Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Fido is not as benign as it seems. They are forcing all Advisor Clients to stop using their MMF for sweep vehicles and use FCASH instead. FCASH pays at least 1% less than their MMFs.
I have not checked to see if it is FDIC insured but I don't th…
Bloomberg Today
BTW at bottom of Article they do not mention that Ives said Muskrat should get out of the Government and go back to running the company, as he has caused this crash
TESLA stock is in a freefall. Its sales are plunging around the…
BISAX is tops in Small International, appropriately so. Artisan International Value has slowed way down recently probably due to asset bloat
Brandes and Dimensional are their top equity families. Very interesting
Thanks for digging around, but it is still sorta black box.
I skimmed through their winners and some of them are very interesting, and beat funds I currently own.
There is another Crossing Bridge winner CBRDX which they dump into General Bond fun…
An interesting list with 3 5 10 year categories.
I assume they just used raw performance. Some of their picks are a bit odd
Kinetics Global is 3 and 5 year winner for Global Small/mid
45% Bitcoin and Texas Pacific Land !
It is state court. Will see if Supreme court of ND upholds the verdict and judgement. Also not clear how they will enforce it. I have no idea of what Greenpeace's US assets consist of either.
How many of us know a Canadian who has told us " I will never visit your A**hole country again? "
We were planning to go to Paris next year
It will be risky but I hope if I get a "Biden Harris" hat no one will attack me
I do not think most Ameri…
I am a proud Hopkins alum ( 1978). The School of Public Health is probably the best in the country. No probables about the med school.
Good thing Bloomberg sends them lots of Cash. He will probably make up some of this but the public needs to hea…
Even before this latest barrage, all the Canadians I know have canceled as many economic transactions with the US as they can.
Friends here on the Cape say their Canadian relatives have told them they will NEVER come to "Your A***ole Country again"…
You really cannot believe this is rational. Time to sell airline stocks too.
Anyone who supports these cuts needs to do a deep dive into the mechanics and dem…
People who have had no experience with a government agency or worked there and who claim there is massive fraud and abuse in Government have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about.
The facts about the VA, for example are indisputable.…
Just a couple of ideas from the internet
"Some might take solace in the fact that betting on sharp further losses in stocks forces one to assume that the government will deliberately commit economic suicide by pursuing farcical policies and there i…
The only hope is an article I think in Bloomberg that reminds us after the stock market dropped 10% last time, he relented.
There is another article about a plan to sell 443 Federal buildings across the US including many historic and iconic DC hea…
I disagree this belongs in "off topic" There are serious implications to the economy and investing if the US weather service forecasts disappear. Can you imagine the next hurricane season without any warnings?
Just like an article in NYT today ab…
I can never figure out who these articles are intended for, other than advertisements for the top "families"
Would anyone really move all their money to a firm that scores higher than where they currently invest? These are also apples to oranges c…
These are useful, but I pretty much know the difference between her benefit if she filed today vs in 11/2026 when she is 70. Then it is easy to calculate the $ difference between the two payments.
What is harder is to calculate the total return on…
Thanks. My wife and I were talking about this this morning. She was going to wait 2 1/2 more years before filing but maybe we should file now before it becomes almost impossible.
I believed until recently that they would not attack thin…
I think this is only the tip of the iceberg. A friend's daughter works at DOJ shutting down awful internet scams. Has saved Billions. She is probably going to be fired.
Anyone who thinks this will not affect the economy and drive prices higher is deluded
Our word in international agreements is worth sh**.
Meanwhile China and Russia are celebrating. Why would any country try to partner with USA when they see they…
I am long gold and essential commodities the orange whatever cannot increase with the stroke of a pen, like grains and food. Inflation will not come down but will increase. The dollar will take a major hit, as the world will now realize America’s w…
paul Krugman’s substack blog predicts “ The end of North America”.
I’ve been saying for a while that markets were far too complacent about Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on Canada and Mexico, believing that he wouldn’t follow through because it’s…
While unconditional pardons are allowed by the Constitution, this does not mean that pardoning the nation’s enemies does not violate his oath of office “ to faithfully execute the Office of the United States …”. I think a strong argument can…
Anyone who supports Trump has to answer a simple question for me. How could he pardon people convicted by honest juries of seditious conspiracy to overthrow the US government only a few minutes after taking an oath to “preserve, protect and defend …
@ old_joe
I use portfolio xray to quickly analyze my multiple accounts at Schwab and Fidelity and combine mutual funds and stocks into one report.
Not sure if there is anything else comparable, for a modest sum. I have spent hours looking but alwa…
The P/E for Mag 7 is even higher. To believe they will have positive return you have to believe there will be “greater fools “ to buy your shares at a higher price, the P/E will go even higher (TSLA is now somewhere north of 70), or earnings will qu…
Great discussion of the importance of infrastructure in the future, regardless of what the GOP tries to do with climate change subsides, David. Sorta like defense stocks. While you can hope their products won’t be needed it is obvious we are living…
Rep Mike Levine from California has a copy of a leaked slide from House GOP planning $2.5 Trillion cuts in " mandatory spending" in Medicare, Veteran's benefits, food stamps, school lunches etc to fund Trumps Tax cuts. BTW did you know the 2017 ch…
If all IBIT has to do for redemptions is sell shares to market maker who then sells bitcoin, I dont think there would ever be any distributions.
havent checked but has GLD ever had distribution?
While neither CVS or Walgreens is doing a good job, the people in our CVS here are a lot friendlier and functional.
Glad my pharmacist friend sold out to one of them years ago
Interesting re Israeli AI firm. I guess the IDF wasn't using them Oct 7th?
I am always bemused bu the multiple attempts over the years to replace MDs and their diagnoses.
AI may very well be able to read X rays and EKGs better than humans, but if …
I dropped Bloomberg a year ago as I ddint think it was worth over $300. Just re upped at $139 price but I am not sure I will keep it. Has breaking news but agree articles not as detailed as WSJ or Barrons
WSJ articles clearly the best but not lik…
I always used either MERFX or ARBFX. They always claimed a steady ride, but both blew up in July 2021 when one heavy position blew up. I can't remember which.
EMAYX far more volatile . I have never been able to tolerate Gabelli's self promotions…
I think the biggest advantage for us is the less frequent capital gains and lower fees. Firms realize they may get left behind, and I assume GMO now has $1 Billion more assets than they did before, as it is unlikely the ETFs cannibalized their high …
There is an argument that anything that the government cannot produce more of effortlessly, even Tulips, is better than Fiat currencies.
This presupposes you can get someone else to accept it as "money" and it is safe, not easily stolen and it will…
I am very impressed with a lot of the Brown Advisory Funds, in addition to David's favorite BAFWX ( Sustainable Growth)
BVALX is a very good Value fund
BAFLX Global Large Stock
BAFHX Europe
Their Bond funds are not as good but rarely awful
And his attorney general believes in (his) states rights but will sue any other state that gets in his way.
I never thought they were Republicans, they are ideologues and dictators
If the deadly performance of the Texas electric grid " not connect…
What is interesting is there is sometime a 50 cent price differential here on Cape between stations 10 miles apart.
Some people drive 45 miles to Costco but won't drive 10 miles to save $10