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  • Look at this interesting CUSIP 3134HA3J0, a 10 yr Agency

    It is callable every three months from the issue date, 1/22. It offers a 6% interest rate if it does not get called on 7/22/2025 or 4/22/2025. If it gets called on either of those dates, the interest rate is 5%.

    Interesting way to dare potential customers to make interest rate bets.

    The total amount offered is $10M but I have seen on previous occasions an offer being withdrawn before full subscription.

    Today, it is available both at Fido and Schwab. The above interest rate detail is not available at Schwab.

    Please post if you subscribe to this issue. I am thinking about it.
  • edited January 16
    @BaluBalu - thanks for re-introducing agency bonds into discussion. Still, 3-month continous calls? So the investment is constantly prone to being called. I’ll pass on that option. Here are a few I’m pondering. I like that at least they have a guaranteed payment period:

    FMLB 5.9% 2045 call - 1/26


    Federal Home Loan Bank 5.7% due 6/12/2036 Callable 06/26@100

    Federal Home Loan Banks Cons Bd 5.375%44 5.375% due 12/27/2044 Callable 12/27@100

    Your thoughts?
  • edited January 16
    @Level5, When buying callable Agencies, I ask myself if I would be OK with the interest rate if the bond is never called.

    20 years is too far out - I may not be alive and I do not know if 5.5 to 6% yield is enough for something that far out, unless it is US Treasuries.

    Re the 2036 due issue, Fidelity shows Yield to worst at 5.267% - that does not sound right. In any case, I only buy new issue to avoid having to deal with bid-ask spreads of secondary purchases and pay commissions.

  • msf
    edited January 16
    Re the 2036 due issue, Fidelity shows Yield to worst at 5.267% - that does not sound right

    Looks about right to me. A back of the envelope calculation (no yield calculator required) has it coming out to about that (before subtracting the cost of the trade, which further reduces yield).

    First call is in 17 months (June 2026). Amortizing the premium ask price (0.573%) over 17 months comes to around 0.4%/year. Subtract that from the coupon rate of 5.7% and you get 5.3%. Given all the rounding and disregarding of compounding effects, the stated 5.267% yield seems correct, or at least close enough.
  • edited January 16
    @BaluBalu - I get it. I wouldn’t buy 20 or 30-yr treasuries for the same reason - longevity; and yet I’m comforted looking at/buying longer term agencies (at the yield that services my own debts) knowing that they’ll probably be called in the first year or two. If not, and my recent experience says otherwise, the income still works for me.

    As I read my previous paragraph, I realize the contradiction. I could always sell the treasuries (not so easy with agencies). But where’s the mystery in that.;-)
  • Thanks @msf.

    I would not assume FHLBs would maintain their credit rating over a 20-30 yr period. It is possible their bonds are already priced as if they are lower rated than what the official rating shows.

    There is a higher chance USTs would maintain their highest rating, not to mention they control the printing press.
  • As of today's purchase of FLOT in the IRA, my bond holdings are now (with rounding) USFR 11%, VRIG 8%, PULS 8%, CBLDX 7%, CBRDX 7%, FLOT 7%, MNHAX 4%, and FFRHX 3%. PRWCX holdings are not included.

    That's a bit of a dog's breakfast, to put it mildly. Perhaps there will be more clarity, and simplification, by this time next year.
  • edited 2:05PM
    May be do us a favor and post how PRWCX positioned its bond sleeve.

    On a separate but related note, Nomura is expecting 10 yr to hit 6% in 2025. Gloomy Bloomy says that is similar to TRP’s forecast, without saying what TRP’s forecast is.

    Edit: Not buying CUSIP 3134HA3J0 mentioned yesterday.
  • BaluBalu said:

    May be do us a favor and post how PRWCX positioned its bond sleeve.

    On a separate but related note, Nomura is expecting 10 yr to hit 6% in 2025. Gloomy Bloomy says that is similar to TRP’ forecast, without saying what TRP’s forecast is.

    PRWCX is rated BB with a duration of 3.09. Corporate is ~50%, gov is ~38%, and the rest is cash. He has been on the shorter side for quite a while. And I note that he is not buying anything securitized.

    I'm not making any predictions where bonds are going. I don't think anyone knows.

    Jason Zweig says that the predictions are all about marketing: How You Can See Through Wall Street's Ritual of Wrong.
  • Thanks, @WABAC. 3 is more than I was expecting but that is what M* says. He has 50% or more in 3-5 yr range. He has more than 30% or more below BB and about 43% in AA. I mention the credit rating only for edification and not to worry about anything.

    Of course, everyone in media is either talking their book, marketing, or entertaining themselves.
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