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  • @stillers Nice trade! Also agree with the Lynch quote. My own portfolio, and those of family members I help manage are going gangbusters the last 3 months or so, but at least for my late-70’s parents, I am “dancing near the exit” (as DI used to s…
  • @stillers I know very little about this fund, but I think it’s more of a long-short or tactical allocation fund (or one that’s willing to go to cash), that just happens to be holding a LCG allocation at this time. Also, category rankings might give…
    in MRFOX Comment by Graust February 2024
  • (I finally sold out of FBIOX and FSMEX in early ‘23…after holding for a year plus. And don’t follow PRHSX, TRP’s healthcare fund, anymore) Not sure WHERE to go for active management, so maybe steer clear and buy the pharma companies who buy the pro…
  • Could biotech be like international, emerging markets, or small caps, where active management and/or single stock picks may work better than a shotgun approach or buying a wide swath (with most funds weighing them by market cap, so performance would…
  • (Snip) 2024 will determine whether I stick with PSTL. David Sherman warned about share dilution in the REIT sector, and that DID happen in '23. Very attractive dividend, though, and lots of room for growth. 9% undervalued. (Morningstar.) 1-year ret…
  • @Crash said, I'm already at 61 stocks, 33 bonds. Stock funds, right? How do you manage them? I am trying to considerate to less than 20 stock and bond funds/ETFs. Just today, I rearranged the deck chairs, pulling about $7,500 from PRNEX and a…
  • Affect can be used as a noun in one particular situation: when referring to a display of emotion. Effect can be used as a verb in one particular situation. It can be used to mean to accomplish something or to cause something to happen. https://ww…
  • @yogibearbull Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery, good sir! I have “known” you for a better part of 20 years on M* and beyond….your kindness, help, knowledge, and grace are legendary. Thank you @ceciljk for the heads up!
  • @hank Fidelity only charges transaction fees on TF funds for the purchase, not for the sale. And for TF funds, there is not the 60 day holding period like they have for NTF funds (The FundNetwork is their fancy name for it). The only possible fees …
  • @davidsherman….not @MikeM, but he was talking ~1 month returns for both RPHYX and SAMBX, I believe (thread started on May 14th).
  • @johnN @junkster What little of CNBC I watched yesterday was when Mayo was on with Scott Wapner, and they talked about financials (I didn’t know the huge financial sell-off stemmed from $SIVB)….mentioning that the largest, multinational banks have …
  • Interesting he thinks energy is expensive although most oil stocks are trading at PE etc well below the SP500 and energy still makes up a tiny % of SP500 I understand your sentiments @sma3, but I think we also have to look at: 1) TTM P/E vs forward…
  • +1….(also for Grandeur)…..please :)
  • the stated 7 day yield on SNAXX ( $1,000,000 minimum) is 4.6% SWVXX is 4.47% I don't see 6.2% I think he meant 4.47% (SWVXX)/4.62% (SNAXX)….decimal point issue maybe
  • @yogibearbull I got mixed signals reading the part about the 529-to-Roth IRA portion of SECURE. It appears the beneficiary has to have earned income for that year (earned income of at least $1), but the “rollover” can be done to the maximum of the …
  • I just recently learned of EMXC, iShares MSCI EM ex-China ETF. There may be some interest there—no risk of PRC government “oversight” . A poster I follow on another message board who has been very bearish for a long time has turned bullish since las…
  • IWM based on R2000 is not a good SC index. Almost 1/3 rd of its companies have no earnings. Russell also has a bad annual rebalancing policy for all of its indexes - the date is preannounced and all is done on a single day, so there is lot of front-…
  • REITs don’t (generally I suppose) use GAAP earnings to determine their payouts/quarter successes, etc. Rather, they use FFO/AFFO (Funds From Operation/Adjusted FFO). And per their press release, they achieved 25 cent FFO, and distributed a 23.5 cent…
  • This helped me a lot. (Snip) Plan is to collect 5.75% every 3 months till maturity or called earlier. (Snip) Thanks a lot to everyone. D Just a reminder that the 5.75% is annual…so you will get a quarter of that (1.875%?), every quarter :) Ne…
  • +1!! Thanks for sharing @davidrmoran
  • Fidelity shows PKSAX as closed to new investors? EDIT: confirmed that unable to open a new position in it.
  • FBGRX, Fidelity Blue Chip Growth, has actually outperformed TRP’s Blue Chip fund. Also heavily tech and growth names. Just another alternative for “bottom fishing.”
  • @hank, Just to clarify, it’s not the amount of distributions from the MLP, it’s only the amount of UBTI that MLP produces. And some years, MLPs produce negative UBTI (or so I have heard from past holders in various investment boards). You may alrea…
  • Thanks all….needed a growthier SC fund to add to my mutual-fund-only 403b. And this filled the need (bought NESGX). Bought smallish, and continue to add on small cap down days
  • I’ve owned ALTEX, ALTEX Alternative Energy Fund, and continue to own Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fun’s, GAAEX. They’ve treated me better than QCLN, ICLN, and some of the other ETFs that I bought at the very end of the speculative growth p…
  • OSTIX, Osterweis Strategic Income (TF at most brokerage houses)…..or ZEOIX, Zeo Short Duration Income (also TF). Also RiverPark has RSIVX…somewhat longer duration than RPHYX, but performing relatively well this year it seems. Honestly, if you’re ok…
  • Or just set the limit order at the price you want to pay, and set the expiration to “good tip cancelled” and the buy will not go through until that price triggers the order to execute. The money will sit “used” (subtracted from funds available for t…
  • Set a limit order at the ask? Problem solved lol
  • As an aside, I believe “bank loans” are ST, floating rate (secured?) loans given to companies that couldn’t float a regular bond/loan…NOT loans taken out by banks. Less interest rate risk, but more credit risk (which seems ok at this point in econom…
  • So maybe it should be “lack of liquidity” due to it being “on the sidelines.”
  • AKREX also lagged large growth in 2020 because it is less exposed to tech than other LG funds (20% in tech per a quick check at Fidelity). And I think this has been generally true over the years…..AKREX finds growth companies mostly outside of tech …
  • Color me confused (thanks for the heads up, by the way): 1. Current fee is $49.99…so 4 cents? 2. I didn’t think they charged a fee for sales, except in the case of the 180-day holding period for NTF funds (which meant a single fee paid, not on the …
  • I would hazard a guess that it may be holdings in private, or pre-IPO, companies. FBIOX, Fido’s Biotech fund, also holds some of these types of stocks. They probably can’t specify due to SEC or other rules? I wouldn’t worry about it….PRHSX is one of…
  • Academic does not per se equal investment prowess. But I’ll bite……maybe 25% SCHD (Dividend aristocrats) 25% QQQ (tech/growth…same stocks tend to dominate SPY also, especially recently) 15% VNQ/FREL (Real Estate) 10% QQQJ (next big tech giants) 15%…
  • It sounds like the only way to “access” Ms Hsiao at this time is to own Artisan’s stock? Ms Hsiao appears to be as equally impressive in person as on paper. APAM actually has a rather impressive dividend growth record, it seems, and also issues spe…
  • Straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.
  • @hank Note that in a brokerage account (at Fidelity), IF SWITCHING FROM ONE FUND TO ANOTHER IN SAME FAMILY, it happens on same day with that day’s closing price for both. Otherwise I keep some cash to sell one and buy similar of another, if in DIFF…
  • 2021 appears to be a year where two (long-awaited) great rotations/events have occurred: growth-to-value, and rising interest rates.