[ ] Tell Ted to stop gaming the system by bumping himself; remind him of a long ago promise made after an earlier unpleasantness
[ ] Tell OJ to stop posting private messages in public; offer him a list of exotic vegetables that he could suggest that his antagonists kiss
[ ] thank other members of the board for their tolerance and thoughtful attempts to mediate
[ ] write another 2,000 words for April issue
[ ] teach Propaganda (British, against American neutrality, 1914-17)
[ ] get on with life.
Thanks, David
[ ] Tell Lewis and everyone to do the same.
Well, I tried.
Ted's stubborn recalcitrance prompts me to explain why I brought this situation to public attention, and why I chose to quote excerpts from the private messages:
• Ted's threat: "I'm going to ask David to ban you from the board". meant that he would be contacting David. It's obvious that Ted would not be mentioning to David the genesis for this whole affair: His gaming of the "Discussions+" system.
• I attempted to neutralize that threat by publicly presenting the situation in it's entirety, so that David and everyone else could see the issue in context.
Since there is no Ignore feature here, perhaps we should take a lesson from NZ PM Jacinda Arden and simply "not mention his name again" or respond to his perpetual childish antics. He craves attention, let's not give him any.
Off to deal with much more meaningful and productive people/things now and relegate such overgrown children to the ashbin of the interwebs.
We have moved a couple people into moderation, which was enough of a pain for them (and me) that they sort of stomped off.
Thanks to you all for your good spirits and understanding. Back to writing!
February 27 Flag
@Gary: I changed it from Fund Discussion to Off-Topic, now are you happy. Your a real loser !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ted you really need to stay on your meds!
Can hedge funds be socially responsible? The Woof and Meow portfolio? WWWWW TTTTT FFFFF?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm not questioning someone's right to poop. I'm saying my right to not have vomit thrown on my face is equally important. Right now my only option is to not visit MFO. Which is what I've been doing mostly. To MY loss. And then I come here and what do I see?
There is no God.
@Vintage Freak: Well that makes at least three of us who believe that. The third is a friend of mine who claims to be a "born-again atheist".