Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and suggestions!
There were many excellent points made, pro and con! I’m not sure I’m any closer to a decision.
Does anyone have any thoughts about owning two funds (MGGPX, MFAPX) with the same manager?
I am happy with my investment in MGGPX, but I am now debating whether to add "one" foreign LG to my mix. The only international exposure I have is through MGGPX (for the most part).
My current allocation to MGGPX is 12% of my PV. I'm not sure i w…
Thank you AJ!
I have been doing a little due diligence into that fund and so far it looks very good.
It’s objective appears to be similar to that of its sister fund BMNSX/BSNIX but as you noted it has a shorter duration with less volatility. I l…
This is a common occurrence under every administration for decades. SS and other federal assistance programs pay deceased persons routinely. Nothing new here, including fraud. Of course, it should be cleaned up but don't hold your breath.
linter, I have been an investor in AKREX/AKRIX for about three years and it has rewarded my very well. It is "low" risk and it's metrics are outstanding.
Just curious, why would you sell out of it now? It has held up fairly well, and remember it …
Thanks gentlemen, appreciate your thoughts!!!
I've said this weeks ago on this and other boards and platforms regarding COVID-19 forecasts, they are, AT BEST, misleading and at worst, useless. The data that is imputed has been incomplete, skewed, …
I've done all of the "tax harvesting" i can from my bond funds. I was probably a little late getting out of them, but......
Now that it "appears" the bond markets (taxable and muni's) have calmed down, what are the thoughts, suggestions and opinio…
Not happy Fidelity reopened FSMEX. I’ve been invested in it for three+ years now and I thought the AUM was more than high enough.
The AUM is still over $5 billion. I presume they see great “value”in their space. I sure hope that’s the reason!
FD1000, Thank you for the very insightful opinions and thoughts!
I believe your pyramid up approach is the way to go and yes I am looking for more ballast then return at this point.
I’m not sure what kind of return we’re going to get from bonds …
Any thoughts on VCFAX/VCFIX? I thought it would have held up a little better than it has.
With rates so low, and probably staying so for a while, is this a buy, sell or hold?
I am thinking about liquidating VCFAX/VCFIX and DCA'ing into BAGIX/BAGS…
Mike, I’ve been invested in a AKREX/AKRIX since 2017. Although it’s highly concentrated and particularly in financials, I don’t think that’s too much to worry about.
26% of the 45% invested in financials is with MasterCard, Visa and Moody’s. They…
Completely agree bee. I’ve done a little myself
I’m not taking RMD’s, not there yet. This was done in my taxable account. In fact, most of the tax harvesting was from bond funds.
For me it's not necessarily about "beating" the index returns. It's more about can you get the returns you need with LESS volatility, better SD and other metrics vs a particular index.
I was a long time holder of FPACX but about 2 1/2 years ago I decided to bail.
Very happy I did I believe there are many better options going forward.
I do believe the increase increase in AUM has hurt the fund among other issues.
FD fair point.
Do you have any thoughts or opinions about IOFIX.
For example, I was surprised that it has a risk profile of 2.
Also, when I compared monthly returns it faired very well in down periods and better than many other MU oefs.
There is so much talk and hype regarding IOFIX that I decided to check it out.
Although it is very expensive for a bond fund, its returns are phenomenal and its metrics appear to be very reasonable for the most part. Even the SD is reasonable rela…
Excellent points msf!
I couldn’t agree more. There’s much more to consider than just investment returns.
Although each approach has its merits I’m beginning to lean towards a pay down over time.
I’m not sure interest rates are going to go much lo…
Sorry for the delayed response; I have been off-line for a few days!
Thank you ALL for your sage input and analysis!!!
I follow most of what is expressed/stated and if I interpret it as intended, it appears to me that:
1) paying off the mortgage i…
To answer your first question Hank, the money to pay off the mortgage would come from a taxable account. Yes, I would incur some cap gains, but not too much that would put me into another tax bracket. I have a fair share already in cash doing 2% o…
I am trying to decide whether to pay off a fairly new 30-year (4% fixed) mortgage or ride it out the term or pay additional principle and reduce the payoff time. I am not using complicated math, just rudimentary figures and math.
I guess conventio…
I second Gary1952, AKREX it’s an excellent fund.
I’ve been transitioning POGRX into AKREX for two years and am very happy that I did.
The risk/reward profile is far superior to primecap. It is a bit pricey though.
sfnative, thanks for the insight!!!
Do you are anyone else have any thoughts or opinions regarding the long-term viability of holding onto this fund? I've had it for several years and it has been good, but going forward I do have "some" reservatio…
Thanks msf!!!
It certainly seems this fund is positioned for rising rates; not sure if that is going to come to fruition any time soon.
I do not want to bail in PONAX/PIPNX, especially now, but i am a bit conflicted.
Any thoughts?
I’d like to echo the concern over the extremely poor performance recently, in particular the month of August.
Any other thoughts on why PIMCO income is performing so poorly relative to its category and peers?
It seems to defy logic.
Is this …
Ema_Jack, thank you for the thoughts and links. I will check them out. I was a contractor for most of my career, now just part and no defined benefit plan.
Derf, i do not see a link to the article or its name. Could you try again, please?
I understand the hoopla around Primecap funds given its history, and I own a small chunk of POGRX, down from a significant percent of my portfolio.
I am interested in the forum's thoughts on the Family and these funds. Although the long-term retur…
Thank you all for the links and thoughts!!!
Interesting article bee!!
hank, you are right the TRP retirement calculator is interesting and of some value!!
Any other suggestions are very welcome; a wide breathe of info is the only way to valuable …