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  • Old_Joe said:

    "My biggest yield among my 5 single stock picks is ET, oil/gas midstream"

    @Crash - and here I thought that you didn't care for the capitalist 1% raping the world for mere profit.

    How sad.

    Merry Christmas, OJ. You Biggus Poopy-us. :)
  • @Crash- You too, Crash- have a good one.

  • edited December 2023
    WABAC said:

    Sold TCREX today. Maybe it will go up some more. But that will be without me. It didn't act as an inflation hedge. And I'm leery of what will happen to real estate after Santa is back at the North Pole.

    Proceeds will likely go into IYK, maybe a little to GRID and FIW.

    TCREX was in the IRA. At the moment, I'm pretty happy I sold it when I did.

    Doubled the size of my stake in IYK. Added to FSUTX. Stuck the rest in SYLD. I've had fun with my small holdings in GRID and FIW, but both seem a little expensive at the moment.

    Sold GISYX, which was around 1% of the portfolio. Thinking about adding the proceeds to IHDG to get it up to a respectable level. We shall see.
  • "IHDG"

    Going from un-hedged to hedge. Why change of heart?

    You make better choices than I do and so curious.
  • BaluBalu said:


    Going from un-hedged to hedge. Why change of heart?

    You make better choices than I do and so curious.

    Hi @BaluBalu. There is an un-hedged version of that fund which I never owned. Mainly bought it for the track record and the emphasis on dividend growth. When I say track record I mean 3 year standard deviation of 13.82 and beta of .74, as well as long-term return. Only problem is I bought it in November 2021. So I'm still behind the 8-ball, and not too sure I want to put more into it.

    Not sure I want more foreign anyway. But lots of people say you should have some. I also have DODWX from my days at Vanguard. But the fee for that at Fido is steep.

    As for selling GISYX, just feels like it's time to start simplifying the IRA. It was fun for a while. But it got creamed in 2022. So it was an easy cut.
  • @WABAC: just happened to close out my TIAA Real Estate position (QREARX) today. Put the proceeds into the Equity Index. My TIAA advisor got me into the RE fund quite a while back. It wasn't a bad choice, but this year it gave up 13%.

    Re: your comment to @BaluBalu about wanting some international exposure finds me agreeing. I own some DIVI whose 1-yr performance mirrors IHDG.
  • I recently decided to dip a toe in real estate with AVRE, Avantis Real Estate ETF. I wanted to watch the trend. I got a feeling by mid to late 2024, if the Fed lowers rates, this sector may do well. It's due to recover. But, what the heck do I know.
  • @BenWP. DIVI only went down 1.16% in 2022. That's pretty darn nice for you.:)

    It will be a while before I think about getting back into real estate.
  • @WABAC, I was not questioning your GISYX sell. Just the currency aspect of the trade (going from un-hedge to hedged). I thought may be you are making a deliberate currency call.

    As to international exposure, I have it at less than 2% of portfolio value. It was much less for many, many years.

  • edited December 2023
    Having gone ex-distro today, order placed for my annual purchase of PRWCX tomorrow.

    Maybe next year I'll do something with its new counterpart, after I see what it's holding and how it performs for a bit.
  • edited January 2024
    Added to existing VPCCX holding yesterday.
    Exchanged VMSXX (most of it) today for new VWIUX holding.
    Exchanged VMRXX for VMFXX (settlement fund) today.
    Deployed some of my "cash" and laid the groundwork for a few upcoming portfolio moves.
  • edited December 2023
    We are making small changes as part of our rebalancing:
    1. Increase bond % and duration (short to intermediate and some long duration). Prefer investment grade. Funded from stocks, CDs, and T bill.
    2. Increase oversea bond exposure both via index as well as active managed (new position)
    3. Swap some junk BL/FR funds to IG and treasury floating rate funds/ETFs.
    4. Consolidate stock funds via both index and active managed ETFs.
    5. Increase US smaller cap stock exposure, prefer value

    After gaining a modest return this year is more than enough for us. We want to spend more time with our family and enjoy life as we coast into retirement.
  • Sounds like a good plan, Sven!
  • Congratulations, Sven.
  • edited December 2023
    Initiated starter position in Liberty Broadband Corporation's Series A preferreds (LBRDP) $ 22.50 as a long-term income holding.
  • @rforno- If you don't mind sharing, I'd really be interested in your perspective on LBRDP.
  • edited December 2023
    rforno said:

    Initiated starter position in Liberty Broadband Corporation's Series A preferreds (LBRDP) $ 22.50 as a long-term income holding.

