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  • Added to ICMUX
  • edited February 5

    Just an FYI - I wanted to check if SGOV distributions qualify for state tax exemption because its holding page did not give me the comfort. In 2022, only 92% qualified. In 2024, 97% qualified.

    p.s.: I wanted to switch from USFR to SGOV.
  • Seemed like a good day to do some more simplifying in the IRA.

    I sold FDSVX. I get enough tech to suit my IRA from FMILX and PRWCX.

    Sold micro positions in GRID, FIW, XBI, PTH, and BUFSX. There were micro gain and micro losses. I don't think the small losses would be healed any time soon. Recent dramas have been wearing away at the micro gains.

    When the dust settles, I'll probably be adding MRFOX to the IRA. It appears to be a very boring fund that has been relatively untroubled by the alarums and excursions.

    In the very near future I expect to be taking a look at the bond funds in the IRA.
  • edited February 11
    Sold a major chunk of VWIAX and added to VDADX and mmkt. This in preparation for coming RMDs.
  • edited February 11
  • edited February 12
    Took cash & short term investments from 10% to 12% of holdings. Added a bit of VNLA to that mix.

    Reasons had nothing to do with the markets. Contemplating another home infrastructure project this spring / summer. Hate to stash a large amount of cash away before plans develop further. By raising the short term positioning a little I maintain greater flexibility than if the cash were isolated and not part of investments. .

    Not big news. But I’ve been slowly transitioning away from CVSIX in favor of LPXAX. Similar risk / reward profiles. The latter is much smaller, slightly less expensive and not run by a crazy bunch rolling out new “can't lose” investments every other week.
  • Added more NRDCX, QMNNX & HELO.
  • Bought just a handful more of shares in ET midstream oil/gas (LP). The Q4 '24 Earnings Report disappointed the "experts." The stock price fell, two days in a row. Numbers look good, just not as good as those "in the know" figured they should be. My Limit Order specified $19.40. Chucky filled it for me at $19.33. OK, I'll take it.
  • edited February 14
    Sold 1/3 of T-C for a tiny gain. The first call is next week, and while I doubt it'll be called (which would be fine by me) I'm doing some minor portfolio adjusting.

    Might close out the entire position and reallocate into other preferreds and/or MLPs.
  • edited February 18
    Went for the most crowded trade possible - long the Magnificent 7. Bought 2 share of MAGS so that I can stare at them each day - hopeful that it drops to more opportunistic purchase levels.

  • Last week I added lightly to QLENX, my lone purchase since Halloween. Still don't trust this market one bit but that dang fund just keeps marching.
  • edited February 18
    Sold off another tranche of T-C in the premarket to use those funds elsewhere.
  • Bought another T-bill. I was going to leave it in settlement fund, but that holds only 60% state tax free obligations.
  • edited February 18
    Reducing S&P 500 and VEA exposure. Bought more T bills and let the rest stay in money market.
    Building precious metals and miner positions since November 2024.
  • @Sven, VEA is doing nicely YTD. May I ask why you are reducing your exposure?
  • edited February 19
    US dollar continues to rise against other major currencies and that poses sizable headwind for foreign stocks. Foreign index funds are generally NOT currency hedged as they lag US stocks for sometime now. I trimmed these positions ( while made a modest gain) and to buy precious metals as a hedge against inflation, and the possibility of recession this year.

    Furthermore, tariffs proposed in 2025 would negatively impact oversea stocks. One of my holding, ARTKX, is doing ok, but I am not adding more.

    I have been saying that active bonds present better opportunities in this already rich stock market.
  • Added to PFFA, as preferred holdings continue to do well...though I'm keeping an eye on interest rates.
  • edited February 20
    Reinvesting divvy from ET. The limit Order price has not been reached yet.
    EDIT TO ADD: new shares added at $19.99. Indices are seriously down, this morning.
  • Opened starter (and somewhat speculative) position in CLF.
  • edited February 20
    Mark said:

    Last week I added lightly to QLENX, my lone purchase since Halloween. Still don't trust this market one bit but that dang fund just keeps marching.

    Halloween is as good a time to adjust holdings as any other I suppose. I’ve targeted the 2 solstices and 2 equinoxes as the points for potential quarterly rebalancing myself.

    With you @Mark in that I haven’t changed holdings much since last fall. Did bump cash up from 10% to near 12.5% a few weeks back. But that had as much to do with anticipated yearly distributions as anything else. As a conservative old F*** I stick to lower volatility holdings with a value & international tilt. Very little exposure to the big heavyweights like the Mag 7.

    PS - Why use the solar cycle for rebalance dates? That’s one thing Trump can’t change. :)
  • Been adding to PRPFX Permanent Portfolio. Seems to be in a sweet spot with gold and silver climbing.
  • My parents have been in QLENX for the last 4 years or so and have been happy with the yield and appreciation. As Mark said, the dang fund just keeps marching.
  • I talked with a smart old friend today and told him I had a month ago gone totally to MM cash at 4.25% (currently). Missing the ongoing runup. He said, 'Really? So you think the SP500 will not be higher at the end of the year?' It made me pause and gulp a little, and I answered, 'Yeah, no, I do not think so. Not 4% higher anyway.' I did describe JQUA. The starkness of the exchange made me think to put a notation on my calendar ....
  • JQUA is on my Schwab watchlist as a future buy. But…while the S&P may indeed be up at year end, a correction is overdue, and won’t be insignificant. In my opinion, of course.
  • edited February 20
    It is really hard not just to go with this:

    even in the face of (what I am abiding by) this:
  • The whole "climbing the wall of worry" nonsense gets old, but we know it can drag on for a while longer. Have your BUY list (and cash) ready to go.

    Added more NRDCX today in case I am wrong about a pullback in equities. Would still hope to make some money this year with certain bond funds regardless.

    Supposedly, odds of a US recession are under 30% for 2025. Feels much higher.
  • edited February 21
    @JD_co. Really now. ,,,,, is a garden variety the worst thing that might happen this year to amerika? If that were to be the worst thing that happens this year plenty of very smart people would breathe a giant sign of relief.
  • edited February 21
    @larryB - Valid point - there are no guarantees. Bonds could easily go down, as high-yield carries risk and credit spreads are tight. But it feels cozier towards the short-term end of the yield curve, which represents most of the bonds I hold (CDs included).
  • I bought a few shares of BABA and CQQQ. The case for Chinese shares (a tentative case) is looking up. Jack Ma of BABA has resurfaced and is back in Xi Jinping's good graces. The P/E ratios are relatively low and BABA just reported excellent earnings yesterday. Yes, this is speculative, but there could be some room to run given the stimulus coming from the Chinese government. Even M* predicts 27% upside for BABA.
  • edited February 21
    21st Feb '25.
    A sea of red in the Markets today. Bought just several shares of my favorite baby: ET. Not a bad place to be, for the moment: dividend two days ago. Free money. Today, I brought my cost basis down a bit, as well. Pleased with myself that I got in when I did.
    ...Let's all pay attention now, and watch while uncle Orange dismantles all that is good and true and beautiful. And profitable....
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