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Gundlach Disses Gross

edited January 2017 in Fund Discussions
Ah, journalism, it's different today from when I was a lad. The picture itself is actually better than the story:



  • Is arrogance in a fund manager a bad omen?

    Nick de Peyster
  • I think most would agree that fixed-income investing could survive just fine without either of these two children. Give me managers like Dan Ivascyn, Matt Egan, Carl Kaufman, and Jason Brady who are seldom in the news at all.
  • Yes, couldn't agree more. Once upon a time they were good managers. Then came their ego....
  • Greed and Pride are two of the Seven Deadly Sins, and Pride is the root of all these sins.

  • Greed, actually, no? Radix malorum est cupiditas and all that.
  • @davidrmoran,

    υπερηφάνεια είναι η ρίζα όλων των κακών

    "Sin is the worst evil a person can commit in one’s life. Sin can broadly fall into the following categories or what are called the “Seven Deadly Sins”: Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Wrath, and Envy. Now although all these sins are exceptionally dangerous to a person’s soul, there is one that stands out: pride. Pride is one of the worst sins on this list because it taints every virtue, and makes salvation much harder to obtain. Although the seven virtues counter each of the deadly sins, pride is the sin which is able to affect them all in a way that the others cannot. Let us therefore go through the list of virtues, and realize how horrid it is to mix in the sin of pride."

  • Paul writing to Timothy precedes Evagrius / John the Ascetic in anybody's history, but point taken. Those boys evidently changed their mind, in this case perhaps as more prospered.
  • Good grief! I've scored every one of the seven at different times in my life (he said proudly). No hope for me, for sure.
  • @Old_Joe, Confession is good for the soul. We are all sinners, and repentance will save you and all of us.

  • @kevindow- Who said anything about repentance?
  • @Old_Joe, At least you will spend eternity with your dear friends !!
  • For sure!! :)
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