Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I read the requirement-to-sign as an anticipatory first step of a hold harmless defense on part of the corporation. "Complainant knew or should have known ..." (However, I am not a legal scholar, just predisposed to be skeptical about things employe…
Not just MFO members are clicking on "capital gains" link. Posters on M* looking for a list have been directed here.
Is there any other place on the internet where the info is aggregated and available for free?
But think of the antelopes playfully leaping!
NH, lacking a sales tax or tax on wages, has a very high property tax rate and a lot of problems. Have looked into the state (which I *heart*) as retirement for self and relatives, and concluded it was a…
Thomas Cook reminds me of the Paris-Istanbul Orient Express, which finally gave up the ghost in 2009 (though a private company is now running the Venice-Simplon Orient Express using refurbished Compagnie International des Wagons-Lits carriages from …
Just to be clear about the red herring -- 44% of Americans paid no federal taxes -- that figure (I looked it up, after Romney made his campaign remark) applies to all Americans: babes in arms, retirees, students with no income whatsoever, servicemen…
For now, do nothing.
Here is some discussion at M*, with additional links inside:
If you click on a members name you will see his/her role either just member or member premium. Premium means that at some point $100 was contributed to MFO
False. "Premium member" means that at some point in the year a poster ponied up $100 AND as…
A nice shoutout for Marvin Kalb's book, Enemy of the People, not yet published.
But the president's frequent use of the phrase in all probability was picked up from Pat Caddell, a frequent contributor to Breitbart.
The phrase itself has been aroun…
@rforno: The Performance / Compare tab has been in place and has worked over the past 2 weeks when I tried it (I do not look at M* every day, so perhaps I missed a window when it did not work or was missing).
@Crash: The "case resolved" message is …
For those with a particular focus on emerging economies: since the last crisis, they have take steps to immunize themselves against (other countries') rate changes (think loans with interest calculated in sovereign currency versus somebody else's) …
@Crash: Your choice, but you may be bored.
Service jobs in the gig economy cover an ever-wider territory. Dog walking and housesitting pay reasonably well. Or perhaps you can work out of your home, if you choose to.
M* has a long current discussion of SFGIX:
A poster there pointed out it is 50/50 EM/developed markets.
M* forums (and other parts of the site) have been intermittently available this weekend (nothing to do with banning). A poster said M* was switching from http to https.
Limoman posted a couple of times on MFO and was driven off.
"I am hungry for these conversations about political context and the ways it's affecting my investments (which is my financial present and future)."
Except that's pretty much what is NOT being discussed.
The owner of a private website can pretty …
He just instructed his aides not to sign Final Communique, and dissed Canada's president for lagniappe.
I've looked at that photo for several minutes. The message is not simple - beyond the overt one of confrontation.
Mutual fund shareholders' annual meeting, yes, for Acorn funds (while Acorn still offered annual get-togethers).
I found them quite informative.
(thread drift)
Light Phone 2 is running an Indiegogo campaign.
Limited functions: Yes, No, Maybe, listed near bottom of page. Participants get to offer opinions on what they want on the phone; will be surveyed at intervals by developers.
I'm struck by Hon. Professor's recourse to the Lone Ranger's "we."
(I'll chalk it up to pressure of getting out a masterful newsletter every month.)
I think he means "them all -- but not us, natch -- consider such activities don't warrant their prec…
It is not a matter of "PC-ness" but of human rights.
@Edmond: I wish to address a few points in your write.
b. Sexual harassment (or other unwanted contact) is not analogous to "being rude." More at d, why did they wait.
c. Fighting back: You assu…
A few topics:
--Strategies for withdrawing retirement funds.
--How to build the emergency cash cushion.
--How to find and evaluate a financial adviser.
So, none of these looks like a topic discussed on MFO?
Christine Benze has done an enormous am…
Article grays out.
Funds mentioned:
TIGAX ("broad all-cap fund")
DFCSX ("European small-cap exposure")
TVIVX (is Third Avenue even alive?)
MISAX ("ranked in top 10% in its category on a five-year basis")
@Bud: Tim Egan is a wonderful, heart-lifting writer! I read his Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher, an account of the life of Edward Curtis, photographer of Native Americans, whose work is now highly valued for its cultural and aesthetic dimensions …
My summer reading is the usual mixed bag, even grab bag - reach for whatever is on top of the pile at the end of the day.
Most exciting reading arrived today: scores for part of Messiaen's Catalogue d'Oiseaux, which the fab pianist Pierre-Laurent Ai…
@catch22: Thanks for info. I am trying to help someone with dependents figure out when (and how) to retire. Planning is impossible.
Agree with @davidmoran.
To the topic of the thread, OT discussions and the blocking thereof, I would favor a moratorium of, say, 6 months, with a careful reintroduction (if it seems necessary), accompanied by real and actual posting guidelines.
For the major brawlers will…
A few thoughts: Generally, guidance on appropriate posts on a website comes from the top. As Professor Snowball seems to prefer leading by example rather than by issuing a set of guidelines, it is up to posters to guard their own speech.
Basic quest…
@MaryKay: Well, quite a few benefits. Bragging rights, as David mentioned, could be high: it's publicity, and also a demonstration of capability. If the hack originated in a rogue state, the security apparatus may be hovering in the background.
If t…
Cards are, I think, the low end of the problem. Letterpress stationery and many artisanal cards are created in the U.S., though the paper may be made elsewhere. Crane's Lettra paper, a cotton product used by some letterpress printers, *might* be mad…
@Anna: cider donuts in New Hampshire. They will make you want to live a long time so you can come back, year after year, for 2.
Were the childhood ones home-made?