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Any Bets on Joe Biden’s VP Pick?



  • edited August 2020

    >> her marriage to that Jewish fellow is why she has been with those supporting Israel unquestioningly


    it all seems part and parcel, bundled and noncausal, as with so many of us who have been so married

    .....Surely not merely coincidental. I won't tell you here what I think of AIPAC. It will get me banned. It's nice to know that she's not allergic to J Street, though. And of course, they're not perfect, either.
  • " is on the record opposing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel"

    just like that Jewish fellow: " I do not support the BDS movement,"

    And just like J Street

    Consider the Iran nuclear deal. "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has led a firm and unrelenting years-long campaign against the Iran nuclear agreement. His opposition to the deal cast a shadow over the relationship between Jerusalem and the Obama administration."

    AIPAC fought tooth and nail to prevent the deal from ever being made.

    By endorsing no only its restoration but its expansion, is Harris opposing Israel, or just Likud?

    What it means to support a country is rarely clear cut. Does one support the US or does one support Trump's policies, or are they one and the same? I suggest that support for a country is not synonymous with unquestioning support of all of its actions.

  • Crash said:

    .....Surely not merely coincidental. I won't tell you here what I think of AIPAC. It will get me banned. It's nice to know that she's not allergic to J Street, though. And of course, they're not perfect, either.
    Do you think that she will make Jerusalem the capital of Israel?
  • It is not for the US to "make Jerusalem the capital of Israel." According to the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (a US Public Law), "Each sovereign nation, under international law and custom, may designate its own capital."

    What's Harris' position on Israel having named Jerusalem its capital?

    In 2017, in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, she voted to support SR 176. That Resolution included:
    Whereas the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45), which became law on November 8, 1995, states that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel ...

    Resolved That the Senate— ...
    reaffirms the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45) as United States law, and calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions.
    A few of the other yea votes reaffirming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel: Sanders, Warren, Franken, ... No point in listing them all, it was a 90-0 vote.

    Of course this is all kabuki. But then so was the question.

    If what you meant was whether Harris would move the embassy away from Jerusalem, a year ago she "declined to express an opinion" , the same as Sanders, Warren, and Castro, "despite [their] having sharply criticized Trump at the time of the move."

    In contrast, Biden, Booker, and others went on record as not moving the embassy back to Tel Aviv.
  • edited August 2020
    msf said:

    Of course this is all kabuki. But then so was the question.

    Of course it was. It was meant to be.
  • Here is another perspective on the election ... It's titled ... "With Harris Pick, Democrats Cede Election To Trump" A link to the script follows:
  • edited August 2020
    Well then ... as Zero Hedge is Russian then here is another Russian take on our Capital Markets. For me, it is pretty much on target as I'm in belief that the stock market is grossly overbought as I write. This is not saying it want go upwards this explains why it will and why it will have a false floor under it.

    Here is the Russian take ...
  • edited August 2020
    Sure and you could ask a pitcher about baseball or a reality TV star about starting imaginary businesses. That doesn’t mean they know squat about politics or brain surgery, and any comments they make on those topics could be the subject of outside corrupting influences.
  • edited August 2020
    I'm thinking that the liberal senator form Calif (Kamala Harris) will sink the Democrat Presidential ship. Why? Because there are too many Democrats like myself that will vote Republican in the coming Presidential election. I've had enough of the likes of Pelosi and Shumer and feel the swamp needs to be drained. Biden, Pelosi and Shumer have been there for better than 40 years. Years back ... Pelosi and Shumer joined together and told us what was wrong with America was out President, Ronald Regan. Now, they are joining together again and telling us what is wrong with America is our President (Trump). Simply stated, their story is others are at fault for failures in America and not those that have been in Washington with past long standing terms. I'm not buying their story and I continue to feel the swamp needs to be drained! And ... again ... in draining the swamp ... the likes of Biden, Pelosi and Shumer need to go and they can take Sentor Shiff with them. Now throw in the mix the liberal Kamala Harris who is a wanna be Pelosi. Granted she is smart and witty ... but, others are as well. This mix of Biden & Harris is just not for me even being a Democrat.

