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  • johnN
    Ty so much

    Will look at SPHD
    Prob add more SCHD happy new yr has it for 5 6 months now
    December 2022
  • johnN
    hi Sir

    Not sure what to make of situations but some studies are saying C19 was rampage in CCP in late Summer in EU/USA way before expected before Late Fall/Xmas 2019
    [Think all of us were barking up the wrong trees when C19 was running through US like wild fire]

    kind regards
    February 2021
  • @sma3,

    I also notice the difference that you noted and sent Charles an email asking him to look into your question. In one of the David Snowball commentary, MFO uses mutual data from Lipper and that could be the source of error.

    Later this week when I have time I will run the calculation starting from 12/31/2019 through 8/30/2020 based on the NAVs and adding the monthly dividends. The maximum DD can be obtained from the Excel plot as well the recovery period.

    Best regards,


    October 2020
  • sma3,

    I used the Ulcer Index to divide four buckets. Bucket one is very safe. Bucket 4 has an Ulcer Index close to or higher than the S&P 500. All international/global funds go in one bucket, and international/bond funds go into another bucket. One bucket is for income fund based on yield. The other two categories are inflation and defensive. There is a table of them in this article:

    Thank you,
    Best Regards,
    June 2020