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  • Bought 1000s Spire-A shares for income ... callable in October.

    Bought 500s TRP following yesterday's shareholder vote on Southbow spinoff. Not sure I'll keep the spinoff shares but I like TC's pipeline footprint.

    (I may move PBA and TRP over to my new Fido account if they'll let me reinvest Canadian dividends, which Schwab won't.)
  • added a little to my positions in GRID NLR and started a small position in KMI to take advantage of long term ( ie 2030 and beyond) need for electricity for AI etc.

    Most of what I read says renewables will not be reliable enough and will need lots of natural gas
  • edited June 2024
    Chop. Chop. Building cash for infrastructure outlays. Hurts to sell - but also a good time.
  • Not sure how we can keep pulling up the market without software names and small caps going up. Sold small cap software names and bought industrial value to keep equity constant but unwittingly this further reduced my tech exposure below market weight.
  • BaluBalu said:

    Not sure how we can keep pulling up the market without software names and small caps going up.

    Fund-flows into the S&P500 and QQQ's seem to supply an endless line of buyers into the mega cap names represented within those indexes. I'm being more cautious now however.
  • Hi guys,
    Opened a position in Hack a while back. So far so good. I want to say this is a long term hold. Will add on weakness.

    God bless
    the Pudd
  • Holding. Waiting for a further drop, to buy anything. SP500 Record? Not seeing it in my stuff. Doggy poopies. BHB div. today. Nice. Next divvy due is in July: BCE.
  • Roy
    edited June 2024
    So, as I shared back at the end of March that I had moved some cash that had been sitting in a MM fund to some LT Treasuries, PRULX & EDV. What a ride that turned out to be. I sold all into the rally yesterday now that the Fed announced they'll be cutting rates not as much, or at all this year. My total return was actually positive, just barely, like .7%.

    Stashed some of the proceeds back in the MM, gave Giroux and TRAIX some of the proceeds as well. Today I added to our existing position in Mastercard and added Microsoft to our individual stock holdings.
  • edited June 2024
    I established a full position in DODIX on Friday using funds from a MM. Original plans were to purchase an allocation fund, but equities appear to be just too pricey at the moment, even though the outperformance is uneven in nature. This takes the fixed income proportion to 15%.
  • @PRESSmUP Why no T-bill or cds ?
  • Derf said:

    @PRESSmUP Why no T-bill or cds ?

    No specific reason. My current positions have good coverage within the FI space, provide a healthy distribution, good opportunity for capital appreciation, and liquidity if needed. I spent a fair amount of time examining the funds, so I'm pretty pleased with the folks managing the money.

  • Sold 25% of my AVGO position.
  • Added to PDI for income.
  • BCE is at a Low-point not seen since April. Bought a few more. Ex-date on div. was this past Friday. One of the three Canadian legacy phone companies. It's also a Media company these days, too. If it never does much in terms of share price, it's still a cash-cow. The pay-date schedule is Jan-April-July-Oct. 8.76% yield. But the current payout ratio cannot continue forever.
  • edited June 2024
    Added to current positions - PRCFX, RSIIX, RCTIX, OSTIX in IRA accounts.
  • Mark said:

    Added to PDI for income.

    Hey @Mark,

    I have never owned a CEF and noticed that PDI has a high distribution ratio, 14.23% per M*. Is this payout ratio the result of leverage employed by the fund and does it also include return of principal?
  • I can't imagine any 14% payout without a hefty ROP component. Or maybe a Bernie Madoff component.
  • @Roy - Yes the fund uses leverage. I'm unfamiliar with the term ROP. If you meant to say ROC (Return of Capital) there isn't any at this time (past year) and there has been very little if any during the course of its existence.

    PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund
  • edited June 2024
    Reduced stock exposure by ~10% and bonds by ~half via sales this week of our two allocation funds. Some proceeds were moved over to CD ladder while the rest were parked in FZDXX for future re-deployment. Just booking some profits and trying to avoid what feels like a wee bit of greed at this point. Left Tech and MAG7 allocations virtually unchanged.
  • edited June 2024
    Further reduced stock exposure today by about another 10%, while slightly reducing Tech and MAG7 allocations. Reduced FSELX allocation by about 1/3. SOLD entire position in NEAGX. Parking all proceeds in FZDXX for the time being. Now down to 11 OEFs in Market Portfolio. It's been a blowout 1st half of 2024. Simply booking some gains and reducing stock exposure as (IMO) uncertainty about the 2nd half of 2024 increases.
  • edited June 2024
    @stillers, Thanks for your posts.

