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2025 Trump Executive Orders



  • Nobody seems all too concerned about Dump flushing out Federal office workers and replacing them with loyalists. A 7 or 8 month buyout might be appealing to some, but the best and brightest will be more inclined to jump ship and shift over to private sector.

    This only weakens the institution.

    He is EXECUTING his authoritarian plan with great ease - there is very little resistance. At what point do any leaders do something? Is a hit squad our only chance?
  • edited January 28
    The Dem's don't have the votes and the R's are being kept busy cleaning out their pants.

    After Ernst blessed Hegseth I expect nothing but total fealty.
  • edited January 28
    @rforno: I use Research.Gov (formerly NSF FastLane). As of tonight, nobody knows anything.....

    Well, good luck out there.
  • Gawd, what a shit-show.
  • WH just rescinded the blanket freeze on all federal grants, thank gods....

    ... let's see if it holds or what their next dastardly scheme will be here.
  • edited January 29
    rforno said:

    WH just rescinded the blanket freeze on all federal grants, thank gods....

    ... let's see if it holds or what their next dastardly scheme will be here.

    The payment window (part of Treasury) is still blocked. The help desk is swamped. Maybe it'll work tomorrow.
  • There is some opaque talk about the freeze not being rescinded, but rather the memo about the freeze is rescinded. I have no idea what that means. I am not sure the White House staff knows either.
  • Maybe the regime isn’t as inept as they seem and the end goal has always been to usurp the constitutional powers given to the legislative branch. Perhaps things are much much worse than a clown with a sharpie signing this and that. Dictators take over gradually and then very quickly.
  • edited January 29
    Ben said:

    There is some opaque talk about the freeze not being rescinded, but rather the memo about the freeze is rescinded. I have no idea what that means. I am not sure the White House staff knows either.

    Yeah the idiot WH press spox said the 'order' was rescinded but their plans (or somesuch) were not. Didn't exactly clear anything up despite her saying it was a clarification.

    From Rawstory...

    ""This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze. It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo," she wrote. "Why? To end any confusion created by the court's injunction. The President's EO's on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented."

    In saying this, however, Leavitt gave an opening for a large coalition of Democratic state attorneys general suing to permanently block the order to tell a federal judge that they needed a restraining order against the administration."

  • From Robert

    The Basic Equation
  • @larryB: we get to see the public signing of the EO's, but people like Stephen Miller have been planning these moves for the past four years out of power. The man has been described as being obsessed with immigration since his teen years. That's a lot of time to stoke the fire of hatred against "the other." If DT has genius, it is evil, but it also knows how to enlist the services of ruthless acolytes. We'll be told that families were never separated last time and that it's not happening this time; anyone who reports the truth of the matter will be accused of spreading "fake news." DT claimed during the campaign that he had nothing to do with Project 2025; that was an obvious lie and the truth is that substantial portions of that document are being implemented right now. DT has not disavowed any of these actions taken on his behalf.

  • ... and now he's planning to build a 30,000-bed c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶n̶t̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶p̶ facility in Guantanamo for illegal immigrants. Must be nice to have property away from easy 24x7 media access/coverage, isn't it? Out of sight, out of mind, away from protestors .... for now.
  • rforno said:

    ... and now he's planning to build a 30,000-bed c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶n̶t̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶p̶ facility in Guantanamo for illegal immigrants. Must be nice to have property away from easy 24x7 media access/coverage, isn't it? Out of sight, out of mind, away from protestors .... for now.

    This POS might stick his name on that "facility" and then start charging the illegal immigrants $600 per night for the Dump special - you get a cot, a signed MAGA bible and a slug of his crappy crypto coins.

    Don't put it past him to monetize this.

  • edited January 30
    I hope he’s not just letting the illegal immigrants “test” the facility first - before filling it with other designated “enemies” of the nation. I like flying south to Key West in the winter - but don’t wish to go any further.
  • edited January 30
    JD_co said:

    This POS might stick his name on that "facility" and then start charging the illegal immigrants $600 per night for the Dump special - you get a cot, a signed MAGA bible and a slug of his crappy crypto coins.

    Don't put it past him to monetize this.

    I, for one, would not be surprised if Trump attempted to monetize his immigration policies.
    He is, after all, a shameless money-grubber.
  • edited January 30
    He's pathetic. Anytime something goes wrong over the next four years he'll blame somebody else. He immediately throws another BS item into the news stream to distract and unfortunately the press eats it up. The bigger the disaster the bigger the deflection. He changes the subject, don't look or talk about my F'ups -- look at the crazy sh((&T I'm doing over here. That's his MO
  • rforno said:

    They just 'temporarily' suspended ALL federal grants and spending on current grant awards. Researchers from all fields are going absolutely batsh--t tonight. (I personally have nearly $5M waiting to be funded.)

