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Top Trump Officials Debated War Plans on Unclassified Chat Shared With Journalist

edited March 24 in Off-Topic
The following was excerpted from today’s Wall Street Journal.

”Senior Trump administration national-security officials held detailed discussions of highly classified U.S. plans to launch airstrikes against Yemen's Houthi militants using a commercial messaging service and mistakenly included a journalist in the conversation, U.S. officials saidMonday. The chats over the Signal encrypted messaging service spanned days and included specific information about weapons, targets and timing used in the attack, according to the Atlantic magazine, whose editor, Jeffrey Goldberg, was inadvertently included in the discussion and who disclosed the texts.

“National-security experts and former officials say that use of Signal for conducting classified discussions about imminent military action was a serious breach of security procedures governing the handling of sensitive defense information.”

Lay off the bottle Pete!


  • Send in the clowns.... Don't bother: they're here.
  • edited March 24
    I just hope Goldberg doesn’t ”disappear”.
  • If this happened in the Biden administration, BS1000, hondo, and the Republicans would go in a tailspin.
  • They will try to discredit Goldberg first,,, already started. Then they will give The Atlantic the Paul Weiss treatment. The regime playbook is pretty predictable.
  • edited March 24
    About these clowns parading around on the hill.....the prank is on us. They are actually thieves masquerading as clowns!

    It's more bank robber than carny. Robbing us of our Democracy.

    We need a hero.
  • Pete Hedseth and Mike Waltz need to resign or be dismissed, But obviously and unfortunately don’t see that happening.
  • edited 1:54AM
    Just saw a story about this on the PBS News Hour.
    Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg was inadvertently added to a group chat via Signal.
    Mr. Goldberg received operational military information regarding the Yemen attack
    two hours prior to the attack. Release of this sensitive information to unauthorized
    individuals could endanger our military personnel and operations.
    These snafus shouldn't be surprising since only the "best and brightest"
    were selected for key positions in the Trump administration!!!

    Leon Panetta (former secretary of defense, former director of CIA) was a PBS News Hour guest this evening.
    He was taken aback that this conversation took place on a commercial messaging network.
    "That just strikes me as being pretty careless."
    Mr. Panetta believes this incident must be investigated.
  • Junkster said:

    Pete Hedseth and Mike Waltz need to resign or be dismissed, But obviously and unfortunately don’t see that happening.

    @Junkster, how do the MAGA folks in your deep red area perceive this?
  • @Mona NOT Junkster,but my take. Just another day at the office.
  • edited 10:14AM
    Mona said:

    Junkster said:

    Pete Hedseth and Mike Waltz need to resign or be dismissed, But obviously and unfortunately don’t see that happening.

    @Junkster, how do the MAGA folks in your deep red area perceive this?
    @Mona. Here in deep red MAGA country Trump and his cronies can do no wrong. They drink the kool aid in ways you can’t imagine. It was perceived as a simple mistake. Yet as you alluded to had the mistake been made by the Dems all hell would have broken loose. Of all of Trump’s picks I was most against Hedseth. Gaetz of course was even worse but thank god he dropped out.

    As an aside, I don’t like the AOC and Crockett crowd anymore than the MAGA crowd ala Greene and Boebert. I sort of feel like lost in the wild. Whatever happened to moderate politicians on both sides of the aisle? The Bill Clintons and the Mitt Romneys? I am so far to the right on some issues yet so far to the left on others I guess that puts me in the middle. Remember the far left Earth First movement? I was a proud supporter. Yet on immigration and crime I am about as far to the right as it gets. What boggles my mind is the Dems still can’t grasp why they lost in 2024. Fetterman in your neck of the woods sure has it figured out. My kind of guy and a real maverick.
  • Go on about immigration
  • edited 11:25AM
    @Junkster. Thanks for sharing your red state insights. It seems that many MAGA voters will be hurt badly by the regime’s cruelty and incompetence. Yet they have the most blind loyalty imaginable. Is the spell unbreakable? As for your political dissonance,,,, clearly nothing could be worse than what the country is being subjected to since the inauguration. Not really a choice…and as to why the dems lost in 2024,,, to use your words “they drink the cool aid”. Noting could have changed their little minds.
  • @Junkster. Finding any equivalence in those pairs of representatives is beyond ludicrous… the maga twins are in a class of their own. Drawing that comparison destroys your credibility.
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