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  • Bought starter position in CBUDX crossing bridge ultra low duration, buying more one and two year bills/notes, adding to PHYS and nibbling additional MRFOX

  • edited November 2023
    Continuing to add minimum amounts to current positions in OSTIX and RSIVX. Waiting to see tomorrow’s 1-y and 2-y treasury auction on Wednesday. Hesitant to step foot in the secondary market for 2 and 3-y treasuries, though I’d like to lock-in these rates. Missed what appears to have been the peak last month.
  • Feeling bearish after hearing that "Cramer broadly agrees with Bank of America’s bullish analysis, says next year could bring gains for the S&P 500".

    Will only add to CBLDX for now. Equities have already rebounded nicely.
  • Bank stocks like Citi and Bank of America have done terrible the past few years. Jamie and Jeff as in bezos selling stocks in their companies...why?? Not a good sign when banks struggle....

    Cramer is a clown. Watching his comedy show is painful and is a great way to lose monies.

    Big inflows into us stocks the past few weeks..who knows right? Still can get 5% plus and hike the trails or walk the beach for the next couple years without the excitement of the markets...

    Good luck to all
  • edited November 2023
    Great thread!

    The only possible benefit to watching these types of market chat-boxes is that over a full day you can hear just about any preconception(s) you already have on the markets reinforced. Whether you’re bearish, bullish, or just don’t know - chances are you’ll hear some “expert” voice an opinion that corresponds with yours.

    I’d recommend as good “therapy” for nervous, anxious or uncertain investors listening to the audio version of Howard Marks’ The Most Important Thing a few minutes each night as you’re falling asleep. A great sleep inducer and over time helps you focus on the really important things: valuations, taking a long term view, independent thinking, patience, etc,
  • Just purchased 1-yr treasury auction in IRA and Brokerage accounts at 5.2x. Still not comfortable buying Agencies or CDs. Was also looking to purchase 2-yr treasury auction, but when it dipped below 5% I said, “nope.” Rather stay for now in VG money mkt at 5.3% and .11% ER, for now.
  • Took the proceeds from the recent liquidation of VHYAX in the taxable account and distributed the proceeds equally between existing stakes in PFF, DIVO, CSB, and PEY. They got the dough because they pay monthly dividends.
  • It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I bought a government agency bond, AA+ rating, at 6.25%, 10 year duration. Callable - yes. Will it last 10 years? Most probably not, But I'll take the rate as long as they want to give it.
  • Many new agency bonds are callable. Why is that?
  • Sven said:

    Many new agency bonds are callable. Why is that?

    Because the interest-rate trend is down, and everyone can see it?
  • Sold TCREX today. Maybe it will go up some more. But that will be without me. It didn't act as an inflation hedge. And I'm leery of what will happen to real estate after Santa is back at the North Pole.

    Proceeds will likely go into IYK, maybe a little to GRID and FIW.
  • I’m just enjoying the party.

    Blonds … Bonds have more fun.:)

  • My single stock RE pick is PSTL and it was oddly down today while the Market in general keeps on truckin' following the Fed meeting. Stinky Poopy. Nothing but Post Offices(?!)
  • Over the past few weeks, I’ve purchased two new TRP funds in an attempt to replicate the long-closed PRWCX. Added TCAF, a stocks only ETF with same management as PRWCX, to my Roth IRA about a month ago. This week, I bought PRFCX, a more income oriented version of PRWCX, also for my Roth. Together the combined asset allocation should be similar to PRWCX.

    We also added PRFCX to my wife’s Roth IRA to replace RPSIX, a rather mediocre multi-sector income fund. Since the stock allocation of PRFCX is higher than RPSIX, added more money to FADMX, a better performing multi-sector.
  • edited December 2023
    @crash, I am considering buying home builder stocks instead of REITs. My pick on REIT funds have not done well in the past.

    @hank, I agree that bonds are having a great day. Probably the best in recent years.

    @Tarwheel, do you have more information on the bond portion of PRFCX?
  • edited December 2023
    Sold all vone, into >5% mm, will dive back into jqua on pullback
  • @sven
    HOV no div.
    DFH no div.
    MHO no div.
    BZH no div.
    PHM div is a fraction of 1%.
    LSEA. no div.
    GRBK. no div.
    TOL div is a fraction of 1%
    KBH. div = 1.11%
    MTH no div.
    My single stocks must offer me a dividend that's worth something. It's a priority. Otherwise, why buy single stocks? Riskier than funds. The div. helps offset the risks. My minimum div. requirement is 3%. Along the way, growth is perfectly wonderful, too.

  • Added 1000 more EPD on Wed to my income portfolio to make the large positon even larger.

    (late post, it's grading week...)
  • I’m giving some thought to going a little shorter or more conservative in the fixed income / bond sleeves. Just a thought. Maybe lock in some of the recent gains?
  • @Sven - TRP still hasn’t posted details of PRFCX’s holdings, other than the overall asset allocation. According to their website, it’s about 40% domestic stocks, 50% domestic bonds, 5% foreign bonds and 5% cash
  • @Sven, FWIW, BLDR ,Builders Firstsource, has been very good to me. A Barrons stock suggestion that has panned out for me.
  • edited December 2023
    @Tarwheel, @Sven, by law, I don't believe TRP or any fund company has to publicize or update their individual holdings other than quarterly. You should be able to see holdings sometime in January.

    edit: FWIW, I dove in head first on PRCFX. I'm not sure why my own opinion on holdings would be better than theirs.
  • Semiconductors continue to outperform as they have for the past decade. SMH, SOXX and FSELX are good options for investing in this sector. SMH and FSELX have a large % of their funds in NVDA whereas SOXX has a more balanced portfolio. Semiconductors go into seemingly everything nowadays ...
  • @MikeM and @Tarwheel, thanks for the info. I am late to RE. Hopefully there are more room to grow as mortgage rate is coming down. I like your idea of buying a basket of builder stocks. The chart looks very positive.

    Since I already own PRWCX, I am unsure about adding PRCFX unless the bond manager invests differently than Giroux. Giruox is the sole manager for PRWCX and get inputs from TRP’s bond research team. So far the inputs have been spot on.
  • edited December 2023
    hank said:

    I’m giving some thought to going a little shorter or more conservative in the fixed income / bond sleeves. Just a thought. Maybe lock in some of the recent gains?

    I'm with you on that, @Hank. Moved some intermediate duration to limited duration the past few days; not a huge reallocation though.

    P.S. 6m to 3y Treasuries had a decent tick up in yield Friday.
  • "be careful about getting the pom-poms out".
  • Lot of giddy cheerleaders out there recently
  • Moved all money from money market assets in the IRA, and into a preferred CEF. I'm searching for capital appreciation along with increased distributions.
  • edited December 2023
    Anticipating PRWCX year-end payout. Already tucked away: PRNEX, PRFDX. And the monthlies from the bond funds. My biggest yield among my 5 single stock picks is ET, oil/gas midstream. I'd be glad to see management reduce debt, but in the meantime, they are making good on the promise to elevate divvies back to where they were, pre-pandemic. Time to take a breather from all of the acquisitions. Some folks own enough of ET to almost pay for their mortgage. Jayzuz. BHB paid on the 15th, too. Tasty. Stinky start to 2023. Truly not bad, at this point, with 2 weeks to go until the New Year.
  • "My biggest yield among my 5 single stock picks is ET, oil/gas midstream"

    @Crash - and here I thought that you didn't care for the capitalist 1% raping the world for mere profit.

    How sad.
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