    So you have nearly $5M waiting to be funded. My-my, I should feel sorry for you? Sounds like you may be one of people sucking tax money into your own pocket.

  • What have you got against the National Science Foundation? Does the word "science" trigger your derangement?
  • I never knew and am surprised that MFO is such a nest of liberal cry babies. Now you wont be getting your way for a least 4 years. Get over it. You lost. The majority of American people elected Trump. He carried every state. The American people saved the US from being turned into a communist nation and that is exactly what the Dems are trying to do. Oh I know, you say he is another Hitler. Well that is BS and you know it. You only say that when you can't think of any new insult.

  • @hondo, nope, the majority of American people did not vote for Trump. But, just as I understand that a trump supporter would blame the fires in LA on LGBTQ and the plane crash on DEI, I understand why a trump supporter would say that the majority of American people elected trump.

    You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

  • "He (Trump) carried every state." That is a lie, but then that's the MAGAt playbook for ya.
  • AndyJ said:

    "He (Trump) carried every state." That is a lie, but then that's the MAGAt playbook for ya.

    If you don't drink the kool-aid, you get the TDS label. Big yawn.

    "The American people saved the US from being turned into a communist nation...". Um, did they? Let's circle back to that in the next few years.

    Dump might have our economy in tatters soon enough. And then he will blame the liberals. Rinse, repeat.
  • edited January 31
    Mona said:

    @hondo, nope, the majority of American people did not vote for Trump. But, just as I understand that a trump supporter would blame the fires in LA on LGBTQ and the plane crash on DEI, I understand why a trump supporter would say that the majority of American people elected trump.

    You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

    "...Trump failed to secure a majority of the popular vote, at 49.7 percent..." It was a PLURALITY..."A mere 0.15 percent of voters nationwide was the difference between Trump’s second term and Harris’s first. Is that really a mandate?"
  • edited January 31
    JD_co said:

    AndyJ said:

    "He (Trump) carried every state." That is a lie, but then that's the MAGAt playbook for ya.

    "The American people saved the US from being turned into a communist nation...". Um, did they? Let's circle back to that in the next few years.
    Reminds me of the little written tracts from the John Birch Society somebody kept leaving around the junior high I went to. Totally unbelievable even for 13 and 14-year-olds. I think we might have a Bircher right here in River City. Appears JBS has made a comeback lately, per the wiki article:
    In the 2010s and 2020s, several observers and commentators argued that, while the organization's influence peaked in the 1970s, "Bircherism" and its legacy of conspiracy theories began making a resurgence in the mid-2010s, and had become the dominant strain in the conservative movement. In particular, they argued that the JBS and its beliefs shaped the Republican Party, the Christian right, the Trump administration, and the broader conservative movement.
    The article has plenty of footnotes; I deleted them from the quoted post.

  • The usual TDS.
    You mention Trump, and you get 10 "great" posts within an hour.
    ...and of course you have to open new threads on the investment forum:-)
  • edited February 1
    FD1000 said:

    The usual TDS.
    You mention Trump, and you get 10 "great" posts within an hour.
    ...and of course you have to open new threads on the investment forum:-)

    Maybe if he could shut his mouth for 10 minutes people wouldn’t constantly feel the need to respond to all the churlish acts and verbage.

    I once thought Covid was the most stressful period I’d ever endured. But now it looks like the current administration will surpass that as a long running living Hell.

    Your guy defiles and preys upon the tragic deaths of 67 innocents aboard a domestic airline flight while their bodies are still warm to lash out at DEI - without a shred of evidence and defying all logic. The very definition of evil. @FD - you know better than to swallow that gender & raciest bait.

  • No, he doesn't. That's pretty obvious.
  • The fact that there is a 2nd Trump Administration is a testimony to the utter spineless stoopidity (sic) of too many US voters. Can't think for themselves. Willing to drink the Orange Kool-Aid which promises easy answers to complex issues. Not to mention racism, xenophobia, corruption, unethical world-view, nepotism, oligarchy.
  • edited February 1
    FD1000 said:

    The usual TDS.
    You mention Trump, and you get 10 "great" posts within an hour.
    ...and of course you have to open new threads on the investment forum:-)

    FD1000, thank you for dropping in.

    Let's talk about your personal daily activities. Based on the demographics:

    1. Every time that you play bridge, one out of two people have TDS
    2. Every time you go to the gym, one out of two people have TDS (how's your basketball game?)
    3. Every time you go to Aldi's, one out of two people have TDS
    4. Every time you go to Walmart, one out of two people have TDS. Well, Walmart may be a bit different.

    How does that make you feel?
  • Every cult is going to have blind loyalists. FD is not alone - 40% of America is blinded by the con man.

    They will defend him to the end, not matter how badly he screws this country.
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