Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I had to switch over my 401k at the beginning of 2017 as my employer was acquired by another company. Thinking that market is at a high and due for correction, I held 60-70% in stable value fund and invested the remaining conservatively in a bond fu…
No, Education IRA, those with $2k max limit. Fortunately, I started the accounts for both kids around 2009 (the lowest point of market) and contributed for 3 years, and that 6 thousand has become approximately $12k in both accounts.
Contribution to…
For me ARTKX has been a core international fund for last several years. I tempted to split it across ARTKX and FMIJX in the 1-2 years, but controlled that urge. I bought VWIGX in my daughter's Education IRA a few years ago and it made good money in …
Just checked my TDA account. I moved PRHSX from TRP to TDA in 2012, so it seems they are offered since 2012.
Very luck y with this fund. Bought a small amount ($2k) in 2011. Sold $3k since then and still hold 1.2k. Insignificant part of the over po…
Long term TRP funds holder (though made the mistake of selling PRWCX :-)). Earlier directly, but via TDA for the last few years. TDA started offering TRP funds NTF for the last few years though I do not remember whether it 2 or 3 or 4 (have to check…
In previous 401k account, I held PRGTX, PRNEX, and PRLAX for an year or two during 2015-16. All 3 of them made money anywhere between 20 to 30% though insignificant portion of the overall portfolio. I had to sell all 3 of them, when moving to a new …
I held it from 2006 till in taxable account till I bought home in 2014. Then I bought it in Retirement account, but sold as I already had FPACX in one of my retirements accounts. Regret that decision.
I used to have PRWCX, OAKBX, and ARTKX in taxa…
Top 3: PRHSX 10%, ARTYX 9%, SFGIX 8%
Bottom 3: HSFNX -1.50%, TREMX 3%, VISVX 3.5%
All rounded to nearest .5%. All look like risky EM and sector bets, but they are all a small portal of my portfolio. YTD -> 5%
Thanks John, Jerry, Sven, and Kevindow! Thank you all once again.
You guys are awesome. Once I allocate, juggle my portfolio, I will provide an update.
Thank you all!
Based on the responses I have seen so far, probably, I am expecting too much from a typical 401k as far as fund options are concerned. My previous 401k was horrible with just one American fund for entire International/Global/EM asset…
Another fan here of ARTKX and its mgmt. Holding it since 2006. I also held ARTGX for a few years and but then sold it to reduce redundancy between the two. I have numerous other US based funds and I need them for their international expertise.
I will take back my words. I am not closely monitoring my funds for 3-6 months, so I should have been careful before commenting. I think I went by absolute performance than relative in this case. The latter looks good by what I see on M*.
I made 70…
If not a Frontier fund, she can still join their EM fund, right?
It is a bit underwhelming fund so far based on its performance, and probably needs a good hand, though I am not sure how much she can help.
Some of the criticism is unnecessary. Folks should read what M* is saying before coming to the conclusions. They have already explained why Global funds are categorized under International. I will attach the explanation later when I have time, but t…
Stillers at M* does not mean to discourage you, I guess. He was pointing you to the 300+ posts thread on PIMIX in the past, where there was a heated, but largely good discussion. You can read that thread. I think FD1000 started it.
- Mrc
Added a bit to VDIGX, GLFOX. Initiated positions in PRNEX and PRGTX since the beginning of the year. Also, sold a bit of PRHSX and added to ARTKX last Week.
Why people are surprised with the change in stars of the fund ? Star rating is purely on mechanical calculations based on the risk-adjusted performance of the funds and a reflection of their aggregate past record (3, 5 and 10 years) with more weight…
What is FundAttribution ? Is it a Web site that makes recommendations on MFs or you are talking about attributes of this fund based on your analysis of the fund ?
If you don't using buying a blend fund, VDIGX is probably the best at V'rd. I am fortunate enough to buy it in 2006 after M* wrote good about its new manager then. Happy with it since then. Focus is on dividend growth and not just dividend like valu…
Obviously, I am asking about Global Macro, as this thread is about that fund. I already have their GPOGX and GPEOX thru TDA, one of the early investors in those funds like most of you here.
Thanks for your last sentence clarification. I heard about…
They also have MAIPX, which is focussed on dividends, kinda value oriented fund. I do not see a need to yet another fund other than for asset gathering and possibly to retain talent.
What next ? Matthews Chinca value fund, India value fund, Asia Fr…
A few more thoughts on Trow Price in general. Acknowledging that it is one of the best active mutual fund shops, I never understood some of their moves other than for satisfying aspirations of star analysts or perceived talented people.
For example…
If you want replace a portion of PRWCX, I like the idea of Trow Price global allocation. Similar to PRWCX on the risk front with global mandate. Obviously, the latter could be more volatile as it invests in global stocks, but long term, its risk sho…
David and others,
I am in their RNDLX, my only bond fund, but I do not understand spreading over so many CEFs with 1 to 2% in each of them. CEF itself is a diversisifed fund, right ?
Then what difference those CEFs make if they spread so thin. I do…
I had a small amount originally in that fund, so that is secret. :-)
But overall, I have significant exposure to EM thru GPEOX, SFGIX and ARTYX, and my foreign (ARTKX) and global funds (VMVFX, GPGOX). . I hate to accumulate funds like that in one a…
I doubled my position in ARTYX. Added to PQTDX and RNDLX (my only bond fund). Made minor shifts in education IRAs to move from domestic to International. Eliminated VGSTX and moved the money to VMVFX.
Even at the bottom in 2008/09, FPACX did not go to all stock or reduced their cash %age significantly, so I doubt they do that now. However, they may use a small %age of their cash to buy some stuff on the cheap (relatively).
If anyone bought them not expecting them to be corrected as they did, then due dilligence is not followed in my opinion. They are small/micro cap growth funds ala Wasatch ones, and that too global prefix. Obviously, they will be very volatite.