    What a big joke that was with Shiff's "Kangroo" Impeachment Hearings ... but, look form where he is from. No other than Calif. Where is Pelosi from? No other than Cailf. Where is Harris from? No other than Caif. I'm seeing a pattern.
  • edited August 2020
    Oh wait and the major blue states like California and New York are the driving engine of our economy without which the U.S. would be a third world nation, but somehow any politician who comes from those states or the bluest of cities in those states like New York, Boston. SF and Seattle knows nothing about economics and will ruin the country. Meanwhile red state politicians from the heartland and the South depend on Socialist largesse in the form of tax revenues for their farm subsidies and military contracts from blue states like California and New York while moaning hypocritically their taxes are too high. I’m sure folks like MSF could calculate what these ostensibly corrupt Blue Dem politicians and the blue states they run bring to our GDP versus the red states. The swamp is in the Whitehouse and he brought the rest of the trolls and troglodytes with him.
  • edited August 2020
    @Old_Skeet: You are no more a Democrat than I am a Republican. As far as the "swamp" goes, you Republicans have had four years to drain it. Instead, you've poured so much filth into the "swamp" that it's now a stinking cesspool. At least swamps have beneficial aspects.

    Since you favor a politician who outright lies on a daily basis, deliberately and actively foments division and racial discord, and believes that white people are in every way superior to those of other color, you have also defined your own belief system. Look into the mirror... It isn't a pretty sight.
  • edited August 2020
    Here is a link to see a list of states listed by their GDP.

    It is interesting that I have a neighbor in Charlotte with two daughters that moved here from Calif. years back when the girls were teenagers. One now in their late 20's and the other in her 30's making big money in banking with one living in NYC while the other lives in Boston. They both came home back in late March, to Charlotte, because of the virus. Both said they are not going back as there is good opportunity in Charlotte. Another neighbor at the coast moved from upstate New York. After living in South Carolina the past few years he recently told me there's no way he would go back North.

    Forest Gump had a saying, in the movie, that life is like a box of choclates.

    Wonder why so many from the north are moving south? I have seen a good number from the west coast move into the neighborhood as well.

    From what I have seen and have been told by those that have moved here that thay are not going back. Wonder why that is? Any idea? I'm thinking it might be because the quality of life is better here and money is good but not everything.

    Wonder why Trump moved from NYC to Fla? Any idea? I'm thinking it was because of the better quality of life and you gussed it ... lower taxes.

    Seems, from what I can gather, folks are on the move from those high producing GDP states you have referenced. Wonder why that is?

  • Two words OS, housing costs. I've been pretty much all over the US and one's quality of life is what you make it. FL for me is just a place to be warm in the winter but in no way, shape or form can it compare to the 'quality' of life in MN.

    By the way, who wrote your last response? It certainly wasn't you based on the musings you've posted over the years to this discussion board.
  • Mark said:

    By the way, who wrote your last response? It certainly wasn't you based on the musings you've posted over the years to this discussion board.

    FD 1k

  • edited August 2020
    Hey, it's indisputable that lower taxes = better quality of life.

    If, of course, you have enough individual wealth to be able to pay for everything that you might conceivably need in the way of health, housing, education, transportation and food.

    If not, well, that's just tough. So move to a high-tax state.
  • Re: the title of this thread: Joe wants to tax those with lots of money more than they are ostensibly paying now. He wants to raise the corporate tax rate. As an Irish citizen, I never personally liked the way Ireland was undercutting other countries with its (mere) 12% corp. tax rate. That was some years ago, perhaps it's changed since then. ... And of course, a great many US companies simply filed a piece of paper with the court to officially change their address to a town over in Ireland. (Bullshit greed.) Naturally, Harris won't be fighting these moves from Joe...... I suppose it's common for people to relocate to a different State to avoid higher taxes. What are the States with NO income tax? WA, SD, NV, TN, AK, TX, FL..... Please correct me if there are errors in that list. It's the same idea as Ireland undercutting the others, only there are 50 States. And then, individual companies and/or individuals get sweetheart deals from City Councils or County governments for promising to create jobs and come with X amount of dollars with them. It's legalized bribery. As far as I'm concerned, the leftover federalism we still have since the Civil War ought to go. And with it, the Electoral College. Quality of life? That depends on one's personal preferences and budget and lifestyle. Surely, there are Demublicans even in deep-Red Wyoming, besides the majority of those who are of the Repugnant Party persuasion. I live in a deep-Blue State, but I'd rather it were Green/Socialist. But only Bernie's VT keeps voting him back into the Senate. And there is Angus King in Maine, but he's no socialist. And if it still needs to be said, socialism does not mean Soviet-style communism. How long has the human race been here? And evil people will STILL do anything for money. Just look at the Orange Abortion. Or THIS guy:
  • edited August 2020
    Here is more on the Biden / Harris ticket and why it might be in trouble even before the DNC takes place.

