Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
And using the SPLC as a guidepost just proves how absolutely meaningless & twisted your world view is...they're probably the most radical, far left loons out there...and have their own internal racist/sexist issues...FACTS dont care about your f…
Wow, ur so damn dumb & oblivious to your own racist fascist truly r an inbred, buck tooth cracker...typical of the unhinged morons of the left, you spew racist hateful comments & then accuse others of doing exactly what you ar…
Reeeee someone got triggered by actual FACTS!!! Or maybe someone missed his senility meds...grow a brain u fn retard and stop letting libtard media brainwash ur dumb a$s.…
Well whatever the cost, it's surely WELL WORTH IT!! You all seem to only be considering the $9 billion in lost revenue & that impact...well try dealing with the $182 billion spent in 2023 alone on illegal yeah, get these crimina…
DSMC Distillate Small/Mid Cash Flow ETF not much volume, still pretty new, but the strategy is a few years old & has some pretty decent stats.
FEHAX manager came from of his charges there was NHMAX, which was a pretty decent fund. Same with NVHAX, he short duration HY muni fund he ran at Nuveen.
@stillers I think you might have gotten some faulty info. This is from the basic info tab on a manager database I have access to. It has returns going back over 20 years for this strategy, with said returns being provided by the manager on a quarter…
Lots of info on GARP indexes on S&P website...for large/mid/small…
Those r the Quality returns if you strip out the int'l exposures. The US only strategy is a very new strategy, most clients just use the general Quality strategy. They are basically the exact same thing, for example, the 9/30 holdings for US only ar…
I'm trying to get more intel on this right now, as the ETF won't be an exact mirror to the GQETX mutual fund. The ETF will be US only, whereas the MF has 20% int'l allocation. Per our contact at GMO, "The intention is for the two portfolios to be ma…
@WABAC What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Excuse me for calling out BS. I'm a firm believer in an eye for an eye, reap what you sow, etc. And I sure as hell am not gonna let lefty loons talk nonsense without calling it out for what it…
It's sooo hilarious that it's 1000% always the Mean Libtard Snowflakes of MFO that bring politics into everything...yet then they blame conservatives for it. This is 2 posts now started by larryB showing how unhinged the lefty loons truly are.
@Old_Joe your out, as is larryB, Observant1, Crash, davidmoran, Baseball_Fan, and myself. You started it, so stick to your guns & disappear, loser!
And another thing @Old_Joe, it shows alot about you as a person, your character, and your lack of both intelligence & class, that you resort to name-calling & vulgarities. That 3rd grade public education on display here. a typical lefty, TDS infected loon, you fail to see the facts. You attack me for " injecting scurrilous & vile political comments" when I was just adding additional FACTS to the initial post of this thread that mentioned "the nom…
Yeah, not to mention the incompetent buffoon crime lord we have sleeping in the White House, with all his grossly inept, corrupt appointees running the country into the ground.
Here are a few private funds accessible to non-accredited folks that invest in student housing...not 100% student housing, but some investments.
Probably like me, sick of the crazy political rantings (mostly the commie liberal snowflake variety) that have infested every thread on here...and makes this a rather unsavory, unwelcoming shadow of what it once was or coulda been.
I've a feeling I'm the big outlier here...66% of my investments are in 1 stock. Though my portfolio is for sure unlike any here....15% wine & spirits, 10% cattle, around 1% mutual funds, and the rest rental real estate.
I say let SVB fail &stick to the $250k cap..Sickens me that these bank execs take huge risks & suffer none of the consequences. And love that they paid bonuses out just hours before the collapse. Gov't should clawback all that & all the …
I invested a small sum at the launch, sitting pretty flat still, with NAV increasing $0.01 about every 2 weeks or so, at $20.04 currently. Also have made their 6th investment as well.
@BaluBalu It didn't take long to exit, 2 quarters is all. I liked the fund, justdecided to play in other spaces by investing in similar products with Yieldstreet. In fact, the Variant fund has actually held various Yieldstreet investments in the pa…
I wonder how long this "silver squeeze" is gonna last? It's a waaay bigger market than GME or AMC and I'm not sure those keyboard warrior Reddit users have the patience to wait for a 1500% return that likely won't ever come.
Curious what this will …
@little5bee I've done a couple credit card deals, but avoid then cuz that's a sure credit pull...
I also do other things, like reward programs where you link your credit card & each time you shop or eat at certain places you get additional rewa…
I used to do this all the time, only pulled credit maybe 1 or 2 times, not a super big deal. I did it for a few years, actually used the bonuses to pay my water, sewer, trash...still haven't paid those with my own $$ after like 7 years. Kept a sprea…
Red states should ban the rich liberal scum from coming to their states...don't need them bringing that LIBERAL DISEASE with them & ruining well run red states.
Typical dimwit DemocRAT pick...pandering for the black & female vote. This after she called him a racist & all kindsa things during the debates....funny how that all works. She's no dummy, she knows if creepy senile Joe wins that she will be…
Obama era scandals:
- Clinton email fiasco
- Fast & Furious
- IRS abuses of political opponents
- Benghazi
- Obamacare
- Spying on journalists
- Iran nuclear deal
- GSA scandal
The list goes on & on...
Funny everyone brings up the bogus cha…
@FD1000 Hey TDS is strong with these snowflakes on this board. 3.5 years of BS investigations & attempts to remove Trump & these clowns can't find anything, yet look back at Osama's "scandal-less" time in office...LOL..>Osama was most cor…