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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Harris Poll - Public Perceptions About The Economy (May 2024)



  • Also included NYC’s 9.75% tax


    For the record, "The City Sales Tax rate is 4.5%, NY State Sales and Use Tax is 4% and the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District surcharge of 0.375% for a total Sales and Use Tax of 8.875 percent."

    And a worldwide comparison of McDonald's prices:
  • edited May 2024
    Thanks for the correction re NYC tax @msf. I corrected my earlier mention. 8.875% sounds a lot better.

    I suppose one might “recoup” that amount of value by taking enough (free) rides on the Staten Island Ferry.
  • edited June 2024
    "Stock markets are booming, regularly hitting new all-time highs. Unemployment is near a historic low, the economy is growing at a healthy clip and inflation continues to drop toward normal. So why are Americans convinced their economy is in deep trouble?"

    "Political polarization has left much of the population determined to see only the worst under Biden. When the Michigan survey is broken down by party identification, it turns out that Republicans think current conditions are worse than at any point during the Great Recession. Online echo chambers amplify such sentiments, as do the lingering anger and discontent in the wake of the pandemic."

    "Not everyone buys the same things, and basic essentials, such as food and energy, take a bigger chunk of lower-income people’s budgets. And this begins to show why things seem so bad to so many."
  • edited June 2024
    Charlie Bilello & Peter Mallouk discuss public perceptions about the economy
    in Signal or Noise episode 27 (from 01:30 - 10:23).
  • Bidenomics- gimme a break- our people are getting crushed by high EVERYTHING- stock market boom- yes, but for how long??get a grip you guys please
  • This forum gets a lot of political pot shots in the name of economic and investing discussion. As I have said many times, I would pay for that Ignore function / feature I have asked for.

    Here is Moody's view -
  • There was a time when I uncritically believed what was said.
    Walter Cronkite.
    Perhaps my faith was misplaced, as it was in believing my father's utterances.
    But, I was so disappointed in Dan Rather.
  • Zandi ✔️

    Although this thread is hardly “political“, learn to skip?
  • Balu Balu etc- Moodys view who cares?? Its fine if your poilitical views as well as so many others are respected-BUT a view from reality isnt?? Biden is destroying the country-get real
  • >> Biden is destroying the country - get real

    With destructive rightwingnut crap flung like this, I take back my defense of this inflation thread
  • edited June 2024
    The thread wasn’t intended to promote, disparage, evaluate or debate Bidenomics vs. Trumpism. It was intended only to share the Harris Poll public perception results and elicit civil discourse. All four of the following are relevant to the investing public regardless of political affiliation.

    Here’s the poll results again …

    55% believe the economy is shrinking

    56% think the US is experiencing a recession

    49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year

    49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high

    So people wanting to promote or disparage any particular political party or personality should move their debate to the appropriate “OFF-TOPIC” section of the board.
  • edited June 2024
    “Economic history is a never-ending series of episodes based on falsehoods and lies, not truths. It represents the path to big money. The objective is to recognize the trend whose premise is false, ride that trend, and step off before it is discredited.”
  • edited June 2024
    Somehow people participating in polls think they are influencing those consuming the poll data. Similarly, people who post political and strong personal preferences also think they are influencing/ converting others to their presumed enlightened view. If only the man knew how little the world thinks of him or his influence after he is dead, he would not waste his time trying to influence / converting others. I shall let him live in his fantasyland!

    What is not acceptable is he pooping in a neighborhood park and expecting visitors to learn to skip. This forum is far from an outhouse.

  • Bla Bla bla- gentelemen please- its not right wing crap I was talking- I live in the REAL world- and inflation in choking our people- THATS what real!! its neither left or right- just cant have your agenda challeneged can you?? Too bad
  • I am surprised at some of this proud reduced-information posturing. I have learned just an enormously helpful amount of American law and civics the last few years from watching, beyond PBS, MSNBC and CNN. I do miss Al-Jazeera, but perhaps if I poked around a bit more, or used Youtube, I could find it again.

  • ...Anyhow, the news is all "spin" anymore. And the "spin" is so utterly predictable. And when did "pregnant women" become "pregnant persons?" Politically correct nonsensical agenda working its way into our vocab. It's a concerted effort. And most of it is fecal, illogical and nuts.

    I watch PBS News Hour, but leave it when the soft-news final segment starts. I might watch Al Jazeera more often, but the sound mixers get a failing grade. The segue jingle music is DEAFENING. So I go to the webpage. Also, The Hill. It pays to keep up, despite my despair. This country is on final descent into the crapper.
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