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tariff bluster from Trump is just that: a pretext



  • never once has trump mentioned americans are willing buyers of all the drugs he worries is linked to some trade imbalance.
    so the group he could actual impact the most, drug-consuming americans, are not humans to be treated, but part of some MAGA phrase-triggering in nonsensical partner nation economics.

    the above would no more occur to trump than russia paying for its bombing of ukraine.
  • It appears that the tariffs are simply meant to weaken Canada economically, as their economy is very dependent on exports.

    So...punish to what end? Well, when the White House Press Secretary was asked why Trump refers to the Prime Minister of Canada as "Governor", Karoline Leavitt said that Trump believes Canada would benefit from being the 51st state, and would then have no tariffs.

    Same for Greenland I suppose.
  • edited March 8
    Yup. economic bludgeoning. But "come and join us! Then you won't have to worry about being economically bludgeoned. See how nice we are? Come on down!"

    Same logic the fundamentalists use: God loves you more than you'll ever know. Take Jesus into your heart, and believe in him! But if you don't, he will GET you!
  • I do not want to get into OT but

    IMO, there can be more than one goal here. I would not be surprised if one of the goals is regime change. The other could be to announce to the world how mean our government can be - by slapping around a dearest friend. I think @WABAC said well in one of his recent posts - no point trying to figure out “why.”
  • BaluBalu said:

    I do not want to get into OT but

    IMO, there can be more than one goal here. I would not be surprised if one of the goals is regime change. The other could be to announce to the world how mean our government can be - by slapping around a dearest friend. I think @WABAC said well in one of his recent posts - no point trying to figure out “why.”

    Well, that's just me, and my retirement.

    I don't blame the Canadians for taking him, and his minions, at their words, and regarding the threat as existential. Trudeau and Joly have been quite specific about that. We'll see if that changes after the party conference tomorrow. I doubt it.

    I couldn't help but notice their recent action against our largest pork processor, that just happens to be owned by the ChiComs. No doubt the paper work will be straightened out eventually.
  • On AF1: "All I know is, is we’re going to take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs, and we’re going to become so rich, you’re not going to know where to spend all that money..."

    Shades of his 2016 quote "There will be so much winning, you're going to say 'Sir, please make it to stop!'"

    As if that worked then -- or will work now.

    IMO the economic and diplomatic crash he will gleefully walk us into will be legendary, and for all the wrong reasons.

  • rforno said:

    IMO the economic and diplomatic crash he will gleefully walk us into will be legendary, and for all the wrong reasons.

    Agreed, unless somebody can stop him. And there is not much hope for that.

    He will pass off the blame, and take our markets down.....while he plays golf and threatens our former allies.

  • edited March 10
    JD_co said:

    He will pass off the blame, and take our markets down.....while he plays golf and threatens our former allies.

    Maybe invest in fertilizer and golf balls? Body armor & fake ID if planning travel abroad?

    (Just trying to keep this thread under “investing”)
  • hank said:

    JD_co said:

    He will pass off the blame, and take our markets down.....while he plays golf and threatens our former allies.

    Maybe invest in fertilizer and golf balls? Body armor & fake ID if planning to travel abroad?

    (Just trying to keep this thread under “investing”)
    In my Schwab income account I'm primarily investing in things people/society need -- energy and electricity/utilities -- regardless of economic climate, with only a tiny slice of growth speculation.

    My long-long G*I account will just do its thing and DRIP on w/o much if any adjustments.

  • Its "risk off" while the markets digest tariffs, continued inflation, govt instability at all levels and severed ties to former allied nations.
  • How can you invest intelligently when this is what you are dealing with. (From Josh Moon on Reddit.)

    "Attention: We will be having tariffs. Not this week though. We are having tariffs next week. But not on trucks. And also you'll need to answer five questions at your federal job. Except for some of you. Actually, none of you have to answer. And the tariffs are back on starting tomorrow, no take-backs. The tarrifs are canceled for one month. You all have to answer the five questions. Well maybe not all. Also we're going to sell 500 pieces of property like for real. We're not sure about 500, maybe only 350. Forget it, we can't decide about the properties. The tariffs are coming back. Have you answered the five questions? You don't have to. Would you like to buy some properties? Also if you've been fired and know anything about landing planes or diseases, you need to come back. Additionally, if you have thoughts on how to lower egg prices or inflation, please just put them as the five answers. Or don't. Hope this clears things up."

    Your Co-Predident
  • edited March 10
    Thanks for the ideas guys. If I could find some place to throw some $$ I would. I agree that real assets are a good place to be (inflation hedge) but my largest holding is RAPAX - a more conservative real assets fund. And utilities / infrastructure look good, but I have enough. I like some limited exposure to international bonds - anticipating a weaker dollar. Calamos knows how to hedge risk. Both CPLSX and CPZ which I own have held their own in recent weeks. A long shot is JEQ a Japan equity CEF. Has done better than any of my other CEFs in recent days, although off today by over 1%.

    Thinking … If this continues past 3:30 might do some limited buying across the board. Crazy markets for sure.
  • LMAO -- @Mark - that Josh Moon piece was great.
  • edited March 10
    Good one @Mark. BTW - TSLA off 15% today and down 55% since mid-December. Breaks my heart.
    Wonder if they’re giving them away free yet? :)
  • Ye of little faith!!!!!!!
    We have the two smartest, know-it-all guys in the country - no, make that the world,- no on second thought make that the cosmos - making economic decisions. What could go wrong?
  • Ye of little faith!!!!!!!
    We have the two smartest, know-it-all guys in the country - no, make that the world,- no on second thought make that the cosmos - making economic decisions. What could go wrong?

    Where are you hiding these two very smart guys? Because we ain't seeing them over here.

  • I would have thought that "...the cosmos" surely would have signalled sarcasm, but perhaps it was too subtle a poke.

  • I would have thought that "...the cosmos" surely would have signalled sarcasm, but perhaps it was too subtle a poke.

    I was piling on. We all got it.

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