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  • BenWP
    Happy New Year! Looking to re-join you in GRID, but my order was placed just before stocks started to rise in the late AM. Also reviewed M* write-up today on BEP, Brookfield Renewable Partners. It currently trades with a four-star rating and I like what I have been able to uncover thus far. I was a bit surprised not to find it in GRID’s portfolio. They do hold GEV, a true success story. I have an aversion to K-1 forms come April 15, so I am a bit reluctant to buy BEP. What do you see in BEP? I nibble at PAVE and AIRR when the markets decline for what seems to me to be no good reason. Thanks for any reaction you may have, Ben Palmer
    December 2024
  • davidrmoran
    I can pdf and email it to you if you like; lemme know
    October 2020
    • WABAC
      I may have the dinky linkys down. I am clearly behind the eight-ball rolling back to October 8, and whatever your generous offer refers too. And I've yet to pay much attention to whatever notification system for private messages is employed here.
  • johnN
    Right sir...may take profits/divs and place new monies into more equities...regards
    September 2020