BBC out in front on storyI can sympathize with the users, whether social or business related. Has to hurt. Breaking addictions is very hard and can cause emotional distress and worse. And many use the business feature to support themselves. We are at the intersection of technology and national security. An early chapter.
Heck, I’d ban Facebook, Twitter and all the other non fact-checked crap (and
FAUX too). But that’s just my selfish view. Bring back fact-checked newspapers with a sense of public responsibility and some accountability for their claims under the law I say!
Social media information is nothing more than the individual's comments provided on online articles. Take a look topics posted in here at MFO, comments are often posted with supporting sources and many discussion follows.
But in truth, CT is the essence of education. Any teacher worth his salt works towards that goal. CT can be applied to any subject matter. Some areas like social studies, writing, oral communications or literature, lend themselves more easily. But, really, critical thinking belongs everywhere. I like to think a lot of progress has been made in schools since the 60s. But when I read about books being banned by various socio-political groups I wonder.