    And ... from another source reports ... Biden's VP running mate, Kamala Harris, may put an end to Democrats' Senate takeover hopes.
    Likely to Hurt

    Biden's pick of chameleon opportunist Kamala Harris is unlikely to play well in states the Democrats need to win to take the Senate.

    I created the above map on 370-to-Win.

    That link shows my map that you can modify or reset.

    What Changed?

    My Previous Map had Democrats up 50-47. Now it's 50-49. I suspect Iowans will make my next update 50-50.

    If so, Republicans will just need to move Maine back into their column.

    Tie is a Win

    A tie is a win for the Democrats assuming Biden wins the election, which I do. But Harris won't help there either.

    The Democrats put another lightning rod on the ticket and that was a poor move.

    Harris Protects Pedophile Priests

    Harris Accused of Accepting Bribes

    Harris was sued for Imposing strict conditions on the sale of the Daughters of Charity Health System in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions.

    Birthers Go After Harris

    This is pure silliness on the part of Trump. There are so many legitimate angles on which to attack Harris.

    Political Suicide

    The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed claims Kamala Harris Won’t Satisfy Progressives

    It’s hard to believe that younger black voters will look past Ms. Harris’s record as San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general. “That ‘top cop’ thing has just stuck—she built such a strong brand on it as an AG, as the DA—and it’s hard for people to erase that in their memories,” Chivona Newsome, a co-founder of Black Lives Matter, told the New York Times. Kevin Cooper sits on California’s death row in part because Ms. Harris refused to allow him to obtain advanced DNA testing to demonstrate his innocence. Prosecutors withheld potentially exculpatory evidence in the case of George Gage, and Attorney General Harris fought to keep him in prison on a technicality. He’s 80 and still behind bars.

    Mr. Biden probably won’t enjoy much of a boost from a running mate primarily chosen to appeal to the older black voters who would have turned out for him anyway. He has certainly alienated progressives.

    The hashtag #KamalaIsACop will trend again.

    Seven Things

    Please consider 7 Key Observations About the Choice of Kamala Harris

    I like Points 1 (condensed), 4, 5, and 6.

    1. This is going to be the Harris Administration with Joe as a figurehead. That is not an exaggeration.

    4. Harris is perhaps the most anti-religious freedom candidate on a major party ticket in the modern era. There are numerous examples of this, and it was the actual inception of the beef with Tulsi, after Harris threatened what amounts to a religious test to block members of the Knights of Columbus from the courts.

    5. A touchy debate will play out on black Twitter and Reddit about whether Kamala qualifies as sufficiently black, because she is Jamaican and Indian. It has already begun. Expect this to become a touchy subject that will lead to pieces in The Atlantic and NYT that are handwringing and uncomfortable.

    6. Who is not high on Kamala? Young voters, for one: how will college age voters react to this choice, especially if they are in the Sanders wing, which finds Kamala terrible? What about Hispanic voters, who could potentially have problems with her past activities in California and on Catholic issues? How about pro-marijuana voters? There are a number of traditional Democratic coalition members who may not like her.

    Short Synopsis

    "If you are an anti-war pro-pot Bernie Sanders-liking class warrior type, Kamala does nothing for you.

    She is a “moderate” only in tone, not in position, and according to DW Nominate, she is the second-farthest left Senator in voting record."

    Who Does She Please?

    Harris does not please the Progressives despite nearly being one of them. But she does not please the centrists either.

    In short, this is the kind of wishy-washy, allegedly "safe" choice silliness that appeals to no one who can see what's really going on.

    What About the Presidential Election?

    Biden's choice will make the election closer. Trump has someone he can easily attack.

    But despite the fact that Kamala Harris is a Nauseating Political Opportunist, Trump has alienated far too many people to win.

    His Covid handling, the recession, jobs, tariffs, and handling of the George Floyd incident are likely far too much to overcome.

