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Trump blames Ukraine for starting war with Russia

edited February 18 in Off-Topic

“Today I heard, ‘Oh, well, we weren’t invited,’” Trump said when asked about criticism from Ukraine, seeming to direct his response to Zelenskyy. “Well, you’ve been there for three years. You should have ended it — three years. You should have never been there. You should have never started it. You should have made a deal.”

The comment — ignoring that it was Russia that invaded Ukraine without provocation three years ago this month — was Trump’s harshest condemnation to date of the Ukrainian side.


  • @JD_co let's say there are 1 million Ukrainian Americans in the United States. I would like to know how many voted for trump.
  • U'mmm... maybe 2​​​​​​​​​?
  • @Old_Joe - of those 2 I wonder how many were actually Russian illegal aliens masking as Ukrainian.
  • Yeah... probably both.
  • edited February 19
    Orange Clown. His integrity and intelligence are pulp. "Should have made a deal." But some things are more important than MONEY, more important than profit and the bottom line.
  • edited February 20
    'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'
  • hcr tonight

    >> When he left office just a month ago, Biden said he was leaving the Trump administration with a “strong hand to play” in foreign policy, ... “an America with more friends and stronger alliances, whose adversaries are weaker and under pressure,” than when he took office.
  • hcr tonight

    >> When he left office just a month ago, Biden said he was leaving the Trump administration with a “strong hand to play” in foreign policy, ... “an America with more friends and stronger alliances, whose adversaries are weaker and under pressure,” than when he took office.

    Well, we can't have THAT. Better we attack our friends and cozy up to Pooty.

  • The Orange Criminal thug is no doubt a Russian tool, a Russian asset. He'll do what he's told. He has zero reputation to worry about. Nothing to lose. No integrity. So, why not? Zelensky is correct: the Orange Felonious WAD lives in a disinformation bubble.
  • How ironic that clowns like Hondo and Baseball_Fan accuse the Dems of being "communists". They obviously can't see the real thing when it's their "king".
  • @Old_Joe and the master clown, BS1000.
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