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  • Sold CLF for short-term loss of 21% ... offset by realized gains elsewhere, thankfully.

    Total mistake on my part. 'nuff said.
  • I can't find any reasons to commit to a market which seemingly has no direction. If I'm going to wander aimlessly I'd rather do so on a hiking trail.
  • Mark said:

    I can't find any reasons to commit to a market which seemingly has no direction. If I'm going to wander aimlessly I'd rather do so on a hiking trail.


    I will reinvest the "free money" that comes via dividends. Otherwise, I'm keeping it simple, just growing the MMkt fund.
  • Same here.
  • edited March 21
    Markets feel “rudderless.” I haven’t a clue. But until today inflation hedges (gold, etc.) were running hot.

    Gundlach is expecting recession. Sounds like he’s cutting risk.
  • @rfirno: I bailed on CLF when it popped to $12, but I rarely pull off profitable short-term trades.
  • edited March 24
    Friday, in my taxable a/c, opened a new position in PRWCX, after receiving an opinion from my investment advisor, he felt a tradable bottom was in place, given the extreme oversold conditions. In dfd accounts, added to positions in PRCFX and MGK. In retrospect, wish I had been braver with the amounts purchased.

    Monday, in taxable acct, opened position in JGRO. Nibbled more on DFAT (SCV) and SCHD (they just did their annual reconstitution of holdings. I like what they have done). In dfd account, nibbled more on MGK.

  • @Edmond,

    At which brokerage company did you open a new position in PRWCX?

    Trying to understand the context of opening a position in PRWCX (not the best fund to express a bullish reversal) upon sensing a tradable bottom, what is your target effective equity allocation?

    My google search for "what is a DFD account" did not turn up any credible answers. What is a dfd account?

  • dfd: Tax deferred maybe?
  • my guess, too.
  • edited March 25
    Added to current position in NRDCX and submitted purchase for 17-week T-Bill auction using funds from mmkt.
  • BaluBalu said:


    At which brokerage company did you open a new position in PRWCX?

    Trying to understand the context of opening a position in PRWCX (not the best fund to express a bullish reversal) upon sensing a tradable bottom, what is your target effective equity allocation?

    My google search for "what is a DFD account" did not turn up any credible answers. What is a dfd account?

    As the questions are a scant off-topic for the thread topic , I will message you responses.

  • edited March 26
    Limit order is in for slightly below today's closing price in BLX. Just a handful of shares, using dividend money, paid today.
    *EDIT TO ADD: yes, the order was executed this morning, Hawaii Time. A small remainder of the dividend given yesterday is going into SWVXX. 26/03/2025.
  • In taxable acct, added a tranche of PRWCX.

    In dfd accounts,

    a. sold a few small CEF positions (DMO, JRI). The catalyst for the sales was twofold: streamline the number of holdings, and modestly de-risk. Used the proceeds to add to PRCFX.
    b. In a separately-custodied acct, opened initial positions in VYM and PFTPX (low-duration version of PIMIX).

  • I've added a bit to brk.b. brk.a is the second largest holding in FCNTX but I like investing directly in the b shares too
  • @PopTart- We held a fair amount of Brk.b for some years, but got tired of no dividend, so the only potential gain was an increase in NAV. However for a younger person just playing the long-term market that may be perfectly OK.
  • Thanks OJ! I've been in brk.b for 9 years and it's been a good diversifier in my portfolio. I'm in it for the NAV increase and it's been performing relatively well since Cheeto showed up again.
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