    I have Biden as a 70-30 favorite, similar to Nate Silver.

    For discussion, please see Biden is a Huge Favorite to Win the Election.

    The Senate is now another matter.

    Point-CounterPoint Addendum

    Reader Claim: The VP pick impacts down ballot races? I think the argument is weak. VP doesn't impact that greatly Harris probably increases black voter turnout. This seems to be the calculation.

    Mish Rebuttal: It may be the "calculation" but I strongly disagree.

    Harris is widely disliked by blacks. Biden romped and stomped her in states with large percentage of minorities.

    Some Blacks will sit out the election but most will do what they would do anyway: Vote Democratic.

    Rather, it is the marginal White voter who may switch to Trump that matters.

    This could easily tip the election. Recall that Trump won a handful of states by less than a percentage point.


    I was challenged about Harris being disliked. Distrust is a better word.

    This story nails it: Black people didn't trust Kamala Harris, and they were wise not to.

    Let's not confuse a recent rally behind the nominee for sudden trust.

    People need to rationalize their choice, and the result is a sudden appearance of trust that was not present when it was Biden vs Harris.

    Blacks were going to vote Democratic no matter who Biden picked for a running mate.

    The cost is many marginal White voters and that is the key point to this article.


    My comment. Some on the board don't like Trump and others don't like Biden. But, that aside, I am a Democrate that plans to vote for Trump in 2020. I'm sure there are others like me. I have found it very distasteful to keep reading post after post about how bad Trump is. Now ... you can start reading some about how bad the Biden / Harris ticket is. Not very pleasant is it! Have a good evening.

    Mirror morror on the wall who's gona win this fall? The Grand Old Party aka Gamma Omega Phi
  • Allow me to disabuse anyone of the idiotic notion that Biden is remotely like a hard left socialist:
    The man comes from Delaware, the corporate wonderland. Were it not for the fact that we are in the midst of a crisis and stock valuations are absurd, I would say he would be an absolute boon for the stock market and guys like Old Skeet and FDK1000 would continue to line their pockets under him. As it stands, I think any president including the current one is walking into a trap as far as stocks go in the upcoming presidential term. The primary difference with Biden is he actually believes in the law and a minimal amount of fair play and regulation in the corporate sector unlike the current con artist, and oh yes corporations should pay some taxes. He is about as centrist corporate loving democrat as they come with the typical level of corruption for that kind of candidate. Every fifth word is a lie instead of every single word like the Donald. Read the linked article.
  • edited August 2020
    It would be helpful if we could confine our reporting sources to those of generally recognized credibility. There's already more than enough phony crap on the web without misusing MFO to generate even more.
  • edited August 2020
    Zerohedge...really.... didn't read a word of the propaganda after that. I think you should check out QAnon and maybe pick up a couple conspiracy theories to throw out into the interweb.
  • I heard Bernie today, on Chuck Todd's show, "Meet The Press." (Ya, I know it goes back to the '50s or so.) He emphasized the need to focus, simply, on one thing: voting to defeat the Orange Abortion. Because this is not just a matter of policy preferences and opinions and differences. The upcoming election is about SAVING and RESCUING American democracy. And he was spot-on.
  • edited August 2020
    As LewisBarham points out New York State is one of the top GDP producers in the United States.

    The below link will explain why so many are now leaving ... and, not coming back as one of my neighbor's daughters who recently worked in NYC and left because of COVID19 says she is not returning. I'm thinking that NYC and the surrounding area are becoming unpleasant places to reside. Again, the below link explains why this is in more detail. I believe that NYC and the State of NY are both cotrolled by elected Democrats. Heck. If they can't run the Country's largest City what makes you think they can run the Country? Pelosi, Shumer, Shiff and their likes need to go. Drain the Swamp.

    49 People Shot In Last 72 Hours In New York As City Hits Its "Expiration Date"

  • Old_Skeet said:

    As LewisBarham points out New York State is one of the top GDP producers in the United States.

    The below link will explain why so many are now leaving ... and, not coming back as one of my neighbor's daughters who recently worked in NYC and left because of COVID19 says she is not returning. I'm thinking that NYC and the surrounding area are becoming unpleasant places to reside. Again, the below link explains why this is in more detail. I believe that NYC and the State of NY are both cotrolled by elected Democrats. Heck. If they can't run the Country's largest City what makes you think they can run the Country? Pelosi, Shumer, Shiff and their likes need to go. Drain the Swamp.

