Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
B shares converting to A shares was my wife's experience. Her Capital Group R shares have a low expense ration but I am not surprised that in some cases C shares and R shares are egregiously high. Further load-waived is common now.
Let's see if this works. This is QuickSearch Data.
Jon, MRLOX compares decently with the Vanguard Balanced Index on several risk and performance measures. It is not a pure equity fund so comparing it to the SP500 performance will lag due the bonds AND the foreign sleeve. The MFO Premium site's quic…
Lynn, thanks again. Do you have any thoughts on sites/software that are particularly useful to aggregate portfolio's asset allocation? TRP and Fidelity have strenths and weaknesses(my Mom's primary accounts). Just wondering what your opinion is on t…
It did well during the COVID correction. How much do folks think they would need to hold to make a meaningful difference in a bear market? Charles Lynn Bolin has noted it several times in his nutrient dense articles. I think Meb Faber said he has 25…
I wonder how it will effect an extended market index? Does it have to move out of a mid-cap fund? VXF for instance, is an etf but there are mutual funds affected I am sure.
Mea Culpa. Next month I will just post that the Newsletter is posted if I happen to see it first. I just said nothing follows so no one would need to open the post....and just go straight to the Newsletter. Best, Mike
Anyone know if the "mutual fund window" will ever go into effect? I think there was a law allowing it in theory but it was put on the back burner. Maybe forever.
I am going to use this fund as a placeholder. I still had AQR Long/Short Dog which went down when the market was up and down when the market was down. I am using the AQR cash to buy CTFAX. IRA so I am not worried about Taxes. @Old_Skeet are you in…
CTFAX's M* review states that their methodology was unproven. Last updated in 2019. Will be interesting to read the update. I do recall an article about how Columbia'starget retirement funds did things differently with the equity sleeve.
I have been trying to dump my AQR funds. LS and Style Premia did the opposite of what was expected, they lost more than the market during the mini-bear. I just can't decide to do what to do with my 5-6% position of the above funds.
@FD1000 what is your upper limit of stocks since you are in preservation mode? If MA goes below 50-200 day you toggle from 5 to 2%AA in stocks? 2-5% seems like it may as well be 0%. Of course if those are individual stocks...something with large u…