Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Earlier in the year you might require a higher quarterly estimated tax payment so waiting until late might save be better unless you are paying 100% of last years taxes
Are you looking for a value, growth or blend fund?
As something like 60% of the smallcap index companies are unprofitable, most people think active management is better.
Just ETFs? Why not look at OEFs too?
There is another disturbance in the Caribbean with a 40% of developing into a named tropical depression, tropical depression "12" 600 miles west of Cape Verde islands that will probably become a hurricane and a another disturbance nearer the Cape …
Most of what Marks said recently is old news. The massive peacetime budget deficits really started under Reagan when they admitted they wand "to starve the beast".
His famous quote about the 12 most dangerous words in the English language " I am he…
NYT has a "nuclear power is a disaster" article harking back to Three Mile Island, which I remember well. I saw "China Syndrome" the day before three mile Island cratered. Talk about life imitating fiction!
The New Yorker had a three part article…
I am adding to UTES and energy. AI needs lots and GRID will also benefit. But they could all crash if AI flops
But then so would everything else
One newsletter I read had an analysis of TSMC energy needs. All fossil fuel and little renewables in …
NYT reports feds allege he has been taking gifts and bribes for years. Holy shades of Spiro Agnew!
Should shut down you know who's claim only GOP is targeted by DOJ.
Adams speech was interrupted by black spectators shouting "you are an embarrassm…
I had a similar question recently having started a position in MLN last fall. MLN is riskier than I like although even "conservative" higher yield munis lost 15% or more in 2022. MLN has bounced back so I kept it not wanting more capital gains.
In general, models like these are helpful to me, but I rarely do exactly what they recommend
It is difficult I have found to accurately predict what your spending will be in retirement. I ran multiple [plans over the years but the reality in retire…
I couldn't open the link but googled Kotlikoff and found it on his substack page.
You get what you pay for. Fido is free. MAxFi (Kotlikoff) costs $89 a year, but you only need to run it once and then maybe a few years latter. They will save your da…
It was good while it lasted but now the question is where to go. None o the index funds are appealing except maybe the extended market fund.
I will probably roll my account over, unless their annuity rates look great, but I am not a fan of …
Kinnel seems to imply you have to subscribe to M* Institutional database to run the screen. I haven't tried it in Fund investor. But why publish articles for individual investors based on a screen only available to high end clients?
PE close to SP500 P/B higher than SP500; does not seem a value fund.
I think this position paper is laying the groundwork for their Value ETFs
I think these criteria are too M* centric. Do you really care if M* rates a fund's "parent" as sub optimal? Most of these ratings are machine driven anyway.
My favorite is down rating a fund ( I forgot which one) for "high manager turnover " whe…
As best I can tell the new form will not show % allocations of watch lists, only a portfolio. Consequently I will have to migrate all my existing monitoring over to portfolios rather than watch lists if they stop allowing "legacy" view
It does not…
@ rfono I know of three credit bureaus most usually mentioned but are there two others?
I have had a credit freeze for years. When I called the provider offering credit monitoring from one my many hacks, they said a credit freeze prevents them fro…
We have changed banks about every five years, driven away by some disaster or another. Once it was data related, ie they lost an unencrypted data file with all our info on it. Usually it is bad customer service, usually with a national bank, or our …
Cut my general commodity exposure in half, but kept the energy stocks for the dividends and Gold.
I would like to add to utilities but I fear horse has left
Trying to pick a good Dividend fund. I have used a lot in the past but not settled on one…
Very interesting. The named managers for the Int Quality ETF are the same as QLTY
The managers for the Value and International ETFs are Sakokils Chiang Thorndike with Oliver on Int Value
I could only find an closely equivalent mutual fund for the…
I filed an SEC complaint a couple of years ago when I sold a mutual fund at one NAV stated by Schwab and then days later the fund company lowered the price I recieved
The paperwork was not much. I won and got about $500 back
For some reason M* portfolio manager does not list even a $1 as the asset price for most Schwab MMF. ( Some of Fido's work fine) I have to do a manual transposition to another symbol or just put in "cash"
It is interesting he makes such a big deal out of GLP-1 but apparently has only a small % in Lilly and no NOVO. While detailed portfolio stats are not available except for 12/31 the most recent Quarterly fact sheet shows a persistent 17% in healthc…
All depends on the landing. If we get a recession Treasuries are the place to be.
Anybody else lengthening the duration of their bonds? With what vehicles?
While High Yield has held up I am getting more cautious here too
FWIW His " Pre Merger Spac " ETF SPC has been a somewhat low yielding ( 4% last year) steady eddy for over three years now. They aim to buy SPACs that have lots of cash before a merger and if there is no merger before the timeline the cash has to…
WE have sent money and stocks to our kids and daughter-in-law at Schwab from our Schwab account without an issue once we set it up with a form. No Medallion required but I think it had to be notarized
I read this after I read his first book about the collapse of Lehman "Colossal Failure of Common Sense " which is very very good. While I suspect he was not as prescient in 2008 predicting the collapse of his firm as he now says he was, he does see…
I think it all depends on your belief in why people buy stock.
If you buy stock believing it will give u a share in cheap cash flows that will increase as the company does well etc and make your investment worth lots more? Buy value stocks carefull…