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CA failed again



  • "What a stupid argument when you're dealing with natural disasters."

  • Nice try, BS1000. First you say "Of course, they expect all of us to pay for it." as if the MAGA states are going to foot the bill. When we point out that California consistently sends more to Washington than we ever get back, then you say "I never said CA didn't contribute. CA have been doing a lot. Of course CA paid more taxes. More people, higher salaries, and great companies have been doing it."

    The "number of people, higher salaries, and great companies" have absolutely NOTHING to do with it, do they? The FACT is that CALIFORNIA supports the MAGA Republic states.

    Your MAGA Republic ALWAYS gets back MORE THAN YOU PAY IN.

    California almost NEVER gets back more than it pays in. The LA fires may be a very unusual exception.

    You people have been sucking at the California tit for so long that you can't even think about it let alone honestly acknowledge it.

  • edited January 16
    A typical grass fire is easy to contain. It’s on the surface. Wet down the surrounding area and you got it. But a forest fire is a different animal. Not only does wood (trees) burn at incredibly hot temperatures but the very extensive root systems underground also burn. Hard to extinguish. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near this. I’ve been burned while burning a brush pile in the back yard a few times when I got too close. Can’t begin to comprehend the heat a fire like this generates.

    A bit OT - But if it hasn’t yet been discussed, a Canadian fire-fighting airborne tanker was struck by an illegally flown drone and put out of commission for days.
  • Yes, I've seen pictures of the damage... about a 6 inch hole in the leading edge of one wing. How nice. How thoughtful. F'ing idiots.
  • Dried pine/lumber which make up most homes burns incredibly HOT and FAST. I had a firepit in my back yard and once got some scrap lumber from a carpenter friend. I threw some in the firepit and was shocked and a little scared how fast it went up. I was a little worried I would set the trees in my backyard on fire. I won't do that anymore. It's hard to fathom the hell a neighborhood of homes on fire would be. I was in a fire department for many years and home fires can get to a point they're so hot the entire structure explodes in flames.
  • Wow... I just saw a documentary short on I think FB talking about the LA fires in 1961. How some of the ground vegetation is known to be some of the fastest burning in the western hemisphere. Fire spreading 13 acres every minute!! **1961** We never learn, we keep building where mother nature tells us not to build. Same with hurricanes and flooding along coastlines. Mother nature ALWAYS wins. Then you build where you think it's safe (Helene comes to mind) and mother nature says: watch this.
  • edited January 17
    Old_Joe said:

    Yes, I've seen pictures of the damage... about a 6 inch hole in the leading edge of one wing. How nice. How thoughtful. F'ing idiots.

    Makes you wonder where this will end. Drones will only get more sophisticated (perhaps an oxymoron?). Can you shoot down a drone hovering outside your living room window or over your backyard swimming pool? Does the 2nd amendment extend to arming drones? Safety issues for civilian aircraft abound. The government is usually late to the party in identifying threats and working to reduce / eliminate them.
  • Tell me. As Crash would say: "Truth".
  • I did see on the news that the Fire Chief complained that the Mayor and Council under-funded the LAFD. But in the thick of the crisis, they stood shoulder to shoulder. Get the fires out, deal with complaints later.

    Homeless epidemic? Check out Oahu. Jaypers. From where I sit, the underlying issue re: homeless people on the streets is that the laws allow them to so easily refuse assistance. I have made the argument that our human dignity demands that such persons not be allowed to live that way. It is an affront to the value of our shared humanity. But then, there need to be places for them to be housed, fed, rehabbed, educated. Some are PTSD vets, too. It's a damn shame. A great many do suffer from treatable mental illness. No one can tell me we are the "greatest country on earth." It took 19 days for an item to reach me here from NYC through the mail. REGISTERED mail, which ought to have been expedited, too.
  • "Registered" mail requires the use of registered horses and riders here on the continent, so anything from the East takes a fair amount of time these days.
  • edited January 17
    And here a friend and I have been wondering about the cat-powered carts that must be running the mail from town to town around here.
  • +1. Both of you.
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