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DJT in your portfolio - the first two funds reporting (edited)

According to Morningstar data, two funds now report owning: Fidelity Nasdaq Composite ETF and Unusual Whales Subversive Republican Trading ETF (KRUZ). The Fidelity fund is boring and predictable. Unusual Whales is sort of intriguing.

"Unusual Whales is an affordable options and equity data platform . . . they have started a reinvigorated effort on how lobbying, committee conflicts and finance changes Congress." With the Unusual Whales Subversive Republican Trading ETF, which tracks the stock trading disclosures of Republican members of Congress, you can invest right alongside the folks with the indefensible conflicts of interest! The ticker for the Democratic version is NANC. As in Ted Cruz and Nancy Pelosi as our inspirations.

The site reports "Unusual Whales has reported on political trading and worked on this ETF with the hope of getting the practice banned all together."

Since launch, by the way, the Democrats are kicking red butt: up 41.73% since inception (February 2023) versus up 22.53% for the Republicans. Top Republican holding: Comfort Systems USA, a provider of mechanical contracting services. (Why?) The Dems are a big Mag 7 crowd.


  • edited April 2024
    Comfort Sys/FIX (nice ticker) is a Houston-based HVAC company and is an infrastructure play on construction boom.

    KRUZ has oil/gas, infrastructure, tech in Top 10. Ticker CRUZ wasn't available, so it's KRUZ.
    NANC has tech and media in Top 10.

    BTW, NANC is ahead since 02/2023 inception (by StockCharts - linkable, M*, MFO Premium), so double check the data.
  • @YBB: good catch! In the Morningstar chart, KRUZ was the blue line, NANC was the red line, and my brain was the flatline. Fixed it to reflect the Dem's lead.
  • edited April 2024
    WSJ: At Close 4:00 PM EDT 04/05/24

  • Old_Joe said:

    WSJ: At Close 4:00 PM EDT 04/05/24


    So much winning....
  • rforno said:

    Old_Joe said:

    WSJ: At Close 4:00 PM EDT 04/05/24


    So much winning....
    Investors will eat those realized losses (when they eventually sell) - that's the tax "gift".

    And they will like it.
  • From The Guardian "Trump Media deal faces calls for inquiry over alleged ‘influence peddling’"

  • Gee-suz.... meanwhile we got the grifter beholden to the chi-coms in the office now with run away do what you want out of control crime all over despite what the libs say... nevermind most don't even report it anymore cause the cops won't come out cause nobody gets prosecuted... illegal invaders begging in front of many stores in some of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the country near these sanctuary cities, inflation of food and fuel costs out of control, real, meaning not part time jobs hard to come by, geopolitical mess, middle east about to explode, stock market propped up by insane deficit spending...blah blah...

    Just y'all don't blow a gasket when Orange Man gets elected and I'll tell you why....the suburban soccer mom's who voted for Biden last time because they didn't like mean tweets and thought Biden would be more moderate see their mistake as he went Bernie bolshie on them... they see the crime and inflation and remember asking during the BLM mostly peaceful destructive riots how they were asking can you show me how to shoot a gun.. they are voting orange this Autumn guaranteed.

    And y'all getting squirrelly about a bullshit stock


  • And y'all getting squirrelly about a bullshit stock

    DJT stock is a microcosm of Orange man's world. He belongs in an orange jumpsuit, but will delay trials just long enough to have a shot at immunity.

    A clear and present danger.

  • @Baseball_Fan said: ”illegal invaders begging in front of many stores in some of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the country”.

    I’m absolutely astounded at the wealth disparity in this country. By all accounts it is growing. You do not need to be an immigrant (legal or otherwise) to be living in relative squalor. Where’d all that wealth come from? All clever hard working dudes? Some for sure. But much is inherited generationally and not always from the cleanest hands. Work ethics, legalities or good fortune aside, it still stinks to high heavens.
  • “Behind every great fortune lies a crime.” Balzac.
  • hank said:

    @Baseball_Fan said: ”illegal invaders begging in front of many stores in some of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the country”.

    I’m absolutely astounded at the wealth disparity in this country. By all accounts it is growing. You do not need to be an immigrant (legal or otherwise) to be living in relative squalor. Where’d all that wealth come from? All clever hard working dudes? Some for sure. But much is inherited generationally and not always from the cleanest hands. Work ethics, legalities or good fortune aside, it still stinks to high heavens.

    Access to food and shelter in the US is rampant. Not only is it a shame it's a crime in one of the richest countries in the world. If you think even for a minute that it's all illegal invaders take a trip to your local food shelf and streets of any city. Here's a report on one group.
  • edited April 2024
    It's worth noting that there is only one post in this thread which consists of unhinged political ranting. Following blindly in the manner of his chosen political leader, this individual frequently initiates such drivel. Unable to convince by facts or logic, he has no other option but to spew diatribe in this manner. Very impressive.
  • @Old-_Joe. As we yelled back in the sixties “RIGHT ON!!!!!!
  • @Old_Joe, it can also be called, 'the need for self-attention'.
  • edited April 2024
  • edited April 2024
    @MikeM. Like his glorious orange leader
  • DJT down another 10% today. Nope, not even considering it.
  • Mark said:

    DJT down another 10% today. Nope, not even considering it.

    Wait for the $1 range.

  • Like stealing candy from a baby
  • I'll never touch it.
  • Buy at least 100 shares of DJT, get a free set of ginsu knives! (just pay separate processing & handling fee).

    Act now, sportsfans.
  • LOL. Perfect!
  • Well, for the steak knives I might be tempted. But more than likely the offer will be for a free bible. (just pay $60 processing & handling fee)

    Lessee here... how about for 1000 shares a free pair of golden sneakers! (just pay small additional processing & handling fee)
  • edited April 2024
    Come one, come all! Get your picture taken with Stormy Daniels! Oh no, wait...
    Can you spell F-E-L-O-N? I just KNEW you COULD. And hey! That Frederick Douglass is doing a great job!
  • You realize that buy buying that set of knives, unless you click that tiny box next to the fine print to opt-out, you are also committing to buy a set of knives from a surprise manufacturer each month for the next 12 months, just like the old Columbia Record House business model ....
  • OMG I remember those days.
  • Only us old guys remember all this stuff. There are new generations just waiting to be taught all this the hard way. Some of those old gas-station steak knives weren't too bad... we still have a couple of those.
  • edited April 2024
    Hey, DJT is down another 10% or so today. Kind of like falling steak knives.

    Note to @David_Snowball - You started all of this- surely you must have known better... :)
  • edited April 2024
    @Old_Joe. Re: Professor Snowball. If he hadn’t “started all of this”, it would have been shut done long ago. But Crash shut down his own thread.
  • @Old_Joe Who you call'in 'old'?:) We're well seasoned older humans with brain cells full of experiences and knowledge.
    I kinda liked the bread toasters and other items offered by banks to open an account. I still recall promotion tables being set up in the customer service area with 'gift' choices in place.:)
This discussion has been closed.