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  • No more NHYDY Norsk Hydro. It was up today while a lotta other stuff was down. So I cashed out and dumped the proceeds into the PRTXX MM. Maybe I'll get smart. Keep some legal tender handy in order to buy low, sell high. My loss was $117.65, TRP tells me. I'll believe them. It won't take long to make up the difference. No tears here. Some political/environmental decisions from the gummint of Norway have not helped. Aluminum price is down, though in China, it's up. But that has not compensated enough. Latest guidance indicates the dividend will be at least slightly reduced. So, adios.
  • edited January 2024
    BenWP said:

    @MikeM and @Mark: I'm an adherent of the CG ETFs, also. CGGR, CGGO, and CGDV in three different family accounts. I never owned American MFs, probably because of loads, altho I do have access to Washington Mutual in my retirement account. Capital Group seems to know how to select effective teams.

    I like what Harbor Funds has done in the past in choosing outside managers for actively managed funds. With their ETF lineup, a Jennison Associates group runs WINN and a team of Europeans at CWorldWide Asset Management has OSEA. FWIIW, Harbor did not do well with MFs run by a single or star manager (such as Marsico). For ETFs following an index, it may be that a single person can handle the job.

    Are the CG ETFs transparent or non-transparent ETFs? Only if you know off hand. TIA

  • @BaluBalu: all the holdings are divulged, I assume with no time lag.
  • edited January 2024
    Thanks. Just checked CGDV and CGBL and both say holdings as of 1/26. Those seem to be transparent.
  • Added to ET and TS today, and initiated a small position in FALN.
  • So, I have sinned. Added a few shares today to GOOGL and QQQM. I like sales.
  • @Mark : Has the sale just begun ?
  • @Derf - no clue whatsoever. That's why I'm hedging my bets and trading in small increments. GOOGL hasn't dropped like today in some time and I didn't feel that their results were that bad. My avg cost is below a Benjamin.
  • Boo Jerome. Booooo. Bad Fed Chairman. Bad. The stock market wants its (interest) rate cuts...and the market wants them NOW!

    I started PSFF and ACIO positions, added to TCAF, HELO and CGBL (all in taxable accts).

    Mr. Powell will cave this year and the stock market will continue to do its thing. At least, that's the mainstream tunnel vision. If bonds don't pay much interest, stocks will look that much more attractive. We can't keep normalized rates - what would be the fun in that.
  • @Mark, that's just a minor sin. I bought shares of the hated TSLA last Thursday. Weeee'l seeee. I have an order in to buy more if it drops to the mid 170's.
  • I do very little trading these days and had eliminated individual stocks from our port. But I always keep an eye on what seems at least to be great opportunities in some Blue Chips.

    Watched GOOGL after hours Tuesday and all day Wednesday. Just a crazy amount of what seemed like undue punishment of ~7% after its earnings announcement.

    It finally hit my target price just before the close yesterday and I BOT a full position at $140.39. Way out of my normal MO but rolled the dice on what is intended to be a ST trade but may turn into a LT holding.
  • Rearranged some deck chairs in the IRA. I had been at about 30% bonds/cash, with any long duration bonds residing in the balanced funds.

    I cut USFR in half. The remaining amount would be about one year of an RMD if I had to take it this year, rather than five years from now. After it clears, some of that will go into VRIG, boosting it to around two years.

    Call them buckets if you like. I'm not getting into that argument. And I won't provide any deeper thinking than the back-of-the-envelope variety I have now provided. :)

    I had a chunk of change sitting in the MMF after the last of my CD experiments petered out paid off. That ultra-short money was divided into THOPX at a duration of 1.66, FCFAX at 2.76, and FATRX at 4.77. So I'm creeping out on the limb. The total for that buy would be about two years.

    I owned THOPX years ago, until the relentless war on short-term rates made it clear that I would be better off with widow and orphan funds.

    Aside from the proceeds of today's sale, not much else to do but ponder the remaining follies of November 2021 that still clutter the portfolio.
  • edited February 2024
    Added another slug to RKLB on yesterday's slump following the covertible note offering announcement. Interesting they are doing this as capped call financing, which to me suggests they're anticipating significant upside during the life of the note and don't want to 'pay out' for share price increases beyond a certain price. IMO that sounds positive.

    Since I refuse to deal with anything that Elon Musk touches, after SpaceX I suspect they're the 'next best' or next-most-serious player in the commercial space launch market.

