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⇒ All Things Boeing ... NASA may send Starliner home without its crew

edited August 8 in Other Investing
Here is the latest report on the ongoing Boeing situation:

• 5/14/24: Justice Department: Boeing Violated Settlement Over 737 Max Problems

Following are short excerpts from a current New York Times Report:

The Department of Justice said on Tuesday that Boeing was in violation of a 2021 settlement related to problems with the company’s 737 Max model that led to two deadly plane crashes in 2018 and 2019.

In a letter to a federal judge, the department said that Boeing had failed to “design, implement and enforce” an ethics program to prevent and detect violations of U.S. fraud laws in the company’s operations. Creating that program was a condition of Boeing’s settlement, which also carried a $2.5 billion penalty.

The determination by the Justice Department opens the door to a potential prosecution of a 2021 criminal charge accusing Boeing of conspiracy to defraud the Federal Aviation Administration, though Boeing can contest Tuesday’s decision.

In a statement, Boeing said that the company believed that it had honored the terms of the settlement, adding that it was looking forward to the opportunity to respond.

To recap, in the OT section the articles on the Boeing situation are as follows

• 4/6/24: Boeing workers falsified 787 inspection records- FAA will investigate
• 3/25/24: Shakeup: Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down
• 3/12/24: Boeing quality whistleblower John Barnett is found shot dead
• 3/9/24: Boeing Subject of Criminal Inquiry by DOJ
• 3/6/24: Boeing stonewalling National Transportation Safety Board, says top US safety official
• 2/28/24: FAA gives Boeing 90 days to fix quality control issues
• 2/26/24: Boeing Efforts to Improve Safety Fall Short, FAA Panel Says
• 2/21/24: Head of Boeing’s 737 program will leave the company
• 1/25/24: Airlines Hoping for More Boeing Jets Could Be Waiting Awhile
• 1/25/24: Alaska holds Boeing accountable, wants to be made whole for $150M in losses
• 1/24/24: Boeing's quality control: "A rambling, shambling, disaster waiting to happen"
• 1/23/24: United Airlines re Boeing: "The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back"
• 1/22/24: FAA: Airlines should check the door plugs on another model of Boeing plane
• 1/12/24: FAA to increase oversight of Boeing citing ‘other manufacturing problems'
• 1/11/24: F.A.A. Investigating Whether Boeing 737 Max 9 Conformed to Approved Design
• 1/10/24: Boeing 737 Max 9: A closer look at the much-discussed "missing bolts" -
• 1/9/24: FAA says safety ‘not speed’ will decide how long Boeing jets are grounded
• 1/8/24: United finds loose bolts on Boeing jets grounded after blowout incident
• 1/7/24: Yet More Trouble on the Boeing 737... so it's asking for an exemption to safety rules


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