Do you folks think this is a new fierce-bull market rally or just a W recovery in hiding, will DOWS JONES reach 15k by end of summer, or 26.3k???
We did bought more/added today SPY, QQQ, vong, vanguard2045. If it continue to come down, maybe think of DCAs and buy more next 6 12 months...
My friend from working thinking of bailing out, even though that person has > 15 yrs until retirement, think got too anxious and does not want to loose more money.
I do think maybe good time to go for more cash + fixed incomes if nearing retirement and if DOWS reach 27 or 28k levels
For our household, still 90/10 in tsp distributions, no changes probably until few yrs until retirement in ~12 yrs [after considerations and careful discussions w/ Wifey-Boss]
thankyou for any suggestions...
The market has surprised the heck out of me already, but I have to believe Mr. Market is pricing in a perfect outcome to this pandemic, quick vaccine, everyone back to work, people spending as ussual. Add in a FED that will prop the stock market up as long as it can't do so anymore. I believe the highs now are just creating a bigger fall some time in the next 12 months. I'm certainly not a buyer at this point.
There is already damage to the retailers and many workers will not return to their old jobs. Not so easy to expect a quick turnaround.
I know exactly what will happen. The Dow will reach 26123 next week. Then, it will go to 24652 a week later. Then 22521 and finally 27365.Wait, it was a dream
I sold before the crash, then made some successful trades in stock ETF + CEFs, back to be fully invested in bond OEFs after about 5 weeks, and continue to make money.
I write my portfolio results every week and so far in 2020 I was up every week except one where I lost -0.2%. Life is good. In the last 3 years, I never lost more than 1% from any last top.
I don't recall seeing any daily/weekly trade(s) conformation here as to what is stated by @FD1000 for his account(s) returns.
This is non-verifiable.
Today would be a good starting point until the end of the year, to verify a portfolio return for @FD1000.
Begin with..............
---holdings today
And then follow with all account trades with loss/gain data going forward to December 31 for 2020. No dollar values required, just real data.
Otherwise, this is nothing but hearsay; as with a friend of a friend told me that .......
Rules for Moral Perfection - From Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography
Temperance — Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
Silence — Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
Order — Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
Resolution — Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
Frugality — Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i. e., waste nothing.
Industry — Lose no time; be always employ’d in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
Sincerity — Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
Justice — Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
Moderation — Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Cleanliness — Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.
Tranquility — Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
Humility — Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
davidrmoran said: “you should manage money!”
Thank you for the Franklin notes. Chastity = blank ? Hmmmm...
Did you post this list on The Donald's Twitter page?
“CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.”
Appreciate folks’ indulgence, as this isn’t about investing. I’ve always been fascinated by Franklin’s efforts at self improvement and his down-to-earth humble writing style.
Here’s that better link:
meanwhile, ben f is an ancestor of mine ... and i've got the massive forehead to prove it, if not the brains behind it.
I’ve no reason to doubt FD1000’s word either. Everything posted here - including by me - should be taken within the context, as I think @Catch22 intended, of being non-verifiable assertion. It also needs to be considered within the context of the poster’s age and circumstance. For younger investors, a couple 10% “down years” followed by a couple 25-30% “up years” ain’t too bad. For others that might be too much volatility.
I’ve resolved in the past to reveal as little as possible here of the investments I own, recognizing that such information / comment is largely non-verifiable and possibly non-applicable to others. Like Franklin, I sometimes find resolutions difficult to keep.
@WABC - You just made my day with your above Franklin link.
Such despicable thoughts. So eloquently stated. Now, me wonders if it might have been intended as satire; while being fully aware that in life Franklin bore a rather raucous reputation, reputedly fathering several children out of wedlock.
An Overview of Market Resilience Charts of previous Recessions:
You don't have to believe anything I say. The chance I will post all/any of my trades are slim. The following are several points from the past.
1) I retired after 23 years after starting investing 1995-2018. It's all from savings and investing. Never got any help, stock options, or inheritance in the past or in the future.
2) In the last 3 years, my portfolio performance was above 9% average annually with SD < 2 (it's 1.91). I never lost more than 1% from any last top. My goal was to make 6+% with SD<3 which means I easily passed it.
3) My portfolio now is about 33 times our yearly expenses and we still don't take out SS.
If you think the above is a dream then I'm OK with it
Assuming the retirees chose a more conservative allocation, say 50/50 as they approach the retirement date, the drawdown of their portfolio would near 15% and that is more manageable. Challenge today is finding bond funds with yields north of 2% without incurring higher risk including junk and EM bonds. Even the investment grade bonds went down to 8% during the sell off in early March as investors fled to cash. The market has recovered some in recent weeks but now the trade war with China just flare up again.
Just lay the bat down, touch ‘em all when you go yard for the first time…
Like you’ve been there before like it ain’t no thing like it ain’t your first trip around that block…
Roll with it don’t let it show like it ain’t your first rodeo…
Lyrics from Act Like You’ve Been There Before - Jameson Rodgers