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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • Sold last healthcare fund and put proceeds into BIAWX and NEAGX. Hoping that 3-month « dip » is history.
  • Old_Joe said:

    @davidmoran- Nice going!

    tyty, OJ old pal
  • edited November 2023
    Started medium-sized position in ET for long-term income (reinvested).

    Likely adding MPLX at some point and/or throwing some extra $$ into my already-large EPD position.
  • I have been switching from T bills and CDs to buy bond ladder at Fidelity. With a minimum of 100K, one can construct multiple bonds in each rungs.
  • Added again today to PSTL. Still just 1.78% of total. My smallest position, TS, is my best performer lately. Wouldn't you know, eh?
  • Hi guys,

    This week (Monday) am selling: CEMDX, EACOX, FEDDX. All out of International. Made some pocket change and happy for that. Why? Dollar high, interest rates higher for longer, US will the world. I read a piece a while back how world markets move together now more than ever. Also saw this quote: "Inflation -- the price we pay for those government benefits we thought were free." How true.

    God bless
    the Pudd
  • edited November 2023
    Sold pretty much across the board, as everything is up today. Cash / cash equivalents now above 10% for 1st time in over a year. (10% = nominal weighting)
  • @Puddnhead : Just wondering if you sold on Monday ? Looking to take RMD as a CD matured & have the cash to get it done.
    How is your best friend doing ?
    Later, Derf
  • edited November 2023
    Just spectated today. Lotsa fun. I'm still buying. I like my stable of ponies, currently. Finally out of the red with BHB!!! I knew it would come. A couple hours from now, I'll check up on the funds. Even the junk bonds ought to have done well.

    ...Now... Watch for Wednesday's snap-back.
  • edited November 2023
    Crash said:

    Just spectated today. Lotsa fun. I'm still buying. I like my stable of ponies, currently. Finally out of the red with BHB!!! I knew it would come. A couple hours from now, I'll check up on the funds. Even the junk bonds ought to have done well.

    ...Now... Watch for Wednesday's snap-back.

    I hadn’t heard spectate(ed) before. But according to Miriam-Webster it is a verb. I agree today was spectacular in that almost everything jumped - bonds included. And I’d expect some follow through tomorrow. But I don’t invest based on predictions. Tis the season for a Santa Claus rally. Maybe. Just maybe.
  • hank said:

    Crash said:

    Just spectated today. Lotsa fun. I'm still buying. I like my stable of ponies, currently. Finally out of the red with BHB!!! I knew it would come. A couple hours from now, I'll check up on the funds. Even the junk bonds ought to have done well.

    ...Now... Watch for Wednesday's snap-back.

    I hadn’t heard spectate(ed) before. But according to Miriam-Webster it is a verb. I agree today was spectacular in that almost everything jumped - bonds included. And I’d expect some follow through tomorrow. But I don’t invest based on predictions. Tis the season for a Santa Claus rally. Maybe. Just maybe.
    +1. hank.
  • commentate

    There's another great one.
  • Shpiflicate. (Irish for "to get drunk."). He was truly shpiflicated.
  • Can you use it in a sentence? Is it Latin in origin? National spelling bee is more interesting than any Super Bowl I've seen...

  • Can you use it in a sentence? Is it Latin in origin? National spelling bee is more interesting than any Super Bowl I've seen...

    That one is simply, and nothing but, colloquial. :)
  • Did some sizing in the IRA today. Sold PRBLX. It has drifted too much into growth and volatility for me. Not sure where the proceeds will go. May get split between balanced funds and IYK. I also hold DODGX and VDIGX, but I'm not feeling the urge to pay the fee to buy more of either. My only other "large cap" is DSEEX, which seems sui generis to me. Not feeling the need to buy more of that either.

    Sold PSCC. With as much small cap as I have, I don't think I need a specialized small cap in the IRA. Proceeds will go into IYK. I would like to get IYK up to the same % as FSUTIX and GLIFX.

    Bought a chunk of VRIG with proceeds from a CD that matured. Woo hoo. Pretty exciting bond purchase for me.

    More sales to come if the rally lasts a little longer. Outside of a large cap, or bond fund, my goal is to consolidate.
  • edited November 2023
    WABAC said:

    Did some sizing in the IRA today. Sold PRBLX. It has drifted too much into growth and volatility for me. Not sure where the proceeds will go..

    Good call on PRBLX - I got out last year b/c of that same reason. Your timing is good for tax planning since they do their annual payouts earlier than most in late November, too!
  • I don't argue against commentate anymore, as it denotes activity in context more specific than comment. As soon as we expanded commenter to commentator ....
  • edited November 2023
    Hi folks

    Should I sell 25% of portfolio and place in corp bonds (6.5-7% annual returns??)
    -4% from ath
    Scare rug pull another 30% haircuts like from July 20th 2022 until Oct 22 2023

    But Seasonality may show we have another potential +4 +6% upswings til new yr

    Ty for any suggestions
  • rforno said:

    WABAC said:

    Did some sizing in the IRA today. Sold PRBLX. It has drifted too much into growth and volatility for me. Not sure where the proceeds will go..

    Good call on PRBLX - I got out last year b/c of that same reason. Your timing is good for tax planning since they do their annual payouts earlier than most in late November, too!
    It was a steady Eddy for a long time, right there with VDIGX.
  • I added to existing positions in RQI and PTA as the outlook for rates becomes a bit clearer and the near term future for REITs and preferred holdings are looking much better. Also initiated 2 new buys, SCHG and SPGP.
  • @WABAC, I am not quite following your thinking regarding your sale of PRBLX. As relates to a 500 index fund, PRBLX has 34% in the M* LCG style box compared to 40% for a VFINX. PRBLX also has a slightly lower beta and SD. Are you also saying that a 500 index fund has become too growthy and volatile for you?
  • Mona said:

    @WABAC, I am not quite following your thinking regarding your sale of PRBLX. As relates to a 500 index fund, PRBLX has 34% in the M* LCG style box compared to 40% for a VFINX. PRBLX also has a slightly lower beta and SD. Are you also saying that a 500 index fund has become too growthy and volatile for you?

    Hi @Mona. I have never owned the 500.

    I wouldn't ban PRBLX from my taxable account, which I hope to leave to the kids. But right now it's just another fund over-weight in tech and financials with an 82 cent ER. And I think they have drifted away from:
    The investment seeks to achieve both capital appreciation and current income. The fund's objective is to achieve both capital appreciation and current income
    That's M*'s description. The dividend is now about half the 500 last time I checked. Maybe PBRLX has updated the prospectus.

    A little later today I will be putting the proceeds from that sale into DGRW. It's about the lowest volatility fund (SD and Beta) I could find that stands a chance of outperforming PRWCX. It also stands up well to VDIGX. But I'll probably do one more screen with MFO premium.
  • edited November 2023
    Sold my 3 stocks yesterday. Too damned much volatility for this OF. Dumped the money into Franklin’s new conservative / moderate risk multi-asset ETF - INCM. .38% ER. Untested. But the 3 person team running it has had pretty good success operating FKIQX for several years.
  • Itching to buy some ASC.

    Ya, that source is suspect with many of us here. But since lately, somehow--- I've been able to get in and read the articles--- I've been paying attention. I always look at several sources of information before making a decision, or adding a prospect to my list.
  • Continuing to add to current positions in RSIVX and OSTIX. I look at it as a fixed income “barbell”component to our t-bill ladder.
  • edited November 2023
    Sold INCM after 3 days & bought back the same 3 stocks I sold Thursday in similar amounts. A real “doughnut” here. A “wash” - or possibly a few bucks ahead. No explain. No complain. :)
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