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  • Bump up.

    Any takers here for KSS, currently priced at $14 and yielding 14% dividend?
  • BaluBalu said:

    Bump up.

    Any takers here for KSS, currently priced at $14 and yielding 14% dividend?

    90% payout ratio and unsteady track of divs in recent years .... not for me.
  • edited December 2024
    rforno said:

    BaluBalu said:

    Bump up.

    Any takers here for KSS, currently priced at $14 and yielding 14% dividend?

    90% payout ratio and unsteady track of divs in recent years .... not for me.
    Deep value investor is a different breed, most of us here do not belong to. With those metrics it could be attractive if it had a Moat but in the space it is in and high interest rates, it is probably sleep walking into a graveyard.

    If you guys remember, a couple of years ago, there was a take private offer at $55 a KSS share and the Board thumbed its nose at the bidder. There are a lot of Boards in the US that belong in North Korea.

  • BaluBalu said:

    rforno said:

    BaluBalu said:

    Bump up.

    Any takers here for KSS, currently priced at $14 and yielding 14% dividend?

    90% payout ratio and unsteady track of divs in recent years .... not for me.
    Deep value investor is a different breed, most of us here do not belong to. With those metrics it could be attractive if it had a Moat but in the space it is in and high interest rates, it is probably sleep walking into a graveyard.

    If you guys remember, a couple of years ago, there was a take private offer at $55 a KSS share and the Board thumbed its nose at the bidder. There are a lot of Boards in the US that belong in North Korea.

    I don't recall that, just offering a quick-take on the question. (I don't play in the retail space beyond consumer staples, sorry)
  • edited December 2024
    I mentioned it just in case if we have any lottery seekers or that had followed its history in the past 3 yrs; otherwise, I was not expecting any takers.
  • edited December 2024
    Switching out of PRFDX and into PRCFX. The ride has been too bumpy. And disappointing. So, the change. Also reinvesting the BHB dividend into more shares.
  • I set my play-money buy limit way down on CLF, but the order went thru today. It’s either a reversion to mean or a value trap. I don’t know of a worse looking group of stocks than steel makers:
  • @BenWP, sometimes gambling works. I tossed some play-money at BA (BOEING CO) back in early November and after an initial drop, it's now up almost 12%. I'm sure I'll ride it back down again. It's just the way it works:)
  • Moved some cash to increase RCTIX holdings
  • @MikeM: On a hunch, just the other day, I did the same with VEEV, which I had been watching. Damned if it didn't shoot up at the opening the next day. I put in a sell order, Schwab improved it by $2, and I had a $500 profit. I used it all to make donations to local public radio, MFO, and a couple of other causes. Believe me, it is truly rare for me to succeed in that way.
  • @BenWP. good on ya. thanks for literally sharing the wealth.
  • Any one interested in IEP should know now it yields 20%. Has had a few distribution cuts.
  • BaluBalu said:

    Any one interested in IEP should know now it yields 20%. Has had a few distribution cuts.

    Was in and out of it over the years. After the Hindenburg short raid last year I bailed, took the loss to offset gains elsewhere, and never looked back. Not sure I'd want to go back in after that, plus the div cuts, and general restructuring of things they've been doing.

  • If you traded in an IRA how large can one go specifically in IEP without having to worry about UBIT? Was the K-1 painful?

    Since you do not need much effort to get up to speed, may be it worth a relook at IEP. It is sub $10 a share now.
  • edited December 2024
    BaluBalu said:

    If you traded in an IRA how large can one go specifically in IEP without having to worry about UBIT? Was the K-1 painful?

    Since you do not need much effort to get up to speed, may be it worth a relook at IEP. It is sub $10 a share now.

    I have other MLPs so the biggest 'pain' is waiting to collect them all and upload them to my accountant ... I used to do my own taxes but decided several years ago that my time is valuable too, the laws are getting more cumbersome, and why the hell not pay for the convenience? :) And I only ever hold them in taxable accounts anyway so UBTI isn't an issue.

    I'll look at it again, just out of morbid curiosity. But I already have my income shopping list and am just waiting for things to 'go on sale' ....
  • totally agree on convenience. let us know what you relearn about IEP.
  • edited December 2024
    Finally started a position in UTG. Also stalking AMLP/NML and potentially UTF as new adds at the right price.

    CHSCM looking interesting on the preferred side. They're predicting a softer couple of quarters, which might send the shares even lower ... but they're on my radar again.

    No earth shattering amounts, just taking advantage of today's flash sale.
  • edited December 2024
    There is a new memecoins, Fartcoin, that I got to get some….

    We have been swapping more SPY for short term high yield bond funds since early November. Stock % is now lowered than those % of bonds and cash. High valuation is a headwind going into 2025 while there are ample unknowns.
  • Sold my short-term position in APA for TLH.

    Adding my usual annual slug to PRWCX since it paid out last night.
  • edited December 2024
    Remember Dogecoins that was started by E. Musk as a joke. It is actually trading today. These meme stuffs are not for us as sound investment vehicles.
  • edited December 2024
    Sold TRTY. Split the proceeds between LVHI & AOK. Each 8.5% of portfolio.
  • @Mark: I think you caught GQEPX on the day it paid its distributions and dropped with the market. GQRPX was down 7%, in my account.
  • @BenWP: noticed the distribution and waited a day (yesterday) to buy. Although it's held in a Roth I wanted to remove any source of confusion between market action and distributions paid.
  • @Mark: The sale appears to have been extended, judging from today’s futures.
  • edited December 2024
    @BenWP: +1. If only they'd make it a BOGO.

    So anyway if my math is correct GQEPX was down (7.0%) on the day $24.43 - 1.71 of which $1.04/sh was LTGC and $0.67 (2.74%) was due to market puke. By waiting an extra day I received/saved an additional $0.04/sh discount. Mostly that's all dumb luck if the offering price holds going forward. We'll see. It appears as though the PCE data report this AM was favorable to those who make sense of such things so fingers crossed for now.
  • edited December 2024
    Sold AOK (after 1 day) and reduced amount in LVHI. Created an ”Equity & Income” sleeve (18% of portfolio) with equal parts: LVHI, INCM, WEA, GGN. The last one focuses on natural resources and precious metals, but states its primary mission as generating income. Having vacated PRPFX recently, wanted to gain back a bit of P/M exposure. I’ve been stalking GGN for months. It has fallen back in recent weeks.

    Couldn’t find a single fund I was comfortable with to occupy the one final sleeve among the 5 majors after selling TRTY yesterday - the reason I created my own fund-of-funds of sorts.

    5 sleeves X 18% each = 90%, and 10% cash is where I sit (or sink).
  • Was happily adding to HELO this morning when the market spun on its heel and suddenly turned higher.

    Triple witching and govt shutdown threats make for volatility. But we always rebound in the end.
  • edited December 2024
    I'm contemplating QLENX. Does anyone have any thoughts, opinions or similar funds to consider?
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