    Do you mind clueing us in for why you exited NEAGX? I see the negative momentum with - 1% and -5%, respectively of 3 and 1 month returns. But what is your expectation going forward that caused you to throw in the towel? Just getting rid of the super high beta within the high beta fare?

    Do you mind sharing, after today’s trades, your overall portfolio allocation between equity and fixed income. For this purpose, if you do not mind, please include all money market, CDs, and Treasuries, if any, into fixed income.

    Thanks again.
  • edited June 2024
    I provided as much detail as I ever have/intend to provide online about our portfolio at this thread:

    Here's an update to our Market Portfolio (MP) after our last two rounds of exchanges last Friday and today:

    The MP is (now 11 OEFs with sale of NEAGX today):
    Stocks/Bonds/Cash: 74/6/20
    Domestic/Foreign: 90/10
    Technology Allocation: 32
    MAG 7 Allocation: 25
    LC/MC/SC: 77/20/3
    V/B/G: 16/33/51

    Suggest taking a look at my post on the linked thread and with a little massaging of the data there and here you should be able to ballpark the answer to your question.

    I kindly ask that any follow up comments or questions about our two ports be done via PM. Thx.
  • edited June 2024
    NEAGX was an Explore fund for us that never made it over to the Core side. It is loaded with volatile SC technology and we were looking for a simple way to reduce overall Market Portfolio tech exposure and volatility. So yeah, pretty much as you suggested: "Just getting rid of the super high beta within the high beta fare?"
  • edited June 2024
    Reallocating funds from sale of VG short term corporates and Wellesley. Invested in 2-yr Treasury Notes, OSTIX, and RSIIX in respective IRAs.

    Added to USFR and another 2-yr Treasury Note in taxable acct. I like using USFR as proxy for t-bills so I can access funds easily if needed.
  • stillers said:

    I provided as much detail as I ever have/intend to provide online about our portfolio at this thread:

    Here's an update to our Market Portfolio (MP) after our last two rounds of exchanges last Friday and today:

    The MP is (now 11 OEFs with sale of NEAGX today):
    Stocks/Bonds/Cash: 74/6/20
    Domestic/Foreign: 90/10
    Technology Allocation: 32
    MAG 7 Allocation: 25
    LC/MC/SC: 77/20/3
    V/B/G: 16/33/51

    Suggest taking a look at my post on the linked thread and with a little massaging of the data there and here you should be able to ballpark the answer to your question.

    I kindly ask that any follow up comments or questions about our two ports be done via PM. Thx.

    Thank you very much. Sorry for the trouble. I was only looking for the 74/6/20 info but appreciate the additional detail you included.
  • I also recently sold out of NEAGX (was only a few percent of my OEF only account), as it has not participated in the giant cap stock gains recently, as well as a time to pull in the horns a bit… it quite very tied into the incredible performance of SMCI (similar to Baron funds and TSLA, or Kinetics funds and TPL), so I got rid of it. Moved proceeds to FSELX.
  • edited June 2024
    Bought a little CNS and a little GHC stock. The former is a first-time buy and looks pricy to be honest. But I have a high opinion of the outfit. GHC I’ve long watched / messed with. Sold it about $5-10 below the current $690 in December - but figure the cash was worth something over 6 months. Still holding NSRGY. It’s getting clocked today but still a buck or two above my average cost.
  • edited June 2024
    @stillers and @graust,

    I have been adding to NEAGX steadily hoping it will perform. Today I sold everything not subject to the 60 day Fidelity STRF. Thanks for your NEAGX posts.
  • edited June 2024
    My stuff might all be contrarian stuff????? Market goes up, my stuff treads water or sinks. Stinky-poopy. Regional Bank BHB was up today. My junk bonds are surprisingly NOT volatile. I've held them since early '22. I got in at just the wrong time. If TS ever reaches Target Price (Analysts') I'll cash-out and stick it in ET. ..TS is misbehaving badly of late. BCE has turned out to be a bag of farts. I hold for the dividend. I'm so close to an arbitrary goal in the portfolio, generally. Not trading, but watching and INVESTING. I want my holdings to be a longer-term proposition. (And NO MORE penny stocks, like ENIC!) I'm staying almost entirely in USA and Canada.
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