Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
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That is Pepper, my cocker waiting for the mailman.
Yum!!!! Don't make beef soup without it. Where I grew up, we made a delicious succotash type dish starting with frying a few strips of bacon then adding corn, lima beans, and okra. (Other fresh veggies were sometimes added too.) So good. I even like…
That flies in the face of the "it's your money" argument for investment accounts replacing pensions and social security. I have to think that someone that rises to a position of power in a state government has at least a squeak of understanding of h…
So, do I need an etf made up of US Enterprises that construct and maintain pipelines, reserve storage tanks, and other things that provide capicity to accomodate the flow problems associated with oversupplies or will the rest of the world save their…
@BaluBalu A few months ago, after having been a BoA customer since the 1980s, I finally had to visit the local BoA branch to get an account set up for Merrill Edge. And, yes, I have checking, savings, safety deposit, credit cards,.... I haven't made…
@hank Well, maybe all that TaF-COF1910 surface area just sucks all the Twains right out of the upper class. All that structure stuff and capture reminds me of my undergraduate days pretending at research on micelles but, of course, they didn't suck,…
So @Mark, are you saying that inflation on beer is your daddy's daddy's fault? If so, that means inflation on whiskey is my daddy's daddy's fault. Oh the legacy of the daddy's daddys!
Over the 20th century we were afraid that, as we distanced ourselves from the WWII advantage, we would lose ground to Japan, then China, then the European Union. But we thought it was because we needed to compete better, adapting first one then the …
Most interesting is that this is an example where ignorance is no excuse. We have resolved the inexplicable. It really was "stupid" all along. (In a democracy, willful ignorance is the definition of stupid.)
Hi @hank Here's a scary political sign campaign from a 'flaming red sheriff'. Snippet: keep track of their addresses.
Do people like this sheriff even know what they are so angry about?
@hank Not sure but couldn't it fall to zero if all shares were up for sale and the highest bid was zero (or no bids)? Also, if the stock closed in penniless?
@Crash - not sure what you want translated. What are you looking for from a discussion of GPO/WEP? GPO is the most controversial, in my opinion, of the two since the entitlement of a widow who was a stay-at-home spouse is straight forward and not ad…
This has been going on a long time, especially ramped up at election time. In 2003, for example, Diamond and Orzag, made a sensible proposal that fit better into the information age:
Reforming the GPO and WEP
In Social Security
This proposal focuse…
So, they want City Hall to invent an undocumented dead-cat story that, with vague innuendo, points the finger at legal immigrants? I guess all it requires is a City Hall representative that lies, a live cat that plays dead, and a legal worker that l…
A federal Judge ruled against CFTC saying that election betting is neither gambling nor illegal activity - because elections are neither.
You could go on forever with this crazy logic. For example:
Shooting a gun anywhere, including schools, freeway…
When social justice becomes mistaken as communism, all is lost. I guess non-stupid people can find somewhere else to raise their children. That is as long as there is an anywhere else. Having watched how fast the US has turned from progressing to re…
Well, this morning we hear Putin endorses Harris. Easy to see as merely a joke or, perhaps, an attempt to turn any mention of Putin at the debate into a joke. So, if ties to authoritarian leaders might be used in the debate, gives Trump the ability …
It has been years since the annuity rate was anything.
Yea, options aren't great on the where-to-go front. Perhaps short-term a little F and, yes, S. At no time before have I considered TSP to be too limited but, now, it does. Maybe I am becoming …
I really hate to face TSP-G going back down. It's been too short a ride for this old lady. Nice while it lasted even if not the top rate I was expecting.
Yep, anyone already under a previous watch will get this about the NPD breach if they were in the database. I have been under the OPM breach and have a long-term (since 2015) ongoing watch as a result. The only warnings I have gotten before this wee…
Loved Grace Slick when I was a teen. A short time after Woodstock I was at a pop festival at a speedway near New Orleans. I was able to get right by the stage right under a set of speakers as she came on the stage let go with the haunting "White Rab…
So, I have a winning formula. @Derf and @Old_Joe meticulously report to MFO fans what and when they buy and sell. The rest of us will simply follow their lead backwards. WIN!!!!
@BaluBalu My first thought was: Is this a bond or currency play? Since it was me asking, I just figured it was another of those subtle things I just did not appreciate.