    Also have resting order to open a position in GBNXF, a Canadian midstream that to me looks more like an energy infrastructure play than a pure-pipeline play.
  • Added to MRFOX (largest holding outside of cash), staging slowly into PHEFX, doubled TSUMX holding, completely sold out of PVCMX and VELIX, still rolling mucho 6 month Tbills....
  • edited February 2024
    For those holding, UST issues, IG bonds and having those bonds within a fund, should find a nice price bump from the past 5 days; and perhaps a full week price performance, 'IF' nothing comes apart through Friday.
  • edited February 2024
    Waiting for my usual 4th day of the month to see if I want to nibble anywhere. The 3rd of each month, TRP buys some PRTXX (sweep) directly out of the checking account. Looks like yesterday's sell-off has climbed half-way back in the portfolio. My junk held up very well. No change in one, only a penny drop in the other. The ETF is down just 2 cents today. (FALN.) But there's a monthly div. coming today. In yesterday's vomit exercise, PRWCX and BHB (regional bank) got hit hardest.

    Edit: FALN bump-up! WTF, eh?
  • Added to MRFOX...

    MRFOX - up all 8 calendar years. Interesting.

  • GBNXF buy order filled during the final hour today.
  • @Baseball_Fan @JD_co Inimitable fund. Profiled it here in Feb. 2019. Have a personal friendship with Ms. Hoffman and communicate with her often (latest yesterday.) Here's her Letter to Clients December 2013
  • edited February 2024
    Fun day. The only individual stock I own fell near 10% out of the gate this morning on an overnight Qtr. 4 earnings report. I added to it a couple times throughout the morning. Rebounded a bit and ended day less than 7% down. Am now considering taking up torch-swallowing.:)
  • edited February 2024

    @Baseball_Fan @JD_co Inimitable fund.

    @Dennis Baran Well, forced me to learn a new word today.

    It must be unique to have stayed slightly above the fray in both 2018 and 2022. "Concentrated" as per the Fund name, with only 16 -24 equity holdings. Beat the S&P over the past 8 year period (ITD) by 3% but with a lower SD. Low Cap Gains due to low turnover. Not available at Fido, but Schwab might offer it.

    A nice find.
  • Pulled this off the Marshfield website.

    Marshfield is owned by its eight principals who have an average tenure of 23 years. Each principal must invest in the same stocks that Marshfield buys for its clients and may own no other publicly traded equities.
  • @Baseball_Fan @JD_co Inimitable fund. Profiled it here in Feb. 2019. Have a personal friendship with Ms. Hoffman and communicate with her often (latest yesterday.) Here's her Letter to Clients December 2013

    Roll a 1d20 for perception.

    Interesting portfolio. Lots to be said for small funds like that. At my age, I won't be moving things around to get to into it. Once upon a time . . .

  • I've been real pleased with the fund. Available thru Schwab. Really like the pedigree of the principals. Drawdown has been reasonable for a one foot out the door guy like me . I believe that all associates are required to invest in the stock market only thru the fund.
    Also has been my experience that the top well educated attorneys have a high degree of emotional intelligence and that is exactly what you need to invest in the markets

    Also believe that the two principals of the fund are husband wife which I guess is kind of unusual.

    Last thing I will say is while I don't look at color I do judge by actions, conduct and character

    I do like how they have staff diversity without turning it into a marketing message.


    Baseball fan
  • @catch22, you are right that bonds are having a good week.
  • edited February 2024
    Opened a position in arguably the best FLG OEF on the planet, GSIHX.

    We've spent years trying to find a worthy Foreign fund and am not sure how we missed this pup. Swerved into it when I did a 401k portfolio transfer for a friend last week, from one Adm to another. The new Adm offered the institutional shares of it. We're going the Fido NTF route on it for the time being.

    We have previously gotten the bulk of our Foreign exposure thru PRGSX and VGWAX. One of those will likely be SOLD (or at least reduced) when we get GSIHX up to a full position.
  • Rajiv Jain and company have produced excellent results for GSIHX and GQGPX so far.
  • edited February 2024

    Rajiv Jain and company have produced excellent results for GSIHX and GQGPX so far.

    Yep 7+ years on International GSIHX. In our defense, it didn't get great until the past 3 years. But we still should have spotted it by YE 2022, for its superb performances in down years, 2018 and 2022. Oh well, we're on board now!

    We did not look at GQGPX, and more broadly, Just Say No, to EMs! We've proven to ourselves that we can't select and manage EMs and gave up years ago. But thanks for noting it!

  • Note on Friday, 02 Feb. Groundhog Day. Markets up, way up. My stuff? Down. Filthy slimy junk! Exceptions: PRWCX and TS. OK, that's all.
  • "I do like how they have staff diversity without turning it into a marketing message."

    @Baseball_Fan- You may be surprised, but I'm with you 100% on that.

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