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That is Pepper, my cocker waiting for the mailman.
The moment of truth will be when the Supreme Court issues rulings against the Trump administration.
Will the administration brazenly disregard these rulings?
I truly hope this does not happen.
We will have a real constitutional crisis and all hell …
@Mark Oh, you just have to have the Cybertruck Transformer Version. It transforms into a junk pile as you drive it. It is the ultimate in today's disassembly Transformers.
The Cybertruck has MAJOR issues
@Mark Thanks, I downloaded and did some sorting on the data but much work to do much with it. OTOH, the map on the page you linked has the by state data for "FEMA IHP & PA, and HUD CDBG-DR, data from September 2003 to January 2025". Interesting …
Is there something like a ten year total federal expenditures for disasters by state? It would be interesting to see, after FL and CA, which states would need to raise huge amounts of reserves for unforseen events. Many states have laws about spendi…
I received a refund of $70 a few weeks ago but I knew why. They had charged me IRMAA on Medicare D plans when I don't have a Medicare D plan. My insurance had, without my permission, signed me up for an AETNA D plan during open season that I had dec…
Did the Kentucky delegation give a stamp of approval and celebration for this? As far as Scotch goes, who in the US makes competitive Scotch liquor? If US prices of whiskies increase, will untaxed stills increase or will DUIs decrease. (Note, I wond…
What better way to inflict revenge on your country than to usurp power and execute policies that, historically, have wreaked enormous damage to that country.
I've called him a mass murderer for a long time. Trouble is that, when the murderer-in-chief is rich or powerful, he/she can sit in their easy chair and let the results of their actions result in massive suffering and death. No law against leading a…
Maybe, but the apprentice standing by is just as scary.
JD Vance is turning out to be the best insurance policy a President ever bought. (not to mention Johnson coming up in the rear)
It comes across as a giant conspiracy to set up an easily executed giant transfer of wealth from whoever is deliberately or randomly chosen to be a victim. (Yes, I know that is a leap but ... Russia?) Makes me wonder if a customer of one of these ba…
The right has gone from a dream of a "new world order" led by the US to a "US alone order" in a world led by Russia. Where was I in the last 25 years? Head-in-sand ostrich is me. I am horrified and impotent and wondering how on earth half the nation…
@rono Peace to you, too. Just curious though. What does it look like around where you live? Is the impact even greater than further south. I live close to the BC border and my town depends on massive sales to Canadian shoppers. They say they will st…
The Trump administration may exclude government spending from GDP, obscuring the impact of DOGE cuts
No problem when you can move the variables around when necessary.
A setup for the raping of the richest and most powerful country in the world. No protections at all for American citizens. Will shares be sold or just transferred?
Get out your sharpies. You might need to update your maps. Will we believe we have better weather when no one reports otherwise. Do crops also do better when they believe the growing season is always perfect? Do forest fires just go away in the west…
COVID was such a successful government serial killer program in the first term. Ebola is even better since it doesn't just suffocate the working class, it eats them and their children alive. Such fun. Better than chainsaw murders. Oh, the money savi…
Is this restricted,,, you know,,,, to white straight Protestant men from only certain countries?
Almost, but younger super rich Protestant women are OK if they are pretty and fertile enough.
@Sven I think time will tell. I'm not so sure it's anti-science as it might be a shift in several parameters like what is funded and who decides who gets the funding. It strikes me it could be used as a shift in payola, for example, funding research…
if there is a woke equivalent that you seek, which I have no heard of, I apologize
I wanted the Woke equivalent agenda. Someone said they couldn't go along with the "woke agenda" and, well, I felt a knawing to find out what exactly the agenda that i…
Yea, but he's kicking all those "not me" people out of the country. My hate for "others" is far more important than feeding my children!!!
I guess what I am saying is that I don't think his voters care about any warnings of consequences as long as …
I just realized that I just did that on a new post by Mark. I didn't check to make sure I was in the off-topic but just assumed I was. His post is about realistic economics as shown in government stats as opposed to affecting real lives. I just flas…
Speaking of unemployment numbers - How stupid I have been. One way to lie with the current count of unemployed is to fire a lot of people but stave off the count for several months by paying them with other people's money and calling them employed. …
Definitely investment. According to Morningstar, their main (or only) mission is: "...our mission—to empower investor success...." so must be. Case closed! ;)
I use 2 factor authenication. I just tested it to make sure it was still seamless. It was. It has two phone numbers for me. It lets me chose which I want the code to come to and whether by text or a phone call. I always choose my main mobile and tex…
Maybe some different sort of "autocracy". This is one possible integration of a variety of new ideas of what freedom (or something) is. Warning, I watched the entire thing but think just a few minutes would have had the same effect - scrambled brain…
Boy do I have good news for you guys! I have been suspecting this for quite awhile and don't need any more proof after the title to this bill. I died and this is my personalized hell. Boy did the Devil know how to go after things I cared most about.…
It's been the new trend these past few weeks - late Friday night massacres. Very alarming that the only pushback comes in the form of lawsuits - towards an admin that owns the Supreme Court (jesters) and half the judges out there in the system. …
I think they did this replacement because Politico is well respected and and HuffPost is like the right-wing opinion equivalent to left-wing opinion of FOX.
I would respond that copying files, depending on how handled and what they are, may be illegal and is illegal if sensitive, need-to-know, classified, etc. I find I ponder many dilemmas lately in a world where the "leadership class" is, not above the…
The reddit group "r/fednews" has a lot about what federal employees are reporting is going at the bench level. A strange complaint seems to be that new servers have appeared that go around the traditional chain of command and send threatening (perce…