    May 2020
    • davidrmoran
      absolutely not, no one else noticed it either
  • johnN
    MarketBeat Dividend Advisor GOOD DIV chart fyi Quick Links: My MarketBeat, Account Settings, Dividend Screener, Dividend Declarations, Ex-Dividend Stocks, Recent Dividend Increases, Special Dividends & High-Yield Stocks.

    Here is a summary of dividend news, ex-dividend stocks and new dividend announcements, brought to you by MarketBeat:

    Top Dividend News
    • AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. Announces 2019 Interim Dividend
    • AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. Reports Second Quarter 2019 Results and Updates Full Year 2019 Guidance
    • Buyouts And Consolidation Could Perk Up U.S. Midstream Oil And Gas Stocks
    • [Special Gift] #1 Retirement Playbook For IRA/401K Account Holders (Ad)
    • 5 Dividend Aristocrats Where Analysts See Capital Gains
    • Redwood Capital Bancorp: Strong Second Quarter Earnings –Continued Dividend
    • Stryker declares a $0.52 per share quarterly dividend
    • MGP Ingredients Declares $0.10 Quarterly Dividend
    • CDW Declares Cash Dividend of
    August 2019
  • The deliberate misrepresentation of the SS Trust Fund (and the press' inability to report accurately) is all too common.

    You can see how the Treasuries owned by the Trust are dismissed as "mere IOUs" in this Heritage Foundationmemo.

    In essence, the Treasury handles all the cash (takes in income taxes, payroll taxes, disburses SS payments), and issues Treasuries to SSA for the net inflow. Heritage calls these "IOUs".

    Heritage conveniently omits the fact that this is equivalent to Treasury collecting the SSA revenues, handing them to SSA, then taking the money back (as loans) and issuing Treasuries. The same way as you or I would buy Treasuries.

    Just as Congress has outsourced legislation to the businesses it is supposed to be regulating, the press has outsourced analysis to the entities it is supposed to be reporting on, simply reprinting PR.
    November 2016
  • Too cynical for me, and not in accord with my (long) experience in business or finance.
    Wondering if you know many fund managers; I do a few.
    All my questions are serious, although you may be one who simply enjoys or automatically leans toward impugning; interesting you take an assertion being challenged as being combatted.
    Whatever. You wrote what you wrote. I called you on it. That's all.
    February 2016
  • I am sending a PM becuase I didn't want to clutter up that thread with back and forth as I intend to keep it for more gradung results. If you want to discuss this in public happy to do so in a separate thread.

    Products for a company is means to an end. There is nothing wrong with this.

    To answer your question, if you were to ask the managers they would give the public narrative : Our goal and focus is to serve our customers well by achieving our stated objective for the fund and getting the best returns for the trust our investors have placed in us.

    In private, they would look at each other, shake their head and smile, not because they are ignoble or evil but at the naivete of the question.

    What else are they going to say?

    Is a company publicly going to say that they cut corners in a product or make it less reliable to boost profits while this is something ALL companies do? Including Apple.

    Not sure if you are seriously asking this question or just combative in the forum or both
    February 2016