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That is Pepper, my cocker waiting for the mailman.
@BaluBalu My first thought was: Is this a bond or currency play? Since it was me asking, I just figured it was another of those subtle things I just did not appreciate.
Thanks, catch22, I also have a password protected Word file with USB backup with executor name on it. Contents are similar to yours. I update it at least once a year.
...penning a letter to him signed by billionaires and top executives....
So, @hank, um, isn't Biden bad for the 2025 tax expiration? Won't that cost these guys a lot? Are these normal Democratic candidate doners or people who would like to poison th…
Wait... I thought that everything that Trump does is "perfect"...I hope that you're not saying that isn't true!
There is a difference between "perfect" and "more perfect" when it comes to the future. From, for context, The U.S. Constitution: Preambl…
It seems to me that the majority of people who want the job are not fit for the job in one way or the other. Perhaps the problem has become one of individual purpose. The type of people who are rising to the top, by-in-large, seem to be looking for …
Monday sold VG 2025 retirement fund. No more retirement funds for me ! Took a L o n g time to recover from 2022 !
Vanguard Target Income, VTINX, has not completely recovered as of yet. Both funds, when corrected for inflation are probably not close …
If you think about it, if they did steal 33tb of data and REALLY wanted a ransom, they would have been smart enough to leave an easy to find track once the Fed IT group knew to look for it or they would have donated 1tb of data back to the Fed to pr…
Can I ask a, perhaps, dumb question? If I have a CD maturing on June 30, 2024, and the bank involved lowered their rate as of the end of the month, which rate do I get, the rate they listed for the new CD term pre-expiration or post-expiration assum…
Are you sure it isn't cardboard? Looks like something an adult might construct for a kid from construction paper or thin cardboard and leftover popsicle sticks. (Like paper airplanes.) Or maybe something seen in a cartoon or video game.
Therein lies the dilemma. I admit I fear for my fellow citizens that don't happen to be lily white and male. I am glad I probably won't live long enough to see the progress, if any, of the movement backwards with hate carried forward.
@rforno You are right. I never thought about it. GenX is truly the generation of transformation in many ways. There is always transformational change but, like the industrial age, the (what is it called?) age really surrounded the GenX experience of…
I haven't used it myself but some of my neighbors use a website called Nextdoor that people in the neighborhood use to exchange information. My next-door neighbor said that people just post a question about who others in the neighborhood use for yar…
The Controlled part of AI-Controlled is quite a wrinkle. But I have concluded that, with AI, we might invent war in which no soldiers die. Only innocent civilians would be in danger of being slaughtered. I say slaughtered because the best AI control…
80K $12.50 beers could last a very long time.
But seriously, my 1200 sq ft house in western Washington is zillowed at $650K. The house I grew up in the Mississippi Delta, a bit larger, of similar age and condition, is zillowed at $16K. Since I own…
Not every work from home job is literal. I know a guy that works at his home but drives to an airport 70 miles away to take a flight 800 miles to the office of the company he works for. And then returns the next day. He does this every week or somet…
Absolutely mesmerizing @Level5. Apple swallows the world toward the middle. Then the information age hype of the 90s becomes the Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, NVIDA, META with a dab of Amazon thrown in just teasing of today. But the appearance of some…
Ignorant of the constitution.
He thinks the Constitution is a preamble to the King James Version. You mean you don't chant a phrase from the Constitution before you pray?
It's a mess, huh? How long would the SEC and/or it's civil servants last if someone managed to return to the Whitehouse after an investigation of anything DJT was initiated?
@Derf If you open, read, or mouse-over those links, they are both dot_gov links. The first usgs_dot_gov, the second climate_dot_gov. So, your take on the information is really your opinion of information coming from federal agencies. I don't undo co…
@Old_Joe The photo leaves me to ask. How much co2 is being leased into the air ?
Going green ?
What gases are emitted by Kīlauea and other active volcanoes?Ninety-nine percent of the gas molecules emitted during a volcanic eruption are water vapor …
Good Grief. And we share the country with these nutjobs. And let them vote. Like they're normal people.
Ah, but @Old_Joe - Some "we-the-people" could overwhelm us and make them our "leaders" with full power over legislation. Oh, done deal.
Now, if …