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  • edited July 2024
    I do not bet that Harris, even with Obama as Veep, could beat the Orange Criminal Scum. I just don't sense that she could win. Not enough votes. Justified or not, she appears to be aligned with The Squad and the whole "woke" thing. If that movement began as a good idea, it's gone radically nuts by now. Obama might temper the pro-Israel environment to some extent, but he would not be the Prez. The genocide in Gaza would continue.

    It will be difficult enough, also, to get necessary funding to assist Ukraine. As it is, that country's receiving just enough aid to survive, not WIN. (Shit.) That's due to some extremely blind Repugnants in the House, mostly.

    The Trump-monster will surely receive a pile of votes just because he's not a Democrat. At least, it has not been CONVENIENT for him to be a Democrat. He holds to no principles, no integrity, no character. And he is clueless STILL about the purpose and function of government. In the previous term, reasonable people left or were pushed out of the Administration. He's going to fill as many slots as is convenient for him with "yes-men." And "yes-women."

    The country is screwed. And SCOTUS is an active agent in that process. Rule of Law? Whose Law? The laws we all have to follow? Or the laws that are tailor made for Donald, the Orange P.O.S.? ....Eisenhower, Lincoln, Grant and others are spinning in their graves.
  • It's my hope that the women (and men with women in their life they care about) will save the day due to the abortion issues and the possibility of losing their rights. I'm voting for a party more than a president to try and protect the women I care about. Have faith in the American voter but cross your fingers for good luck.
  • Sorry, @gman57. No faith. Just none. If American voters actually cared about quality, reasonable options, our choices in the Fall would not be:
    Orange Fart
    Uncle Joe
    Cornel West
    Jill Stein.

    Lots to like from where I sit in the latter two's platforms; but the world is not ready for such Idealism. Will it ever be? Too many US voters are barely as smart as a hammer. Honestly.
  • edited July 2024
    "Too many US voters are barely as smart as a hammer."

    Dang, I have to agree on that one. ;^)
  • It seems to me that the majority of people who want the job are not fit for the job in one way or the other. Perhaps the problem has become one of individual purpose. The type of people who are rising to the top, by-in-large, seem to be looking for something for their own egos rather than possessing a vision of a better future for the country. It is a problem that no one that is "more perfect" wants the job.
  • Wait... I thought that everything that Trump does is "perfect"...I hope that you're not saying that isn't true!
  • Anna said:

    It seems to me that the majority of people who want the job are not fit for the job in one way or the other. Perhaps the problem has become one of individual purpose. The type of people who are rising to the top, by-in-large, seem to be looking for something for their own egos rather than possessing a vision of a better future for the country. It is a problem that no one that is "more perfect" wants the job.

    That's an idea that Chris Hedges has expressed more than once. I agree. Which is precisely why Colin Powell volunteered to say: "I had to shake hands with a lot of pigs along the way." I believe Powell was a genuine leader, though he was duped within the Cabinet about Iraq and WMD. The Repugnant Party now belongs to Trump. Real Republicans are few and far between. Powell was one.
  • "Powell was one." Yes, I really liked that man. The bastards hung him out to dry.
  • Old_Joe said:

    Wait... I thought that everything that Trump does is "perfect"...I hope that you're not saying that isn't true!

    There is a difference between "perfect" and "more perfect" when it comes to the future. From, for context, The U.S. Constitution: Preamble >
    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,....
    That is where vision comes in. Vision that is lacking in the context of a "more perfect" future for America.

  • @Anna- at this point hoping for "more perfect" is futile. I'd settle for "maybe a little better", but even that is probably wishful thinking.
  • "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18.

    The country is rudderless, and too many seem quite agreeable to putting a grown CHILD who is an ignorant, orange, criminal douche-nozzle in the Oval Office AGAIN. Blind leading the blind. Partisanship is the Order of the day. Anyone with any intelligence and vision is doomed before they stand to speak. Our long, slow grind downward has shifted into a higher gear. And it shows.
  • edited July 2024
    Thanks @Mark / Interesting speculation …

    Something has to give ….

    I suspect pressure is being applied on Biden by Harris & her supporters to hang tough. Obvious reasons. Problem is - He may be afflicted with a degenerative condition. Don’t know. If so … think 4 months out to the election or 6 months out to Inauguration Day. Would such condition be likely to improve over time? A couple friends have spoken to me about cognitive decline in spouses. How painful it was for them. It doesn’t get better.

    (If anybody feels my comments are absurd or disrespectful in any way, I’d be happy to delete.)

  • @hank.
    Your remarks certainly fit into the discussion. No need to be obsequious. Makes sense to me.
  • @hank - No, I think your comments are pertinent. I traveled down that road with a very good friend and there are a lot of similarities. Tough call.
  • Hank-both my parents had Alzheimer's Disease-so your remarks are spot on: the condition never gets better !
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