Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
That's a great idea, Informal Economist. Thanks! It has worked entered as a fund for years. But if they can't fix it I'll follow your example. It's sensible and quick.
No carew388, you are not being too harsh. You are being objective. I'm starti…
Been in Powell’s and it is a wonderful store, but I can’t afford the baggage fees if I ever go back to buy books. LOL
That made me smile and laugh. Thanks for that. :-)
The baggage fees! When visiting Portland I've always left Powell's poorer than…
Cookies that enable a website to function are ok with me. Cookies that aim to inform advertisers what they claim I am likely to buy bother me for several reasons and invasion of privacy is not at the top of the list, although it *is* one reason. Ne…
TMSRX doesn't appeal to me, at first glance. I don't even know what TRP lists as being contained in its portfolio.
T Rowe Price lists complete holdings of each of its funds within in each quarter of a year on its website. This is a link to the las…
TMSRX is just under 3% of my portfolio. I made a cautious initial purchase of shares last year. I expect to increase my investment there. That said, it is the only investment I have made whose workings I don't fully understand. That accounts for m…
Because year after year my bond funds have done well and continue to do well. In some years there have been losses of less than 2%. These losses are more than made up for in the next year with gains of 7 or 8 or 9%. For years now experts are saying…
Sad news. He seems to have left this world as well as his job.
I agree. I try to avoid a lot of overlap. *Some* is inevitable but since all my stock funds are actively managed I know that the holdings will change and today's overlap will be tomorrow's "completely different".
It takes some real effort to avoid…
I certainly do examine the current (and past) holdings of a mutual fund before investing. I want to avoid asset duplication, sector duplication, and I also am wary of investing in companies whose behavior has been outstandingly and persistently ille…
The sad fact appears to be that for most of those who have sufficient financial resources to be interested in a forum such as MFO, wealth is more important than the attempted overthrow of the United States democracy.
I disagree, Old_ Joe . Inter…
If over 55 years of age I would probably chose Vanguard Wellesley even though dealing with Vanguard has become an unpleasant experience. But then I wouldn't invest in only one fund.
OH! Now I get it. Thank you.
Many years ago, on the antecedent FundAlarm site, someone (?Rono) proposed that folks who set their hair on fire about a sudden dip in mutual fund NAV during distribution season without first checking whether a…
Wow thats a big deal. Thanks @Shadow
Whoa! I thought it was a big deal at first as well. But since 2 of the 3 Wellesley portfolio managers are remaining I imagine things will not change dramatically. I sure hope not. I've been happy with a long tim…
You needed to have a stout stomach to earn your 10% in GPGCX as it experienced a precipitous fall when COVID spooked the markets.
That's what I thought when I got the Grandeur Peak email today.
Bear in mind that the policies and stance of the Democratic party in this century has moved to the right of Republican president Eisenhower. So historically slightly left of center may look rather more to the left, especially when viewed from far t…
But Bernie is not an extremist. He wants universal health care and to counter global warming, and he wants government to represent the interests of the average person, and he wants Americans to live in a place that has some of the educational advant…
I think the arguments here have been between rightwing and center. There have been few leftwing posts and no extreme leftwing posts at all. An extreme left winger is against capitalism. We are (presumably) all investors here. That makes us part of …
For me, as well as others the "Noisy" home page has been a problem. And I am interested in other categories besides Fund Discussions so making that the only option is not appealing. David, thank you. You did the right thing. If I want to raise my …
I would not mind a "cease fire" and a return to the relatively serene and friendly investment site MFO used to be. The advice to not open political posts if I don't want to read them doesn't solve the problem as the titles of the posts peripheral to…
Thank you ! So "deleted" is entered manually. I might have guessed after a year of wondering. thanks again.
Delete - sorry
How does one delete one's own post? I haven't been able to work it out.
I don't know if there is a way to entirely delete…
The tone of disagreement from the Republican side here has gotten more civil. I appreciate this. It makes dialog possible.
When Trump took office his spokesman S Miller announced that the new president "will not be questioned". In my opinion this…
One prominent poster called Trump "by far the most evil" leader of all time. "Yeah, most evil. Shit, he makes Hitler look like Jimmy Carter[.]" And not one sincere word pushing back on that view, no "fact checks" on the atrocities of the past, no n…
Well I wasn't going to say anything out of.. I dunno... call it habitual good manners... but I have to agree: Old_Skeet was not in favor of free expression. He was in favor of free expression for himself and for those who shared his world view and …
West Virgina U. has a student body ar…
It may be quibbled that Trump did not lie to a Federal Grand Jury thousands of times. Does it really matter? And, no, my pointing this out does not make me supporter of Bill Clinton.
If I remember correctly Clinton was not impeached for having sex (consensual or not) with an intern. It was for lying about it. Meanwhile Trump has verifiably lied thousands of times during his time as President.
My comment was directed at the stock market part of your comment about "economy and stock market". Although general trends are perceivable no human has been able to predict how to the stock market will behave at a specific time. This includes pres…
Re the stock market: How can Trump be credited for the inflation of a handful of stock prices? No president has magical powers. When the bubble bursts, as it must, whoever is president at that time will also not be responsible for this. Trump will…
I take your point. It's possible that Trump was joking. But that he privately disparaged McCain by making similar comments is undisputed. So his possible bad joke seems to represent his real feelings. As for the legitimacy of claims in the Atlanti…