    And how does this have to do with your being a "Southern Democrat"?
  • edited August 2020
    Hi Mona, In answer to your question ... Independent Thinking and not that of along party lines. Something that Democrats in the House of Reps failed to do under Nancy Pelosi that was and has been independent thinking. The Impeachement Proceedings under Shiff were a joke. But, the Dems stuck with Pelosi as a voting block. A Southern Dem would not have done that. Look for the Southern Dems to become more active in the future and not vote along party lines.

    Charlotte NC is controled by Democrats on City Council and County Commission. We had violent protest in this City over the summer as most Democrate controlled cities did. Charlotte City Council voted to defund the Police Department. Southern Democrats are a fraction within the party that are splitting off from it because the party no longer represents our values. Plus ... Democratic Leadership is not what it use to be as it was under President Kennedy. With this, many Southern Dems are now supporting other candiates and not those of our party in protest. Simply stated ... we are taking our votes elsewhere.

    With all the violent protest that went on this summer in Democratic controlled cities you have to ask yourself this question. If the Dems can't run city and county governement what makes you think they can run the Country?

    Old_Skeet is a Southern Democrat that voted for Trump in the last election and I paln to vote for him again in the upcoming election. Biden needs to stay in his basement.
  • edited August 2020
    Time out. Hold the show. You cannot call yourself a thinking adult with a conscience and vote for Trump. Maybe you don't like everything about the Democrats. Maybe you wish you could return to 1948 and vote for the Dixiecrat, Strom Thurmond. Yes, everything is broken. Right down to the lousy streets in Oahu--- where we NEVER experience frost heaves.... But a vote for Buzz Lightyear or Dr. Strangelove would make more sense than a vote for The Orange Abortion. To my mind, a little thing like integrity is involved here. And leadership. The tRumpster's administration exhibits neither. And they're not just amoral, either. They are downright evil. Hell, I could see all of the spam going to hit the fan back in 2015. Write in your pet's name. That would be a better choice.
  • edited August 2020
    Crash, and others, I have not written emblishment about you for making your choice. I ask the same of you, going forward, towards me. Skeet
  • edited August 2020
    @Old_Skeet Being someone versed in fund stats, you should be aware that the numerators of important statistics are most relevant in relation to their denominators. Looking at the total-number crime stats for a city like New York, which at 8.6 million, had the largest population of any city in the U.S., is relatively meaningless without looking at a per capita number relative to the population denominator. Per capita the highest violent crime rates are in red state cities--Alabama's, Alaska's, Arizona's and Florida's cities all exceed New York's and that beloved Trump bugaboo Chicago's per capita crime rate:
    And these stats are just for cities with populations greater than 100,000. I'm fairly certain if you looked at the per capita violent crime stats for small poor uneducated due to underfunded school systems towns in the red state South you would see fairly high crime rates. New York City hasn't been dangerous since the 1980s and even then I would rather be stuck outside there at midnight than in Mobile.
  • Old_Joe said:

    It would be helpful if we could confine our reporting sources to those of generally recognized credibility. There's already more than enough phony crap on the web without misusing MFO to generate even more.

    +1 x infinity
  • edited August 2020
    "Old_Skeet is a Southern Democrat that voted for Trump in the last election and I paln (sic) to vote for him again in the upcoming election."
    And Old Skeet should be truly inspired by these folks-
    The white St. Louis couple who attracted national attention for brandishing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters in June will be back in the spotlight next week, this time as speakers at the Republican National Convention.

    Joel Schwartz, one of the lawyers for Mark and Patricia McCloskey, confirmed to NPR Tuesday the couple has been invited to take part.

    Another attorney, Albert Watkins, tells NPR there has been "ongoing contact with the White House" since the June 28 incident and President Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows reached out to the couple.

    The McCloskeys face felony charges for waving firearms "in a threatening manner" at demonstrators as they marched through the couple's neighborhood en route to the home of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson, who lives nearby.

    Trumps' kind of people- If you're for Trump, then you're also for this:


    The above is an extract from a current NPR news article, edited for brevity. Text emphasis was added.
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