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Former Republican VP Dick Cheney Explains Why He’s Voting for Harris

edited September 7 in Off-Topic
Cheney Story in Time

John McCain’s Son - Endorses Harris Following Arlington Cemetery Affair


  • edited September 8
    It's highly unusual that so many Republicans, including many former Trump administration officials,
    refuse to endorse the GOP's presidential nominee.
    Strong words from former VP Cheney, who is definitely not a RINO:

    “'In our nation’s 248 year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic
    than Donald Trump,' Cheney, 83, said in the statement shared on Sept. 6.
    'He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power
    after the voters had rejected him,' he continued, referencing the events of Jan. 6, 2021."
  • edited September 8
    Well, this morning we hear Putin endorses Harris. Easy to see as merely a joke or, perhaps, an attempt to turn any mention of Putin at the debate into a joke. So, if ties to authoritarian leaders might be used in the debate, gives Trump the ability to deny and turn it on Harris.
  • edited September 8
    Putin better watch out. She’d have his head on a platter.

    Waiting for George W to endorse her. That would be ground-shaking.
  • Google headline news today is that W has no intention of giving his endorsement to either candidate.
  • edited September 8
    Anna said:

    Google headline news today is that W has no intention of giving his endorsement to either candidate.

    I guess that's the most that can be expected.
    Just watched "W." All kinds of familiar faces in the cast! Josh Brolin nailed the "W" persona, I think.
  • Harris can just disavow the joke-endorsement from Putin. He's counting on a stupid American voting public to take it seriously and run the other way. Too many American voters are indeed heinously stoopid.
  • When social justice becomes mistaken as communism, all is lost. I guess non-stupid people can find somewhere else to raise their children. That is as long as there is an anywhere else. Having watched how fast the US has turned from progressing to regressing, I have to believe all humans have the same stupid among them.
  • Crash said:

    Anna said:

    Google headline news today is that W has no intention of giving his endorsement to either candidate.

    I guess that's the most that can be expected.
    Just watched "W." All kinds of familiar faces in the cast! Josh Brolin nailed the "W" persona, I think.
    Yeah - Much as W’s brother Jeb loathes Trump, he probably still has political ambitions. Wouldn’t help him any in the party for W to vote for Harris. Probably wrong - but my take anyway.

  • edited September 8
    Anna said:

    When social justice becomes mistaken as communism, all is lost. I guess non-stupid people can find somewhere else to raise their children. That is as long as there is an anywhere else. Having watched how fast the US has turned from progressing to regressing, I have to believe all humans have the same stupid among them.

    Digressing here - But if there is a God, as many profess, he sure designed a Fk’d-up world. Alien visitors might someday stand aghast observing our ritual of regularly annihilating one another with our combined arsenals of “advanced” weapons. Never ends. Must have evolved from the time of the cave man. Oops - The creator must have been having an “off-day” when he designed it all.

    A favorite line from Phantom of the Opera - “These things do happen …”

  • hank said:

    ... But if there is a God, as many profess, he sure designed a Fk’d-up world....

    Lately, I have been having a similar thought at least once a day.

  • edited September 8
    "I have to believe all humans have the same stupid among them."

    @Anna- Yes, and it seems to me that there's been no change in that since the beginning of recorded history.

    "... But if there is a God, as many profess, he sure designed a Fk’d-up world...."
    @hank- I've often said that this "Fk’d-up world" is the best argument against there actually being a God. And if by some chance there is, he/she certainly isn't anyone that I'd care to know.
  • @Old_Joe - Yep. I could have done better on the ”design” end with half a toot on.
  • @hank- Those of us who have designed things as a profession have all had to throw away designs that proved to be complete failures, and sometimes also dangerous.

    I guess once "God" designs something there's no trial period- it is what it is.
  • @hank, W. will not announce his endorsement unlike Dick Cheney who took his stand.

    Liz Cheney recently gave an interview on NBC.
    Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney encouraged anti-Trump Republicans and independents Sunday to consider voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, saying it’s “not enough” to write in someone other than former President Donald Trump in the November election.

    “Given how close this race is, in my view, again, it’s not enough. You have many Republicans out there who are saying, ‘Well, you know, we’re not going to vote for him, but we will write someone else in,’” Cheney said in an interview on ABC News' "This Week." “And I think that this time around, that’s not enough, that it’s important to actually cast a vote for Vice President Harris.”

    Asked why she decided to support Harris, Cheney said that she had never voted for a Democrat in her 40 years of voting but that Trump “poses a challenge and a threat fundamentally to the republic.”
  • L. Cheney and dad are correct----- apart from the bluest blue State, Hawaii. Repugnants and others have zero chance to get our 4 Electoral votes.

    I could wax theological, but would change no one's mind here. Very often, those who argue against God/religion are arguing against a caricature. I will not attribute that to anyone here. Benefit of the doubt...
  • I found this article in the New Yorker fascinating because it addresses the issue what brings some people, who are not necessarily unintelligent or uneducated, to believe outlandish claims. It turns out that « low-information voters » appear willing to vote without looking into the truth of much of which passes for facts these days. While there are many ways to check on seemingly wild claims, many of the « LIV » appear to be too lazy or unwilling to do the legwork. Sad commentary on the state of our nation’s mental fitness.
  • @BenWP - I see it, hear it and experience it all the time. I've run out of ways to approach it without pulling what's left of my hair out. Folks just don't want to learn about what they think they already know.
  • It may be worse than that, @Mark. A majority of people who are « LIV » voted for DJT.
  • (...Cue my oft-repeated Churchill quotation here.)
  • edited September 24
    A bipartisan group of 741 national security leaders endorsed Harris on Sunday.
    From Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American:

    “We do not agree on everything, but we all adhere to two fundamental principles.
    First, we believe America’s national security requires a serious and capable Commander-in-Chief.
    Second, we believe American democracy is invaluable.
    Each generation has a responsibility to defend it.
    That is why we, the undersigned, proudly endorse Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States."

    “This election is a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness.
    It is a choice between democracy and authoritarianism.
    Vice President Harris defends America’s democratic ideals,
    while former President Donald Trump endangers them."

    “We do not make such an assessment lightly.
    We are trained to make sober, rational decisions.
    That is how we know Vice President Harris would make an excellent Commander-in-Chief,
    while Mr. Trump has proven he is not up to the job.”
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