    SEQUX has about 1% in their A shares, another 3% in their C shares, and 5.08% in Liberty Formula ! (FWONK ). It's not the worst taxable fund I have owned over 10 years. So I am also interested in what the attraction is.

    I see now that SEQUX has added two more small slices from Liberty, one being the Atlanta Braves. Is this going to be their next Valeant?
  • I'm angling for some more preferreds that aren't REITs or banks. This one pays a good div, is below par, is in a space I'm knowledgeable about, seems solidly-backed, and has a mandatory redemtion in the 2030s. So unless I missed anything, I'm quietly comfortable holding it for QDI income.

    I also have orders out there for PFXF and BIZD.
  • edited December 2023
    Added a little bit to existing Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt (VWIUX) position.
    Proceeds came from another fund's recent capital gains distribution.
  • edited January 2024
    Sold Vanguard International Growth (VWILX) yesterday.
    Used proceeds to purchase Seafarer Overseas Value (SIVLX) today.
    VWILX holdings overlapped with my core foreign stock fund.
    My portfolio also had minimal EM equity exposure.
    I haven't owned a dedicated EM equity fund for ~5 years.
  • No EM here, either.
    Final trading day of 2023:

    Picking-apart PRNEX. A slug went to TUHYX. A morsel went to PRCPX. Another morsel went to PRWCX. Holding a bunch to perhaps buy-into PRCFX. I'll do my annual January cash-out thing with what's left of PRNEX. A fund that went basically nowhere for me. No loss, at least.
  • edited December 2023

    I hope 2024 will be the start of a New Era for your investments!
  • edited December 2023

    Thank you! Indeed, things ARE looking up. @rforno noticed that it might just be that the Market "barfed" its way to the end of the year, and that's what happened on Dec. 29th. But after all, it's just another day. One more day. Mr. Market possesses no emotions, so I can't very well depend on THAT.

    I'm "on top of things" as much as anyone CAN be. Market investing is, over time, a zig-zag proposition. 2024 promises to be even better. ("Famous last words." )
    "Last Words."

  • edited January 2024
    Made 2024 Roth IRA contribution and placed order to purchase additional Vanguard Primecap (VPMAX)
    shares tomorrow. Also used earmarked cash to bring VPMAX acquisition up to the annual purchase limit.
  • @Crash- Surely this thread must hold the all-time MFO record for the longest time in continuous activity, and likely a number of other things too: for instance, the number of participating MFO members:

    AndyJ December 2023
    Art May 2022
    BaluBalu December 2023
    Baseball_Fan December 2023
    bee December 2022
    BennyB January 2023
    BenWP December 2023
    carew388 July 2023
    catch22 July 2023
    chang July 2023
    Crash December 2023
    davfor October 2022
    DavidF January 2023
    davidrmoran December 2023
    davidsherman October 2023
    Dennis Baran August 2023
    Derf November 2023
    Devo June 2023
    dtconroe April 2023
    finder September 2022
    fred495 March 2022
    golub1 July 2023
    hank December 2023
    JD_co November 2023
    johnN November 2023
    JonGaltIII May 2022
    Junkster September 2023
    larryB September 2022
    Level5 November 2023
    lynnbolin2021 May 2022
    Mark August 2023
    MikeM December 2023
    MikeW August 2023
    Mona November 2023
    Observant1 12:51PM
    Old_Joe December 2023
    PopTart December 2023
    PRESSmUP December 2023
    Puddnhead November 2023
    racqueteer November 2023
    rforno December 2023
    Roy February 2023
    sma3 November 2023
    stayCalm December 2022
    Sven December 2023
    Tarwheel December 2023
    WABAC December 2023
    wxman123 September 2022
    yogibearbull July 2023


  • Thanks, @Old_Joe, and best wishes for a Happy New Year.

    "God bless us, every one!" ---Tiny Tim.
    You do not subscribe? It's ok.
  • Thanks for the list OJ. A pretty impressive list of contributors.
  • So... starting my sale of PRNEX, in deliberate steps. First tranche went through last night. Part of my annual January withdrawal swipe out of the IRA.
  • Crash said:

    So... starting my sale of PRNEX, in deliberate steps. First tranche went through last night. Part of my annual January withdrawal swipe out of the IRA.

    Your staggered sales certainly appear to be roiling all the markets. Please advise when you’ve finished.:)

  • edited January 2024
    BOT first slug of DigitalBridge/Pr-I to my income portfolio as I continue putting money to work in that account. That portfolio is mainly energy (mostly natgas), telcos, utes, and infrastructure .... ie, strategic stuff that 'fuels' our world and society.

    Order also placed for a slug of BIZD sitting @ 16.
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